Ajman zip code

You are looking for the Ajman zip code or Ajman Postal code. Well, we are going to provide you with complete information regarding your query here.


Like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other Emirates there is no Zip code and Postal code in Ajman. You will write N/A or 00000 where it will be asked.

Ajman Zip Code

As we have stated in the last paragraph, the Ajman zip code is ‘’00000’’. You can also say that this state has no zip code like other Emirates of UAE.

Ajman Zip Code00000
Ajman Postal Code00000

Ajman Postal code

The postal code of Ajman is also ‘’00000’’ and it is symbolic because Emirates has no postal codes. It is advised to use N/A (Not Applied) or five zeros when it is necessary.

Zip and Postal Codes in UAE

It is true that the postal and zip codes make the postal system easy. It is used in most countries but UAE postal department uses Makani Number instead. So always use five zeros as Dubai postal code and Dubai zip code in all documents.

Ajman Postal code

Frequently Asked Questions

Most People usually ask these common questions. We have answered these frequently asked questions below.

Q)– What is the Postal code of Ajman?


Answer: According to the Dubai central post office, the Postal code of Ajman is ‘’00000’’.

Q)– What is the Zipcode of Ajman?

Answer: It is the same as zero.

Q)– What is the Ajman Postal code?

Answer: You can write ‘’00000’’.

Postal Code of Abu Dhabi 

Final Words

All your queries related to this topic have been answered in our blog. However, you have the right to ask anything and of course, your opinion matters to us. So we hope you will express your views about this blog by commenting below.


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