You are here to know the Abu Dhabi Postal Code or the Abu Dhabi Zip Code. You must be aware that there is no postcode in Abu Dhabi. The impost issues post boxes to individuals and companies to utilize postal services. You can get a post box by paying an annual fee to the post office. After that, you will be able to use that post box number to receive your mail. In the same way, it works for companies.
Abu Dhabi Postal Code
Abu Dhabi postal Code is ‘’ 00000’’. Yes, it’s a fact, like other Emirates Abu Dhabi also has no postal code. It is a famous query, perhaps due to this strange answer. So you will simply write N/A or 00000 when asked to write the Abu Dhabi postal code in any document.
Abu Dhabi Postal Code
Abu Dhabi Zip Code
Abu Dhabi Zip Code
The Abu Dhabi Zip code also does not exist. As per common sense, we can say the Zip code of Abu Dhabi is 00000”. You don’t need to search for it on any other site. It is a fact; that none of the Emirates has a zip or postal code in UAE.
Postal System of Emirates
MAKANI number is used in UAE, which is a 10-digit number that gives you the exact location of the entrance to a building. It is the official geographic address system in the emirates of Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, and Umm Al Quain.
Each building has its own unique number. However, there exists a P.O. Box numbers system and all postal orders can be delivered there. You can use the post office box number of your area instead of postal or zip codes.
It is a fact that there isn’t any Abu Dhabi Zip code or Abu Dhabi postal code. The situation is similar to all other UAE states. But the question is how to handle it when an Amazon Ali Express or similar company wants to write these codes.
The best option is to select 00000 as the default zip code for any place within the UAE. We’ll also talk about different options to resolve the issue below.
You may leave the zip code field or postcode field unfilled or write “NA”.
Using UAE for the postcode or the United Arab Emirates for the country is an alternative.
The number you have is your UAE phone number begins with 05 such as 05012345 (that is not an authentic UAE flexible number). The advantage is that, if there’s any issue with location or conveyance the mail center of the UAE will every once in a while contact your phone in an attempt to relay the message, and more likely to happen using bundles and bundles than letters.
Create a new postcode in the event that there’s a non-existent postal district or postcode layout expected. It is possible to verify authenticity online for the appropriate country, assuming that the lodging structure needs a valid postcode, as well as a significant arrangement. All things are equal, In the event that you’re compelled to test this method on the internet, it is important to determine whether or not you are true.
It is the UAE PO Box that can be used as an address of conveyance. According to the Emirates Post, you can get a PO box by paying an annual fee of 300 AED, 695 AED, or 995 AED. These are 3 different packages offering different facilities. In this way, when you use a PO Box number, you need no Abu Dhabi Postal code or Abu Dhabi zip code for your mail.
According to the details provided by the Emirates Post, it is a personal P.O. Box service designed for individuals who need a secure and reliable way to receive their mail and packages. With this service, you can rent a private postal mailbox that only you have access to, ensuring that your mail and packages are always safe and secure.
You will get a Physical PO Box at one of the Emirates Post locations and 1 additional agent for the 1st year. In this package “you got mail” regular notifications and SMS notifications “eShaar”. You will also be provided an online mail history portal and secure storage of oversized items.
If someone asks about a Dubai visa check by passport number only, he may be an ex-pat working in the Arab Emirates or a visitor. That is not all, there are two more types of people who may be interested in knowing their UAE visa status.
Yes, they are the applicants who have applied for a UAE visa and want to know its status. The other are those who collect their visa-stamped passports from agents and tend to verify the authenticity of visas.
Whatever the type of people may be, the answer to their question is how to check UAE visa status with passport number. is available in this blog. We have given step-by-step guidelines for this easiest method by which all of them can check their UAE visa status.
You need only your passport number and its expiry date to check UAE visa status with passport number. This is the reason why most people like this method.
Moreover, you can use this service from inside or outside of the UAE. Anyways, you have to follow these steps to check your UAE visa status. People also call this method ” Dubai visa check by passport number only”.
Step1: Open the website of the Federal Authority of Identity and Citizenship by clicking on this link: Smart Services
This site may take a few minutes to open in rush hours, as there is huge traffic from all around the world. So keep patience and don’t close the window.
Step 2: Check the language and change it to English, if opened in Arabic.
Step 3: There are two options under ‘’Select by’’. You have to choose ‘’Passport information’’. That is why we like the method of Dubai visa check by passport number only.
Step 4: Now select the type either ‘’Visa’’ or ‘’Residency’’. If you are working there, then select a Residency. Otherwise, your choice will be ‘’Visa’’.
Step 5: Scroll down and put your Passport number and expiry date in the relevant boxes. Then there is a box of nationality which you will select from the drop-down menu. It is well explained in the screenshot given below.
Step 6: Then Check the ‘’I am not a robot’’ box and press the ‘’Search’’ button.
Congratulations, you have completed the task and can see your UAE visa status on the next page which will be opened within a few minutes. In this way ” Dubai visa check by passport number only” process is completed.
Important Points:
In case, you are an applicant the system will show your application status that either it is approved or declined, or is under process.
If you have gotten a UAE visa from an agent and the system is not endorsing your application in ‘’UAE visa status’’, it means your visa is fake. Otherwise, it will show that your visa is approved and received.
If you are in UAE, then you can also use the entry number instead of the Passport number. It will not apply if you still not have entered.
You can perform this operation by checking UAE visa status with a Passport number by using a Desktop computer, Laptop, or even your smartphone.
Check Dubai Visa Status Enquiry On The GDRFA Website
Dubai visa applicants who applied through the Amer centers in Dubai can track their visa applications through the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai here:
First of all, open the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs website. You do not need to log in to check Dubai visa status online.
On opening the page, select the Residence Validity on the dropdown option.
Enter your Residence visa File Number. See this residence file number on your visa page on the passport.
Then enter your full name as shown on your passport.
After that, select the gender.
In the next step, give your date of birth in the required format (dd-mm-yyyy).
Now fill up the captcha and click on “Submit”.
Now the system will show your visa status with your name, expiry date, visa number, and other particulars.
Contact Amer Center
You can also know your Dubai visa status by contacting the Amer Center. Their contact number is 800 5111 and their email address is; Amer website:
For other Emirates Visa Tracking
The people who have applied for a visa to Abu Dhabi, Umm Al Quwain, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ajman, or Ras Al Khaimah, will have to track their visa applications on the following website;
This site will ask you to enter the ‘Request number’ or the Application number. After doing so, the system will give you an update on the visa application status.
Video Tutorial For Dubai Visa Check
Final Words:
Friends, let me assume that your question ‘’how to check UAE visa status with passport number?’’ is being answered properly. However, if you feel any difficulty or have a query regarding the Dubai visa check by passport number only, you can use the comment box to ask any question. We will try our best to respond quickly in order to resolve your problem.
Like Dubai postal code, Dubai Zip Code is ‘’00000’’ and the fact behind this number is the same. So if anybody asks you the zip code of Dubai you can advise him to write five zeros as a symbolic effect.
Facts About Zip Code of Dubai
After explaining the Facts behind Dubai postal and zip codes, no rocket Science was left behind the Zip Code Dubai. The important thing to know is to‘’ make sure that you have written the correct Makani Number while entering your postal address”.
Friends, you also can use the Dubai Central Postal Code which is 337-1500, Mumtaz Speed Postal Code 337-1243, and Jumeirah Postal Code 337-1500 instead of the Dubai Postal and Zipcode accordingly.
Dubai Postal Code
You want to know the Dubai Postal code to use in a postal address or legal document. Well, what will your response be if we ask you to write ‘’00000’’ as the Postal code of Dubai? Of course, it is an astonishing fact that there is no postal or zip code for any State of UAE.
Dubai Postal Code
Dubai Zip Code
Facts about Postal Code Dubai
According to the UAE postal system, every building in Dubai has its own ‘’Makani Number’’ instead of the city or state’s postal code. This number is mandatory to write with every address either used for postal delivery or for any other purpose. If you write Makani’s number on any packet it must be delivered to that specific building.
As a result of this fact, the Dubai central post office advises writing the Postal code of Dubai as ‘’00000’’ where it is essential.
Area Wise Dubai Postal Codes
Ayal Nasir
Burj Nahar
Ud al Bayda’
Business Bay
Urqub Juwayza
Carmen Village
Abu Hail Dubai
City of Arabia
Abu Hayl
Corniche Deira
Ad Daghayah
Culture Village
Airport Free Zone
Dawwar Burj Nahar
Al Usbij
Al Aweer
Al Awir
Discovery Gardens
Abu Hail
Downtown Burj Khalifa
Al Baraha
Dubai Aid City
Al Bada’a
Dubai Airport Freezone
Al Baharnah
Dubai Autodrome
Al Blush
Dubai Festival City
Al Barahah
Dubai Healthcare City
Al Barari
Dubai Industrial City
Al Barsha 1
Dubai Financial Centre
Al Barsha 2
Media Production Zone
Al Barsha 3
Dubai Internet City
Al Barsha First
Al Barsha Second
Al Barshaa Second
Dubai Land Dubai
Al Barshaa Third
Dubai Life Style City
Al Faq
Dubai Marina
Al Furjan
Dubai Pearl
Dubai Central Post Office
Dubai Central Post office deals with the Postal and zip codes system. This system suggests using PO Box numbers in case of Business addresses and posts. Like companies, individuals also can get a PO box for receiving their posts safely. Its registration fee is AED 70 and you will have to pay AED 250 every year as an annual fee.
Sharjah Zip Code
The Sharjah zip code and the Sharjah postal code are being searched by local citizens and foreigners. Actually, there is no postal code for Sharjah. Its exact answer is given below.
Sharjah Postal Code
Sharjah Zip Code
UAE Postal Code
The United Arab Emirates is known due to its international city Dubai also called global a city. It is an interesting fact that 70% population of the UAE consists of foreigners. They need the UAE Postal Code for correspondence because they don’t know that the UAE has no postal code. So we can say that the Postal code of UAE is 00000.
UAE Zip Code
You can write NIL in front of the UAE zip code in any form or envelope. In search engines, you may find the zip code of UAE is 00000. Both answers are correct.
It is an admitted fact that there is no Dubai zip code or Dubai postal code and the situation is the same for the other UAE states. But the question is raised, what to do when an Amazon, Ali Express-type company asks to write these codes?
The first option is to use 00000 as a default zip code for anywhere in the UAE. We will also discuss other options to solve your problem below.
You can also leave the zip code or postcode field blank, or can write ‘’NA”.
Using UAE for the postcode, and United Arab Emirates for the country is another option. ·
Your UAE cell number beginning with 05 for example 05012345 (that is not a genuine UAE versatile number). The benefit of this is that assuming there is a location or conveyance issue, the mail center in the UAE will once in a while telephone your versatile to attempt to get the thing conveyed – more probable with bundles and bundles than with letters.
Make something up on the off chance that there is a prohibitive postal district or postcode design anticipated. You could have to check legitimacy online for the pertinent nation assuming that the accommodation structure requires a legitimate postcode, in addition to a substantial arrangement. In any case, everything being equal, assuming you are compelled to attempt this strategy on the web, you ought to address whether or not you truly ·
The UAE PO Box is utilized for conveyance addresses. It will wind up showing up two times on the location name however you will in any case just get one duplicate of the bundle or letter.
In Dubai, the Makani number for your actual area (assuming that you know what it is, there should be a mark on the structure or fence). The mailing station will not convey your mail there, you actually need a PO Box for that, yet the source won’t realize that.
Most People usually ask these common questions about UAE Postal and zip codes. We have answered these frequently asked questions below.
Q)– What is the Postal code of Dubai?
Answer: According to the Dubai Central Post Office, the Postal code of Dubai is ‘’00000’’.
Q)– What is the Zipcode of Dubai?
Answer: The Zip code of Dubai is the same, 00000.
Q)– What is the Sharjah Postal code?
Answer: You can write ‘’00000’’ as the postal code of Sharjah.
Q)– What is the Zip code of Sharjah?
Answer: Like other cities of UAE Sharjah also has no postal or zip code. You can use the same Penta zeros.
Final Words
Friends, there is no doubt that the Postal codes make the postal system easy and used in most countries. But UAE Post uses Makani Number instead. So always use five zeros as Dubai postal code and Dubai zip code where it is necessary.
All the complications existing related to this topic have been removed in our view. However, you have the power of decision and of course, your opinion matters to us. So we hope you will express your views about this blog by commenting below.
If you are on the road and your car is running out of fuel, you will immediately search ‘’nearest petrol station’’ or “Petrol station near me in Dubai’’ on your cell phone. The friends who use gas may search for ”Gas Station Near Me” as well.
Nearest Petrol Station in Dubai
UAE has around 4 million cars on the road and to facilitate these vehicles they have the best network of petrol stations. Due to the increasing number of cars even with reliable and trusted public transport networks, there are many petrol stations in Dubai around every corner of the major roads.
The petrol stations are usually set up on all prime roads, major locations, and busy highways. Their purpose is to serve both commercial and private vehicles. This article has all the information about the top fuel distribution and retail companies, and the types of fuels they are offering. We will discuss here the top petrol stations in Dubai so that you can easily search the Petrol station near you in Dubai in case of any emergency.
UAE has allowed many fuel retail companies to operate by establishing petrol stations at different locations. We have provided the list below:
ADNOC Petrol Stations Near me
You are looking for an ”adnoc petrol station near me”. The answer to your query is available here. This famous fuel company was established in 1973 and since then it’s been one of the top fuel retailers in the UAE. They provide petroleum services with a network of more than 400 petrol stations across the UAE. You can find your nearest petrol station in Dubai from this list.
Dubai Hills – Dubai Phone: +971 800 300.
Dubai Investments Park Dubai. Phone: +971 800 300
Business Bay – Dubai, Open 24 hours
Al WarqaAl Warqa 2 Dubai, Open 24 hours
1 Al Waha St – Al Quoz – Al Quoz 3 – Dubai
Al Barsha – Al Barsha South – Dubai Phone: +971 800 300
Jebel Ali Industrial Area – Jebel Ali Industrial – Dubai
Al Bada’a – Dubai, Phone: +971 800 300
Hessa Street Remraam Al Thammam, Dubai. Phone: +971 800 300
The Villa Dubai. Open 24 hours
Dubai Studio City – Dubai – United Arab Emirates.
Golf City – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Nouakchott Street Al Warqa – Al Warqa 3 Dubai. Phone: +971 800 4455
Al Qusais Industrial AreaAl – Al Qusais Industrial Area 2 – Dubai
Al Waha – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Nad Al Sheba – Nad Al Sheba Sheba 1 Dubai
Rove Hotel – Al Satwa – 15 28th St – Al Jaffiliya – Dubai
Police Station – Mina Jebel Ali – Jebel Ali Industrial – Dubai
ADNOC is included in the list of best petrol pumps in Dubai for its years of service to the public and quality of fuel. ADNOC provides different types of fuels such as Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), and lubricants to keep the vehicle’s engine young.
Type of Fuels
ADNOC is offering 3 types of fuels at their petrol pumps in Dubai:
Super 98: Ideal for vehicles with high-compression engines.
E-Plus 91: Ideal for vehicles with low-compression engines.
Special 95: Ideal for vehicles that run on medium octane fuel.
Other Services Offered by the ADNOC Pumps
The ADNOC petrol stations found as ADNOC My Station are not only for refueling your vehicles but they are also providing a number of other services to customers:
The facility of changing tires.
Oil changing facility.
Car wash.
Variety of lubricants.
LPG cylinders.
Bi-fuel conversion option.
Car care services.
Convenience stores.
Rahal Top up and Salik Top up.
Fast food facilities at most stations.
Prayer areas for travelers.
Note: The services apart from fuel services may vary from station to station. However, you can find the nearest petrol station easily with the help of the above-stated list.
ADNOC has also installed self-service fuel stations at major points so owners can fuel up their cars at any time. They have established many petrol stations in Abu Dhabi, but you can also spot them in Sharjah, Dubai, and other emirates.
The location of their head office is Sheikh Zayed Street next to the National Drilling Company and the UNB building.
Phone: 02-6771300
EMARAT Petrol Stations
Emarat was established in 1981, also known as Emirates General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), established many petrol pumps in Dubai over the years. The corporation provides fuel for commercial use as well as for individual customers across the region. Emarat takes care of the private and public sectors’ petroleum and gas-related needs such as national security firms, aviation industries, big corporations, and other important entities in the UAE.
Sheikh Zayed Rd – Mina Jebel Ali – Dubai. +971 4 883 2511
Abu Hail Road Hor Al Anz Dubai. Phone: +971 4 269 1577
Sheikh Zayed Rd – opp. Dubai Oasis Mall – Al Safa – Al Safa 1 – Dubai.
Al Meydan Road near Dubai Bowling Center Al Quoz 1 Dubai
Deira – Dubai. Hours: Open 24 hours, Phone: +971 4 269 1325
Sheikh Zayed Road – Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 Dubai
Al Mankhool Road near Dubai Public Library – Al Mankhool.
Shahra e Sh Zayed opposite Zabeel Park – Al Karama – Dubai
Khalid Bin Al Waleed Rd near Ramee Royal Hotel Al Karama Dubai
Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed St – Za’abeel Al Kifaf Dubai
Baraha Street Al Baraha Dubai. Phone: +971 4 272 6820
Sheikh Rashid Rd – Al Hudaiba – Dubai
Park – Jumeirah Beach Road, Umm Suqeim 2 – Dubai
Salah Al Din St, Opposite Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Hotel, Al Khabaisi – Deira – Dubai
Al Wasl Rd – Jumeirah – Jumeirah 1 – Dubai
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road next to Global Village Dubai
Salah Al Din St. near Galadari Automobiles Co Deira Dubai
Casablanca St. near Emirates Training College Garhoud Dubai
Al Wasl Road Al Wasl Dubai. Phone: +971 4 342 1495
Al Ghubaiba Road Al Fahidi Dubai. Phone: +971 4 393 2391
Types of Fuels
Emarat is offering 4 types of fuels at their petrol pumps in Dubai:
Super 98: Ideal for vehicles with high-compression engines.
E-Plus 91: Ideal for vehicles with low-compression engines.
Special 95: Ideal for vehicles that run on medium octane fuel.
Gas oil/diesel: Ideal for diesel-driven trucks and cars.
Other Services Offered by the EMARAT Petrol Pumps
The EMARAT petrol stations can be found at 70 locations in Dubai and the Northern Emirates refueling your vehicles. They are also providing a number of other services to customers:
The facility of changing tires.
Car wash.
Variety of lubricants.
Car care services.
Convenience stores.
Fast food facilities at most stations.
ATM machines.
Food court.
The location of their head office is Emarat Head Office: Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Wasl Dubai.
Phone: 0971- 4343-4444
ENOC Petrol Stations in Dubai
ENOC was established in 1993 and stands for Emirates National Oil Company. Just by the name, you can guess that it’s owned by the Government of Dubai. In 2022, ENOC successfully operates more than 100 EPPCO and ENOC petrol stations in Dubai. Besides, the company is now thinking of expanding its reach by setting up about 191 service stations across the Emirates.
Al Wasl Road, Umm Al Sheif, Near Dubai Police College.
D63 Umm Suqeim St – Al Barsha – Al Barsha South – Dubai
Near Ibn Ba – Jebel Ali Village – Dubai
Dubai South – Dubai – Open 24 hours, Phone: +971 800 3662
Al Khail Rd – E44 – Al Quoz 4 – Dubai, Phone: +971 800 3662
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Rd – Jumeirah Village – Dubai
DAFZA – Dubai Airport Free Zone – Dubai
109 Umm Suqeim St – Dubai Hills – Dubai
Sh Mohd Bin Zd Rd – E311 – Dubai Silicon Oasis – Dubai
Ras Al Khoor Rd – E44 – Dubai Creek Harbour – Dubai
Emirates Rd, E 611, After Shk Hamdan Complex E611 Dubai
Dubai Hatta Rd, E 44 – Warsan 3 – Dubai
Al Hadara – Dubai South – Dubai, Phone: +971 800 3662
Marrakech Street near New RTA Complex, Umm Ramool
Al Khail Rd – E44 – Al Quoz 2 Dubai, Phone: +971 800 3662
Types of Fuels
ENOC offers a variety of fuels including motor gasoline Super ULG 98, Special ULG 85, and diesel gas oil 10PPM. Apart from these, they also provide the petroleum listed below:
Kerosene oil.
Jet A1.
Fuel oil 180 CST.
Asphalt 60/70.
Other Services Offered by the ENOC Petrol Pumps
They are also providing a number of other services to customers:
Tire change.
Car wash.
Vehicle lubricants.
Car care services.
Convenience stores.
Fast food facilities.
ATM machines.
Food court.
ATM machines.
The location of their head office is 68M6+C69 – ENOC Retail, ENOC House III, Dubai – United Arab Emirates. Phone: +971 800 3662
Free Facilities on Dubai Fuel Stations
ENOC Compact Petrol Stations
A newly introduced compact petrol station by ENOC has been established at the Arabian Ranches. The purpose of this station is to supply 30,000 liters of petroleum services to residential and urban communities. It can fill about 400 vehicles in a day.
Furthermore, the compact stations are equipped with a solar panel roof. The station can be dismantled and reinstalled in another location in 30 days. Compact petrol stations are usually established in the parking areas of urban localities.
DAFZA – Dubai Airport Free Zone – Dubai
Arabian Ranches – Dubai
Al Itihad Rd – E11 – opp. Dubai Airport – Dubai
Address: Dragonmart Dubai
109 Umm Suqeim St – Dubai Hills – Dubai
Emirates Rd, E 611, After Shk Hamdan Complex – E611 – Dubai
Dubai South – Dubai Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +971 800 3662
We are giving here the list of gas stations in Dubai so that you can easily search for gas station near you.
Name Gas Station
Enoc 1052
Arabian Ranches Dubai, Ph: +97143413573
Yak N Yeti
Al Quoz Dubai Dubai,
Enoc Gasoline Station Mirdif
19kaitingang st purok 7 phase 3 malanday marikina
Eppco Gas Station
Shangri-la Dubai
Caltex Cutcut Angeles City
Angeles City, Dubai
Enoc Petrol & Gas Station
Oud Metha Road, Za’abeel 1 – Dubai
Lukoil Office Gas Station
Dubai Media City
Malabar Sea Shell
Al Qusais, Dubai, Telephone: +97156 134 124 3
Quick Station
Hor al anz Dubai. Ph: +97142661626
Mobil 1 Carwash Station
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sadaf 2, JBR
King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud St – Jumeirah Beach
Emarat Car Wash
Araha St – Deira – Dubai
ENOC patrol & Gas station
Al Thanyah First – Barsha Heights – Dubai
Enoc Petrol Station
E44 – Al Barsha – Al Barsha South – Dubai
Shell Jebel Ali Terminal
134th St – Mina Jebel Ali – Jebel Ali Freezone – Dubai
EPPCO Site 94
Jebel Ali Dubai, 971
Conclusion About Nearest Petrol and GSA Station
You wherever in Dubai, can find the ”nearest petrol station” and ”gas station near me” with the help of the lists given in this blog. In this way, your query ‘’ Petrol station near me in Dubai’’ will be answered according to your convenience.
Everybody wants the highest internet speed to get maximum benefits from this digital era. If we talk about UAE, there are two top Internet service providers, Etisalat and Du, that provide high-speed Internet services to their subscribers. This article will compare the two companies Du vs Etisalat and which is the best internet speed provider in UAE.
Du vs Etisalat
Du vs Etisalat may be a useful comparison for internet users in UAE. As the United Arab Emirates is one of the most technologically advanced societies in the world, choosing the right internet service provider is very important there. The two most popular providers in the UAE are Etisalat and Du.
Etisalat UAE Internet
Etisalat is operating in the United Arab Emirates for over four decades. It is the largest provider of telecommunications services in the UAE. The company offers different internet plans and packages, including fiber, e-life, and mobile internet.
Etisalat internet packages offer some of the fastest speeds in the UAE, with download speeds ranging from 250 Mbps to 1 Gbps. The company claims to have the fastest internet in the UAE and offers a speed test on its website to back up the claim. According to independent speed test results, Etisalat consistently provides fast internet to its customers.
Etisalat has received mixed reviews in terms of user satisfaction. Some users report that the company’s internet speed is reliable and consistent, while others complain of poor customer service and high prices. Etisalat also offers extra features, such as home security and entertainment services.
DU Internet
Du is the second largest telecommunication company in the UAE after Etisalat. The company offers Internet plans and packages, including home, mobile, and business Internet. Du’s internet plans offer download speeds of 50Mbps to 1Gbps.
Du’s internet speed has been found consistent and reliable in independent speed tests. The company has also received a high customer satisfaction rating, with many customers praising its affordable prices and excellent customer service. Du also offers additional services, like home entertainment packages and international calling plans.
Du and Etisalat Comparison
When comparing Etisalat and Doo, there are several factors to consider. Both companies offer high-speed internet plans and packages, but Etisalat has a wider range of options, including fiber, e-life, and mobile internet. Etisalat also claims the fastest internet in the UAE, and independent speed tests have confirmed this claim.
Here is the Internet speed test report:
Download Speed (Mbps)
Upload Speed (Mbps)
Ping (ms)
In terms of customer satisfaction, du has received a higher rating than Etisalat. Many customers have praised Du for its great customer service and affordable prices. However, both companies have received some negative reviews, with some users complaining of high prices and poor customer service. Here is a comparison table of Du vs Etisalat UAE internet bundles.
Du and Etisalat Plans
Internet Plan
Etisalat Price (AED/month)
Du Price (AED/month)
Starter Plan
AED 389
AED 299
Value Plan
AED 559
AED 389
Extra Plan
AED 749
AED 559
Max Plan
AED 1,199
AED 999
Based on the table provided, it appears that Du offers cheaper internet plans as compared to Etisalat. The “Starter” plan offered by Du is priced at AED 299 per month, which is cheaper than the “Starter” plan offered by Etisalat which is priced at AED 389 per month. However, it is important to note that the cheapest plan is not necessarily the best option for everyone as internet speed and other factors should be taken into consideration when choosing an internet service provider.
Both Etisalat and Du offer 5G networks in the UAE. Both providers have launched 5G services at multiple locations in the UAE, giving customers access to faster internet speeds and better connectivity. However, it is important to note that 5G coverage may not be available in all areas and access may require compatible devices. It’s always a good idea to check with your provider for availability and coverage in your area before making a decision.
There may be several reasons why internet bundles are more expensive than du.
One reason could be that Etisalat offers a wide range of internet plans with high internet speeds, which can justify the higher price.
Additionally, Etisalat may have invested more in its infrastructure, such as fiber optic cables and data centers, which may also increase the cost of its services.
Another reason may be the cost of licensing and regulation fees for operating in the UAE market.
Ultimately, the price of internet plans can vary between different providers, and many factors like internet speed, contract terms, and additional services offered must be considered when choosing an internet service provider.
Which network should I Use?
The decision of which network to use, Etisalat UAE or Du, ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. Both providers offer competitive Internet speeds and additional services like home unlimited packages and international calling plans. Factors such as internet speed, availability, customer satisfaction ratings, and contract terms must be considered when making a decision.
If you prefer the fastest internet speed, then Etisalat may be a better choice as they claim to have the fastest internet in UAE. However, if you prioritize customer satisfaction and are looking for a top-rated provider in the area, du may be a better choice because they have received high customer satisfaction ratings in the past.
Additionally, it’s important to consider the availability of services in your area, as well as any additional services or features that may be important to you, such as international calling plans or tourist SIM cards.
Ultimately, the choice between the two networks will come down to your individual needs and preferences. Before making a decision, it is important to research both providers thoroughly and compare their services and features. We hope that the Du vs Etisalat comparison will help you to choose a suitable internet package for you in UAE.
DU monthly data package 25 AED is the most popular among prepaid users in the Emirates. As we know, Du is one of the biggest cellular companies in UAE that has introduced three economical prepaid bundles containing Flexi minutes and data.
DU Monthly Data Package 25 AED
The cheapest prepaid bundle is known as the ‘’DU monthly data package 25 AED’’. It is the choice of the youth and visitors who can get non-stop chat data by using popular chat apps such as WhatsApp and Viber. 35 Flexi minutes are also included in this pkg.
You will pay 25AED and the package validity is one month. Subscribers can use free minutes to call national or international numbers.
How to Activate DU Monthly Data Package 25 AED?
Open your dialing pad and dial SSD code *135*250#. Then follow the recorded instructions to register for the package. You will get a confirmation SMS on the activation of said bundle.
Deactivation of Data Package
As it is a one-time monthly package, you do not need to use any deactivation codes. It will not be renewed until you activate it again.
The cost of the second bundle is AED 50 per month which provides access to non-stop chat, and non-stop social data for popular social apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat as well as 75 Flexi minutes. The procedure of activation of 50 AED is the same as 25 AED pkg.
AED 100 per Month Bundle
In the 100 AED bundle, you will receive non-stop chat, non-stop social, 150 Flexi minutes, and 500 MB of data for the whole month. You have to use this data and call minutes within the month. Otherwise, it will be expired.
According to the Du Website, subscribers can buy or upgrade their bundle by dialing *135*4# from their prepaid line. The condition is very simple, the required balance must be in your account.
When someone searches for ‘’Metro Station near Me’’, he needs the Dubai Metro Map to check his next destination. Don’t worry; you can get complete information about the all metro stations here.
There’s a solution to every problem especially when it comes to public transportation. Due to the rapid growth in the population of Dubai, traffic has become a big concern. That’s why RTA Dubai came up with the idea of the red and green line train.
Metro Station near Me
The answer to your query ‘’ Metro Station near Me’’ has become very simple due to the Dubai Metro Map. Today we are going to provide all the details regarding the Dubai Metro Map so you can check Metro near you. Traveling in Dubai has become very cheap since the Dubai Metro Station facility was introduced for public use.
All of the Dubai Metro Map consists of two main lines (the red line and the green line). The red line starts from Al Rashidya to Jebel Ali, and the green line starts from the Etisalat metro station map to the Creek metro station. You can also switch stations between red line stations to green ones.
Dubai Metro Map
Red Line Metro Stations
The below-mentioned train stations are for the Red Line route and are called Red Line Metro Stations. You can go through the names and check Metro Station near you!
Centrepoint metro station
Emirates station.
Dubai International Terminal 3.
Dubai International Terminal 1.
GGICO station.
Deira City Centre
Al Rigga.
Union metro station.
Burjuman station.
ADCB metro station.
Max Fashion (Old name Al Jafiliya station).
World Trade Centre
Emirates Towers
Financial Centre
Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall
Business Bay
Al Safa
Umm Al Sheef
Mall of the Emirates station.
Mashreq station.
Dubai Internet City
Al Khail
Sobha Realty
DMCC station.
Jebel Ali
Ibn Battuta station.
Energy station.
Danube station.
UAE metro station.
Green Line Metro Stations
The below-mentioned train stations are for the Green Line route. You can go through the names and check Metro Station near you!
Etisalat metro station Dubai.
Al Qusais station.
Dubai airport free zone
Al Nahda station.
Stadium metro station.
Al Qiyadah
Abu Hail
Abu Baker Al Siddique
Union station.
Baniyas Square.
Gold Souq
Al Ras station.
Al Ghubaiba metro station.
Sharaf DG
Burjuman station.
Oud Metha
Dubai Healthcare City
Al Jaddaf station.
Creek station.
Dubai Metro Overly Map
Dubai Metro Map
RTA has released three types of Dubai metro maps. You must use maps to search for your nearest Metro station.
1) – The first one is very simple and called a Schematic map. You can see the both Red and Green line stations easily. Zone information is also available on this map so that you can calculate your fare.
2) – This is an interactive Dubai metro map. You find the exact location of both stations with transport zones. The route of the Dubai Tram and all famous tourist locations are also visible on this kind of map.
3) – The third Dubai metro map is overly mapped. Both red and green lines are overlaid on this map.
Renamed Dubai Metro Stations
At the end of 08/2021, two stations were announced to be renamed Al Rashidiya to Center Point Station, and Al Jafiliya to Max Fashion Metro Station. We will also provide a list of all the renamed stations so you don’t get confused.
Al Karama station was renamed ADCB (Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank) in 2014.
DAMAC Properties was renamed Dubai Marina in 2020 and SOBHA Realty in 2021.
Jebel Ali to UAE Exchange in 2015.
First Abu Dhabi Bank to Umm Al Sheif in 2020.
Jumeirah Lakes Towers was Renamed DMCC (Dubai Multi Commodities Centre) in 2018.
Khalid Bin Al Waleed to BurJuman in 2012.
Nakheel was renamed Al Khail in 2020.
Noor Bank to Al Safa in 2020.
Palm Deira was renamed Gold Souq in 2020.
Rashidiya to Centrepoint in 2021.
Dubai Metro App
RTA has also launched the Dubai Metro app which is available on the Play Store and iOS app store. You can get access to various services such as all the information about Dubai Metro stations and Metro Nol Card.
Ans: You can buy a metro ticket from any kiosks at the metro stations of Dubai or from ticket offices or even tram stations. Nol card is also valid on Metro Bus.
Q 2: Is cash acceptable while traveling in Dubai Metro?
Ans: No, you cannot use cash as your preferred method of payment; all metro stations require NOL card for payment.
Q 3: How much is a metro NOL card price?
Ans: The price of a silver Nol card is 3 AED and a gold card is 6 AED. In the same way, you can buy a red ticket by paying 4 AED. After buying a NOL card you will have to top-up it for use in Metro.
Q 4: Can we travel by Dubai metro to reach the airport?
Yes, two metro stations are connected to Dubai International Terminal 3, and Dubai International Terminal 1 of Dubai Airport.
Q 5: What are the benefits of the Dubai metro app?
Ans: You can use the metro app to get any information regarding Dubai Metro stations and Nol card.
The query ”metro near me” has been answered in this blog. Now while traveling in Dubai Metro don’t forget to maintain your manners as there are rules and penalties. Remember that other people are also using the train; everyone is the same, so respect each other so you can have a comfortable and safe trip. We wish you a safe journey!
Before discussing the term ”CV format for Dubai download” we can explain the CV as curriculum vitae, which is a different type of resume altogether, with a somewhat different purpose. It is a fact that a CV is longer than a resume and is designed to be an in-depth exploration of your career path. You can download Dubai CV format from this post. It is a simple way to Resume format download.
Making a well-written resume takes more than just writing down your work experience and skills. Did you know that the format could increase your chances of scoring an interview? The key is using the format that will best showcase your skills and work experience.
From the traditional to the highly creative, there are many good resume formats to choose from. This guide will walk you through the most common resume styles, and provide you with a sample free CV template to download and use.
Chronological Resume Format
The chronological resume (sometimes known as a reverse-chronological resume) places emphasis on your work history, clearly showing what positions you’ve held and for how long. Employment history is typically listed in reverse-chronological order, beginning with your most recent position.
Functional Resume Format
A functional resume, or skills-based resume, begins by highlighting your skills and work experiences while saving your work history for the end. Unlike a chronological format, the period of time spent on each job is not included.
If your work history is consistent and reflects an upward trajectory in your career, a chronological format is the simplest and most effective option. It is often preferred by recruiting consultants. If you’re writing an entry-level resume, or you have an inconsistent work history, there are better options for you.
Because it doesn’t feature your employment history, it’s a good choice for job seekers who have frequent job changes, has gaps between jobs, or are re-entering the workforce. It also works well if you’re seeking a career change and your work history isn’t applicable to the new role.
Functional resumes are a great way for someone to sell themselves to a potential employer when they have transferable skills, but don’t have the job experience to back them up.
A combined resume is a hybrid of the chronological and functional resume formats. Unlike a functional format, a combination format is for job seekers with a long career history, which often comes with an extensive list of skills and achievements. On the other hand, if your career history is lacking, or you have gaps between jobs, you may want to avoid this format.
The main drawback of this format is that it can easily end up too long. Featuring only the experience and skills that mirror the job requirements of the position you’re seeking can keep the length under control.
Best Format For You
Now that you know the basic features of each CV format download, who they’re best for, and their pros and cons, you can get to decide which one is right for you. The best resume format for you depends on your work history and your career goals. Additionally, you’ll want to consider your life circumstances, your skills and achievements, and your educational background. Our free CV template is an ideal example.
Bonus tip: Referring to the person specification posted with the job listing is a great way to tailor your resume to the job you’re seeking. You’ll want to make sure you’re being honest about your skills, but this is a great way to stand out to a potential employer. To start the process, brainstorm and write down everything you can think of relating to your jobs, experiences, skills, achievements, education, and career goals, along with the specific requirements and qualifications for the job posting.
Then think about some simple questions to help you to clarify which CV format download would be best for you. 1)- In which industry do you want to work? 2)- Will the employer appreciate a little creativity, or would they find it off-putting? 3)- Is your work history consistent? 4)- Do you have skills specific to the job you’re applying for? 5)- Do you have frequent career changes to compensate for?
The answers to these questions (and any others you can think of) will help you develop clarity on which format to use. For example, if the job is for a non-profit organization and you’re submitting a resume online, a traditional ATS format is the optimal choice. On the other hand, if you’re a photographer seeking a remote freelance job for a small business, a portfolio resume format would be recommended.
After you’ve chosen the CV Format For Dubai download option, picking a resume template is simple. Before you know it, you’ll be submitting a powerful, attention-grabbing resume that will lead you to the job of your dreams. You can also create your resume by downloading our free CV template.
CV Format For Fresher
Your Name: ———————–
Date of Birth: ——————
Cell Number: ——————
E-Mail: ————————-
Postal Address: —————————————————–
Looking forward for working with an organization that offers a challenging opportunity to enhance my knowledge, skills, and experience that would allow me to contribute towards achieving organizational goals to the best of my potential.
Educational Qualification
Lahore Board of Education
F, Sc
University of Punjab
English: Fluent in speaking, writing, and reading.
Urdu/Hindi: Also have comand on Urdu/Hindi
Specialized Skills
Knowledge of managing productively, individual targets, and employee relations.
Regularity in working within a specific time.& ability to seek advice.
Expert in managing people in different situations.
Having self-confidence & enthusiasm.
Good communication skills with fluent.
Have impressive Interpersonal skills.
Technical Skills
Tally ERP-9 With GST (3-month Diploma)
1 year DCA ( Diploma in Computer)
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word & Microsoft PowerPoint.
Typing speed (45wpm)
Got the First position in “PRESENTATION COMPETITION”.
Stood First in “MATH REDDLES”.
The demand for Turkey visit visa from Pakistan has increased after the Corona pandemic. The reason is very simple, it was the first country that started issuing visas after lockdowns. It is another fact that Turkey’s visa is not so difficult from Pakistan.
Along with regular visas, Turkey also issues free-of-charge single-transit visas with a 7-day stay to Pakistani nationals. In this blog, we will discuss a Turkey visit visa as well as a Turkish free transit visa in detail.
Procedure to Apply for a Turkey Visa from Pakistan
You have to adopt this procedure to apply for a Turkey visit visa from Pakistan.
The procedure has been changed and now you have no need to fill up an online visa form.
Just visit the Anatolia visa application center and get a token.
No appointment is required for submitting papers now. The staff will fill up your visa form at the center.
Then on your turn, you will have to submit all required papers on the counter to get a Turkey visit visa from Pakistan.
Only ”ANATOLIA Travel Services” is now providing a Dropbox facility for Turkey.
Turkish embassy Islamabad
Address of Turkish embassy Islamabad: Street No: 1, G-5/4, Diplomatic Enclave,
Turkey visit visa fee from Pakistan for a Single entry visit visa is 60 USD now the service charges of Anatolia are 65 USD for normal application. People also search it as ”Turkey visit visa price in Pakistan”. You will have to pay this fee in PAK Rupee on the counter. You can get more guidelines from the table given below.
Visa Type
Embassy Fee
Anatolia Fee
Single Entry
60 USD
65 USD (Normal Application)
Multiple Entry
190 USD
80 USD (VIP Application)
Single Transit
60 USD
Double Transit
120 USD
60 USD
Value-Added Services of Anatolia
Anatolia offers a few value-added services including hotel booking, flight booking, and travel insurance. You can avail of these services by paying a fee according to the schedule given below.
Type of Service
Amount in Cash
Premium Lounge
2,000 PKR
450 PKR
2,500 PKR
50 PKR
Flight Reservation
1,800 PKR
Hotel Reservation
1,800 PKR
450 PKR
Courier (Return Passport Home Delivery)
4,500 PKR
Internet kiosk
1,300 PKR
Free of charge
Turkey Visit Visa Requirements From Pakistan 2023
These are the Turkey visit visa requirements from Pakistan. In simple words, when you are going to apply for a Turkey visa for Pakistani, you have to pick up these documents along with you.
Print out of filled Turkey visa application form.
Original Passport and photocopies with a minimum validity of 6 months.
2 fresh photographs of 2 by 2-inch size with a white background.
Filled visa interview form which will be provided by Gerry’s office.
Consent letter for document verification.
Travel health insurance, this facility is now available at Gerry’s center.
A polio vaccination certificate is also mandatory to get a Turkey visit visa from Pakistan.
Flight and hotel reservation (ticket is not required at this stage)
NADRA family registration certificate.
A request letter/cover letter from the company or describing the purpose of the visit. If you are a business owner, then you can write this letter on your business letterhead.
NTN is mandatory for all applicants.
You have to also provide your last three salary slips in case of employment and tax papers in case of business. The membership card of the chamber of commerce is required for businessmen but it is not essential.
Bank statement of the last 3 months with account maintenance certificate.
NOTE: Visa application processing time is 15 days which may vary in some cases. You are advised to apply 3 weeks prior to your program for a Turkish visa from Pakistan.
Provide a genuine bank statement showing the continuous transactions and the 5to 8-lac closing balance.
The Turkish Embassy is not issuing a visa on a fresh passport in the case of individuals, so don’t apply without a travel history. You should visit 2 or 3 countries before applying for a Turkish visa from Pakistan now.
However, if you have a strong family background, a solid business, or a sound career then you can take a chance.
The invitation letter is not required for tourist purposes but it can increase the chances of visa approval. You can contact a Turkish tour operator in this regard.
The period of stay mentioned in your travel insurance, hotel booking, and return air ticket must be the same.
You can also get a short-shot Turkish visa while going to Umrah, its details are given below.
7 Days Free Turkey Transit Visa for Pakistani
If you are interested in visiting Turkey and find the Turkey visa for Pakistanis a little bit difficult, then there is a free opportunity waiting for you. Yes, you can get a 7-day free Turkey transit visa. It is for those Pakistanis who are traveling with Turkish Airlines to Saudi Arabia with the aim of Umrah.
Its basic condition is that they have confirmed the Turkish Airlines ticket, a valid Umrah visa. Moreover, such a person should not be banned/objectionable to enter Turkey.
For Umrah Visa Holders
The applicants traveling with the Umrah visa should submit the required documents stated in the enclosed list for a single transit visa. This free-of-charge transit visa with 7 days stay in Turkey, can be obtained from Turkey Embassy in Islamabad through GERRY’s Visa Drop Box Center. You can also get this visa on the way back to Pakistan. It is a famous method to get a Turkey visa for Pakistani now.
For US, UK & Schengen Visa holders
This Turkey visa for Pakistani with free 7 day stay in Turkey will also be issued free of charge to Pakistani Passport holders who are traveling with Turkish Airlines to Schengen countries including the USA, UK, and Ireland through Turkey.
The condition is that they have confirmed Turkish Airlines tickets and are not banned/objectionable for entry into Turkey. Please note that these Applicants are also eligible to obtain the Turkey e-visa.
Procedure to Obtain a Free Turkey Visa
This free Turkey visa for Pakistanis may be obtained either in advance from Pakistan or from a Turkish airport like other Transit visas. The application of the transit visa with 7 day stay in Turkey, is free of charge. In Pakistan, this visa can be obtained through Gerry’s offices across the country. Turkey Embassy in Islamabad has authorized them only for the collection of visa applications.
Documents for Turkey Transit Visa for Pakistan
These are Documents for the Turkey Transit visa for Pakistan. The keyword “Turkey visa requirements for Pakistan 2023” is also used nowadays to search for this topic.
1. Visa Application Form duly filled, submitted on the online system, printed, and signed by the applicant. (CNIC number, father and mother names, and complete residential and host (if applicable) addresses are a must.
2. Passport/travel document valid for at least 6 months as of the date of your arrival in Turkey.
3. Copies of the recent and old passports along with the used pages concerning visa entry and exit stamps (If it is relevant and not empty pages).
4. Two recent colored biometric photographs of the applicant with a size of 5×5 cm and a white background are a must for a Turkey visa.
5. Travel health insurance certificate covering a minimum of Euros 30,000, the period of stay in Turkey and the repatriation costs as well.
6. Polio vaccination certificate from the Government Hospitals or authorized laboratories.
(The validity of the vaccination should cover the travel period and the vaccination’s date should not be more than one year old)
7. A document stating the destination country after Turkey (Copy of the visa or residence permit related to the destination country)
8. Copy of the confirmed ticket.
9. Copy of the hotel reservation (Reservation only)
10. Employment letter stating the name, position, salary, profession or type of skill from the company (if there is any)
11. A bank account maintenance certificate and original bank statements of the last three months is necessary for getting a Turkey visa for Pakistani. [The current balance should cover all the expenses (accommodation + food and beverages)] which are signed and stamped by the bank officer.
Conditional Documents:
1. Consent letter of the parents arranged by the Notary (if the applicant is under 18 years old and applying for a Turkey visa from Pakistan) 2. Bonafide letter (If the applicant is a student) 3. Professional Qualification Certificate from the board of the professional organization / Skill Certificate from the related association 4. Original family civil registration act (if the family travels together) 5. E-Visa copy/copies (if the applicant is accompanied by any person who has a valid Turkish E-Visa) 6. Ex-Pakistan Leave Paper or NOC for Government Officers from their institutions (if it is relevant)
Final Words
All possible information to get a Turkey visa is available in this blog. If you are applying for a Turkey visit visa from Pakistan and find some difficulty, you can ask a question by commenting below.
The procedure of Query Iqama Expiry Service has been Changed. Now you will have to visit the new official website ”www.Absher.Sa” instead of ”www.Moi.Gov.Sa” foran iqama query.
Query Iqama Expiry Service
There is no need to worry, simply visit the new site by clicking on the link given below and follow our guidelines. The whole procedure will remain almost the same as the ”Moi site”.
In this way, you can check Iqama expiry date, as well as Query Iqama Expiry Check and other related matters on the same Absher website easily. The first thing required to check Iqama expiry status is your ten-digit Iqama or residence Permit number. You can find it easily from Iqama or Residence Permit. Write down this number, now you are able to check the date of Iqama expiry.
Complete Method for Query Iqama Expiry Check
Follow these steps to check Iqama expiry date or iqama query with the new method.
First Of All, You Have To Open the Absher Website To Check Iqama ExpiryStatus By Clicking On This Link: www.Absher.Sa
”Business” and ”Individuals” are two options that will be shown on the home page. You will click on Individuals.
change the language from Arabic to English on opening the new page.
Now you can see the login page, You have to enter your Iqama number in your User ID, then the password of your Absher account and the image code as shown there.
Friends you will have to create an account on Absher for Query Iqama Expiry Check. If you have not created your account yet, you may use the ”Absher account” of any friend. You can know the procedure by watching this video.
When you click on the login button, the system will send a verification code to your mobile phone. Enter this code in the required box. Now you can see your account.
You can find the option of ” Query Iqama Expiry Service” below the page. You will click on this option.
On opening a new page, enter your ten-digit iqama number and image code, which is shown below in the box.
Now you can view your Iqama expiry Status by clicking on the “view” button.
Also, keep in mind that this portal shows your iqama expiry date in YYYY/MM/DD format in Hijra Calendar. You can convert Hijri Date to any other format with the help of Google.
You can check the Iqama Status of any friend from your account.
Note: Some people complain that their Iqama duration in the Abshar account is incorrect. It does not match with the Aljawazat system, due to which they have to face difficulty in some cases.
Such people can know their exact Iqama expiry date from this official website. They can fulfill their government matters by conforming to their Iqama expiry Status.
It is a fact that the Saudi post demands the exact Iqama duration to update the national address. The post office website does not proceed without the Iqama expiry check.
About Iqama
You need a residence permit to live in any country, it is Iqama in the Saudi language. Of course, an employment visa is necessary for it. If someone wants to work or study in Saudi Arabia, he/she will have to get Iqama to live there. It may be valid for one or two years and for five years in specific cases.
The Iqama is not necessary only for those who want to work there, but for everyone who wants to stay there for two months, for ten months, or even for ten years. it is as important as a residence permit for other countries. So a person who works there, if he wants to call his wife to stay there with him, he will have to get Iqama for her, as well as a visa. It is necessary not only for the wife but also in the case of children.
Benefits Of Iqama
There are a lot of benefits of Iqama. The foreign worker can open a bank account in Saudi Arabia if it has a valid Iqama. They also can apply for a visa of any country by showing it as a travel document. You can use it for treatment in hospitals and for many other purposes in Saudi Arabia.
FAQ About Iqama Expiry Status
Q: What is Iqama?
Ans: Every ex-pat needs a residence permit to stay for work in Saudi Arabia. It is Iqama in Arabic.
Q: What is the Iqama expiry date in Saudi Arabia?
Ans: The Saudi authorities issue Iqama for a specific time period that is Iqama validity. The last date of validity is ”Iqama Expiry”.
Q: How can I check my Iqama expiry date without Absher?
Ans: You can check your Iqama expiry status by two methods, with Absher or without Absher. Both are available in this blog.
Q: What is the penalty for expired Iqama?
Ans: If your Iqama is found expired, you will be charged a fine of 500 Riyal per day. Officials also can deport or send you to Jail After a week in addition. However, they allow a grace period of 3 days after the expiry date.
Q: How early can Iqama be renewed?
Ans: Iqama can be renewed before 90 days of its expiry.
Final Words
Friends, If You Want More Information about Query Iqama Expiry Service, Iqama Status, Iqama query, Iqama expiry check, or Any Other Relevant Topic, You Can Visit Our YouTube Channel Known As “Visa Guide”.
You are planning to visit the global city of Dubai and want to know whether you need a visa in advance or can enjoy Dubai Visa on Arrival facility. This blog will provide you with complete information regarding your query. Please try to read it carefully so that you feel no need to search for any more information.
Dubai Visa on Arrival
The official website of the UAE Government recently has updated this list, increasing the number to over 70 nationalities qualified for Dubai visa on arrival.
“Some nationalities can obtain a visa on arrival to the UAE, while others need to apply for a visa in advance,” the announcement posted through the UAE Digital Government’s official Twitter account said, before providing a nation-by-country update for travelers who plan to visit the UAE.
This comes at the time that the UAE set ambitious targets for tourism that seek to draw $123 billion in tourism spending to our economy before 2031 along with 40 million hotel guests each year.
Below is a comprehensive list of nations that can be granted 30 or 90-day visas upon arrival, with the requirements and conditions that must be met to qualify.
30 days Visa on arrival
The following countries are eligible for a 30-day visa on arrival:
• Andorra
• Hong Kong, China
• Mauritius
• Singapore
• Australia
• Japan
• Monaco
• Ukraine
• Brunei
• Kazakhstan
• New Zealand
• U K and Northern Ireland
• Canada
• Macau, China
• Republic of Ireland
• United States of America
• China
• Malaysia
• San Marino
• Vatican City
90 days Visa on arrival
The following countries are eligible for a 90-day visa on arrival:
• Argentina
• El Salvador
• Liechtenstein
• St. Vincent
• Austria
• Estonia
• Lithuania
• Serbia
• Bahamas
• Finland
• Luxembourg
• Seychelles
• Barbados
• France
• Maldives
• Slovakia
• Belarus
• Georgia
• Malta
• Slovenia
• Belgium
• Germany
• Montenegro
• Solomon Islands
• Brazil
• Greece
• Nauru
• South Korea
• Bulgaria
• Honduras
• Netherlands
• Spain
• Chile
• Hong Kong
• Norway
• Sweden
• Colombia
• Hungary
• Paraguay
• Switzerland
• Costa Rica
• Iceland
• Peru
• Vatican City
• Croatia
• Israel
• Poland
• Ukraine
• Cyprus
• Italy
• Portugal
• Uruguay
• Czech Republic
• Kiribati
• Romania
• Denmark
• Latvia
• Russian Federation
Mexican passport holders are eligible for a visa on arrival valid for 180 days.
Citizens and Residents of Gulf Countries
The citizens of GCC countries are allowed to travel to Dubai without a visa. On the other hand, the residents of these countries can visit Dubai after getting an e-visa.
If we talk about Indian citizens only those who are eligible for a visa on arrival that holds a visit visa or Green Card issued by the US or a Residence visa issued by the UK or EU.