Category: Expat Guide

  • Public Query Traffic Violation, Easy Methods 2023

    Public Query Traffic Violation, Easy Methods 2023

    Public query traffic violation is an important topic for both ex-pats and local residents in Saudi Arabia. International surveys reveal that Saudi roads are included in the most dangerous roads in the world. There is a very high percentage of road accidents, so officials try to overcome the issue of traffic violations by punishing drivers who violate the traffic rules.

    An online system for query traffic violations is working in KSA. Iqama holders can check Mukhalafa and fines online from the Absher website/Portal now. It is the latest development as the MOI website and portal were used for this purpose in the past.

    Public Query Traffic Violation Check With Absher

    Only an account on Absher and the Iqama number is required for this procedure. You can pay their penalties by their bank account after checking it, by this simple method.

    Absher login
    • Open the Absher portal for a query traffic violation with this  official link
    • There are two options on the homepage, we will click on ”Individuals”.
    • Change the language from Arabic to English on opening a new page. You can process with the default language if know Arabic.
    • This is the time to log in to your account by entering your login ID or iqama number, password, and the image code in the respective boxes.

    NOTE: If you don’t have an Absher account then you can create it easily. Otherwise can use any friend’s account to check MOI traffic violations.

    • Now find the option of ”Traffic Violations information” at the bottom of the page and click on it. Type in the search bar if now found.
    • A new page will open, where you have to enter your iqama number/identity number and image code as shown in the captcha in the relevant boxes.
    • Then click on “view” to check the traffic violation information.

    Check Saher Traffic Camera Violations By SMS

    Foreign nationals living in Saudi Arabia also can check their Saher traffic camera violations attached with driving license by sending an SMS with having Iqama number followed by *56*(i.e.: *56*Iqama)

    • STC customers will have to send this message to 88993
    • ”Mobily” users send it to 625555. In reply you will receive a message, having the answer to your query traffic violation.

    Must read: STC balance check and transfer method

    Check MOI Traffic Violation With Violation ID

    When a vehicle is registered on your Iqama, you are asked to provide your Mobile Phone number. This number is used in case of any MOI traffic violation. The system sends a violation ID (and fine amount in some cases) on your number. You can check further traffic violation details with the help of this ID instead of the iqama number on the MOI site.

    If you have deleted the official SMS and want to know the traffic violation ID, it is possible. Simply dial 011-292-8888 from your phone. When the call is connected, press 2 for the English language and then select 1 for the Traffic violation menu. Now you will have to dial your iqama number. Then the system will tell you the violation ID.

    Procedure to Check MOI traffic violation details with violation ID

    After knowing the violation ID, you can check the MOI traffic violation date, car number, camera location, fine amount, and other details by this easy method.

    • First of all, open Public Query Traffic Violation by this link.
    • Change the language from the top of the page.
    • Give your iqama number and violation ID in the required boxes.
    • Also, enter the Image code of the captcha in the third box.
    • Now click on ”view” and check all details of your MOI traffic violation. It has been made possible due to the great service of IMO called ”Public Query Traffic Violation”.

    Public query traffic violation by ATM

    Friends, the Saudi government has provided a lot of facilities to ex-pats so that they can follow the rules and regulations in the kingdom. Suppose that if you want to know about your MOI traffic violation, there is a variety of methods even it is possible by ATM. If you have an ATM card, go to your nearest ATM point and follow this process to avail of the Query Traffic Violation.

    1. Insert your debit card into the machine.
    2. Enter your password.
    3. Check ”Traffic violation” in offered services.
    4. When you will click on this service, the system will ask you to enter the Iqama number.
    5. Now the traffic violations attached to your iqama will be shown on the screen.

    Moreover, this process can also be done on an Internet banking service. If you have this facility, you can check MOI traffic violations on your computer or laptop at home.

    New Traffic Fines in Saudi Arabia

    We let you know about the new Traffic fines in Saudi Arabia as the old penalties have been revised by the government. The authorities took this action for the sake of a decrease in road accidents. Now the first penalty starts from SAR 100 to 150 for these violations.

    1.  Leaving a vehicle without switching off.
    2.  Not insured vehicles.
    3.  Vehicles crossroads in areas unspecified for pedestrians.

    SAR 150 to 300 fine is for Motorists who:

    •  Do not use indicators during changing lanes,
    •  Reversing for more than 20m on main roads,
    •  Driving without a license,
    •  unfair use of car horns,
    •  Driving an unfit vehicle.
    •  Not using seatbelt
    •  Dot’ keep sufficient distance between vehicles
    •  Drivers who gathered at accident scenes caused by a traffic violation.

    The category of SAR 300 to 500 penalty is for drivers who:

    1.  Do not focus on driving,
    2.  Drivers with expired licenses
    3.  Do not use a child seat

    The following drivers of emergency vehicles will have to pay a penalty of SAR 500 to 900.

    1.  Who uses siren
    2. Do not stop at traffic signals
    3.  Write slogans or put stickers on the windows of their vehicles.

    SAR 1,000 to 2,000 penalty is for: 

    1.  Those drivers who have vehicles with no number plate.
    2. Responsible for the overloading of passengers
    3.  Who does not use lights at night

    SAR 3,000 to 6000 is for drivers who will skip a signal, or overtake a bus when students are disembarking. It is also for the wrong side of driving. While SAR 5,000 to 10,000 is fine for using the wrong number plate which is a criminal act in the form of a traffic violation.


    Penalties in Case of Accidents

    For MOI traffic violation caused an accident, due to which a person be hospitalized for up to 15 days, prison of two years or a fine of SAR100,000 or both can be ordered. Due to an accident results in death or impairment, the driver will have to go to jail for four years and pay a penalty of up to SAR 200,000.

    These all are new traffic fines in Saudi Arabia which are applicable equally for all citizens.

    How to pay traffic fines in Saudi Arabia

    It is essential to pay traffic fines in Saudi Arabia as soon as possible otherwise it will increase after a specific period. In this regard, newcomers usually ask the question, how to pay traffic fines in Saudi Arabia? The answer is simple, you can pay your traffic fine by internet banking or at an ATM.

    Procedure to Pay Traffic Fines Online

    Friends, your bank account has all the information regarding MOI traffic violations under your Iqama. So you can pay traffic fines by using your bank account. Please follow these steps to make your payment.

    1. log in to your bank account by using the login ID and password.
    2. Click on the ”Sadad” icon in the Payments option.
    3. A new page will open showing different options.
    4. You will select ”Traffic Violations”.
    5. On opening a new window, you have to select ”payment” in the box of transaction type and ”Query by civilian ID” in the box of Application type.
    6. Then enter your iqama number and violation ID in different boxes.
    7. Now the system will show you all the details with the fine amount. Review all the information carefully and click on ”Conform”.

    In this way, the MOI traffic violation penalty is paid from your account. The procedure of Internet banking may a little bit vary from bank to bank. The idea and requirements are the same. You can also use ATM to pay your traffic fine by adopting the procedure given for Internet banking.

    MOI Traffic Violations Dispute

    MOI traffic violations dispute is a popular term in KSA. The reason is that most of the vehicle owners are unsatisfied with the MOI new traffic fines. They feel that there is something wrong with the Saher System of Traffic Regulations.

    Saher camera system is under criticism. These cameras are available at all traffic signals and flash when someone crosses the red light. In the same way, another kind of camera checks the speed of vehicles. There are different fines for red light crossing and over-speed, which we have mentioned earlier in this article. The driver community has reservations over the performance of these cameras as well as MOI new traffic fines.

    To address the ex-pat’s reservations, the Ministry of Interior established an MOI traffic violation dispute system. You can also use this right with the Absher account. If you have registered yourself and have an account on Absher, you can use it. To create an account is not difficult, you should do it with the help of the Urdu video tutorial given in the article.

    How to File an MOI Traffic Violation Dispute?

    Let’s start learning the procedure to file an MOI traffic violation dispute. After checking the details of ”public query traffic violation’’, if you find an unfair fine then you may challenge it. Its method is available below.

    • Login to your Absher account and click on E-Services.
    • Then find the link of ‘’Traffic’’ on the left side of the page and click on it.
    • Now select ‘’ Dispute Traffic violation’’ from the list of options.
    • The ‘’Terms and Conditions’’ will appear on a new page. You have to click on ”Next” after reading all the points carefully.
    • Then select ‘’View Violation and Dispute’’ on a new page.
    • Here is another new page from where you will select the violation that you want to challenge along with the reason.

    The procedure is completed and your complaint against traffic violation has been registered. By adopting this method, anybody can file his MOI traffic violation dispute but it is mandatory to fulfill these conditions.

    1. The MOI traffic violation should not be more than one month old.
    2. The violation should be under SAHER system.
    3. If you have paid the fine then you cannot challenge this violation by Absher service.
    4. After filing the dispute, a fine should be paid so that it cannot be increased.
    5. The reason that you have selected to file a violation dispute must be relevant.

    Friends, we have explained a number of methods for Public query traffic violation and MOI traffic violation as well. These all are functional and useful for you. However, it’s your choice to choose one of them for your convenience.

  • Check How Many Sim on My Iqama in 2023

    Check How Many Sim on My Iqama in 2023

    The Expats who want to know ‘’How to check how many sim on my iqama” can get their answer here. People also search this topic as ‘’how to check mobile number registered under my iqama’’.

    Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) provides you with a service titled “My Numbers Service’’ absolutely free. All the ex-pats and nationals of Saudi Arabia may check how many sim on their iqama or ID. You can also check it through your mobile. So we are elaborating here the both procedures for your convenience.

    How Many Sim on My Iqama?

    You can check the number of sims registered under your Iqama in seconds by adopting one of the methods given below. You have to simply follow a few steps to check ‘’how many sim on my iqama’’.

    1)- Check Sims Under Your Iqama With your Mobile

    Users for different mobile companies can check the total number of their sims by sending text messages. Codes are given below in the table.

    Company NameTextWhere to Send
    Sawa, STC Type 9988 in the text boxSend to 900
    Mobily Blank616166
    Virgin Mobile Blank309985
    LebaraType ”ID”Send to 1755
    MVNOType ”ID”1755

    In response to your message, the mobile company’s system will send you a text containing the total number of sims registered on their network in your name.

    Suppose that you are a user of STC, you will type 9988 in the text box and send it to 900. The company will reply to you in no time by sending a text. You will find there the answer to your query, how many sim on my Iqama?

    2)- Check Sims Under Your ID by CITC Site

    • Open the CITC site by clicking on this direct link:

    How to Check How Many Sim on My Iqama
    • Now you can change the language from Arabic to English by clicking on the button shown on the left side top. The exact location is shown in the screenshot.
    • Then enter your Iqama number in the box of ‘’ID number’’. The Saudi nationals will type their ID number here.
    sims on iqama
    • Give your date of birth in the next box.
    • You can see the box of ‘’Mobile Number’’ below. Type here your mobile number or check on the ‘’I do not have a mobile number’’ option.
    • Then fill in the captcha and click on the ‘’Search’’ button.

    The procedure has been completed, now the system will show you the number of sims registered under your iqama in a few seconds.

    3)-Call At Customer Care Helpline

    You can also contact the customer care helpline of your mobile service provider. Ask the operator to check the details of sims registered under your Iqama. He will provide you all required information.

    Procedure for Deactivation of a Sim

    If you find a sim that is not in your use, you must complain to your service provider for its deactivation. The customer center numbers of known companies are given below for your convenience.

    Mobily: 1100

    Zain: 959

    STC: 900

    Virgin: 1789

    Friendi: 166000

    You can also launch your complaint online by using this link;

    Final Words:

    Friends, we have guided you step by step regarding your query ‘’How to check how many sims on my iqama”. If you may ask any questions by commenting below if find any confusion.

  • FAB Deposit Machine near Me in UAE (All Locations)

    FAB Deposit Machine near Me in UAE (All Locations)

    You are an account holder of First Abu Dhabi bank and searching for FAB Deposit Machine near you. Don’t worry we have given here the complete list of FAB deposit machines.

    FAB Deposit Machine near Me in Dubai

    There are total 16 FAB deposit machines in Dubai at different locations where you can deposit money in any of FAB account easily. The complete addresses of them are given below. You can select one of the nearest locations for your convenience.

    1)-  Jumeirah Umm Suqeim Branch

    2)- Al Nukhba Business Centre

    3)- Mall of the Emirates Branch  

    4)- Bur Dubai Branch

    5)- Dubai Mall

    6)- Sheikh Zayed Road Branch

    7)- Mirdif City Center Branch

    8)- Nakheel Mall Branch

    9)- Abu Baker Al Siddique Branch

    10)- Dubai Health Care City Branch

    11)- FAB Islamic Dubai branch

    12)- Jumeirah Plaza Branch

    13)- Arabian Plaza

    14)- Deira City Centre Branch

    15)- Rolex Tower Branch

    16)- Jebel Ali Branch

    FAB Deposit Machine near Me

    FAB Deposit Machine near Me in Abu Dhabi

    FAB Deposit Machines are installed at these locations in Abu Dhabi.

    1)-  FAB Islamic Abu Dhabi branch

    2)-  Etihad Engineering

    3)-  New Al Shahama Branch

    4)-  Lulu – Mazyad Mall

    5)-  Armed Forces Co-op Society – Mahawi

    6)-  FAB Islamic Business Park branch

    7)-   Mushrif Central Park – Um Al Emarat

    8)-  Ministry of Presidential Affairs

    9)-  Paragon Bay Mall

    10)-  Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    11)-  KIZAD – Khalifa Port

    12)-  Khalifa City A Branch

    13)-  Mazyad Mall

    14)-  Sheikh Rashid Road Branch

    15)-  Masdar City Branch – Digital branch

    16)-  ADNOC Head Quarters

    17)-  Sweihan Branch

    18)-  Emirates Palace Hotel Branch

    19)-  Bateen Branch

    20)-  Corniche Branch

    21)-  Health Authority

    22)- Abu Dhabi Mall Branch

    23)-  ADNEC Branch

    24)- Business Park

    25)-  Al Mushrif Mall Branch –  

    26)- Abu Dhabi Airport T1 – Landside Check-In Area

    27)- FAB One Tower

    28)-  ZADCO Cash Office

    29)- NPCC Cash Office

    30)- Yas Mall Branch

    31)- ADIA Branch

    32)- Abu Dhabi Investment Council

    33)- GHQ Officers Club

    34)- Etihad Branch

    35)- Bawabat Al Sharq Mall

    36)- ADNOC Cash Office

    37)- Deerfields Town Square Mall

    38)- Batin Military Camp

    39)- Baniyas Branch

    40)- Between Two Bridges Branch

    41)- ADCO Digital branch

    42)- Al Khubeirah Branch

    43)- Salam Street Branch

    44)- Dalma Mall Branch

    The residents of Abu Dhabi opt. any FAB Deposit Machine near them according to this list. The ATMs are also available on these locations. So you can enjoy the both facilities of deposit and withdrawal at a time.

    Check FAB Bank Balance Online in Seconds

    How to deposit Cash on the ATM/ CDM Machine?

    You can use FAB Deposit Machine easily by watching this video tutorial.

  • Iqama Expiry Check Red Green Methods

    Iqama Expiry Check Red Green Methods

    Iqama Expiry Check Red Green

    Iqama Expiry Check Red Green is being performed on the websites of the Saudi Labor Department and Absher. The only thing you require for this Iqama red-green process is your Iqama number or Passport number or Border number. It is a very simple method, which we are going to elaborate on.  

    What is Iqama Red Green?

    It is necessary to explain the term Iqama red green or Nitaqat before sharing the method of Iqama check red green. The KSA government started using this term in 2011 to determine the implementation of Saudization policy in the private sector.

    When you go for Iqama Expiry Check Red Green, the system shows six category-based colors. These colors classify that specific company or Kafeel according to which you know about the facilities offered by the govt. of Saudi Arabia. 

    First of all, we are stating here the method to check Iqama color or Iqama red-green status, then will try to explain what these colors mean.

    Iqama Expiry Check Red Green Method #1

    It is the easiest method for Iqama Expiry Check Red Green, you are advised to just follow these simple steps.

    • Step 3: Now read the captcha carefully and put this number in the next box.
    • Step 4: Then press the button given below the captcha. (You can see the pic for a better understanding.)

    It is done, the next page will show you Iqama’s red-green status along with your name, work permit number, employment status, and company’s legal status.

    Iqama Expiry Check Method #2

    • For the Iqama expiry check red-green, you have to open this link;
    • Log in to your account (you may also use any other Iqama holder’s account)
    • Now click on the Iqama status option.
    • On opening a new page, enter your Iqama number.
    • Then click on the Search button to see your iqama color, iqama red green.

    Note: You can also use this procedure on the Absher app.

    Video Tutorial

    Iqama Colors or Nitaqat Categories

    There are six Nitaqat colors including Iqama red and green for showing the category of the companies. It means these six colors are in six categories actually. We are explaining one by one all of these below.

    Red Iqama Color

    If you check your Iqama color status and find it red, it means your company falls in the last or worst category. It does not follow the Saudization policy and has only 4% of local workers. The Saudi Arabian government provides no facility for such companies. They neither can get new visas nor have the right of Iqama renewal. The labor department provides you only the right to change your company/sponsor or Kafeel without permission.

    Yellow Color

    If the system shows your Iqama Color Yellow after Iqama Expiry Check Red Green, it is an indication of danger. There are 93% of foreign workers in your company. This issue can be fixed by hiring more Saudi nationals and fulfilling the other requirements of the Labor Department. These companies also have no right to stop their employees from transforming their sponsors. 

    STC internet balance check number

    Green Iqama

    Green Iqama is divided into three categories, High green, Medium green, and Low green. If your Iqama status shows high green in the Iqama red-green process, then the status of your company is more than OK and you can feel relaxed. While medium or low green colors show that status is just ok and may be shifted to the yellow category in case of any violation.

    Platinum Category

    When your company meets all the requirements of the government, it is kept in the Platinum category. The owners and workers of such a company enjoy all privileges and benefits from the state. Your company is up to the mark, you should continue your job here. iqama status red green iqama status red-green is a common search by ex-pats on Google in KSA. Unfortunately, it is the old method. The iqama holders remain touchy about iqama status. Of course, they are right because the rules related to iqama are very strict in Saudi Arabia. The Saudization policy has also disturbed foreign workers.

    When ex-pats in Saudia want to search iqama status they have to use the official website. They search this interior ministry site by the keyword ” Iqama expiry check red green”. As a result, the website appears along with some other websites having guideline-based articles.


    Friends, the Saudi Labor Department is very strict on the Saudization policy now. So we recommend that you always keep on Iqama Expiry Check Red Green to know your company status. Never take the risk to remain in the red and yellow category company for your job security. Stay connected with our blog and comment in case of any queries. Iqama expiry checking is also advised for all ex-pats living in KSA.

  • Dubai Visa Cancellation Fees, Complete Process 2023

    Dubai Visa Cancellation Fees, Complete Process 2023

    Dubai visa cancellation fees is an issue for foreign workers who decide to leave the UAE on a permanent basis. They must have to cancel their visas. Otherwise, they cannot get work visas again without paying heavy fines.

    Expats also call this process ‘’employment visa cancellation UAE”. After applying by their company they search for ‘’Dubai visa cancellation status’’. This topic is also discussed in the blog.

    Dubai Visa Cancellation Fees

    According to the rules, the visa holder asks his company for a Dubai visa cancellation that applies to the labor department. The worker cannot apply himself to this process.

    The company is bound to pay the Dubai visa cancellation fee. The fee differs according to the category of the organization.

    The average employment visa cancellation fees is AED 100 to AED 200.

    Dubai Visa Cancellation fees

    How to Apply for Dubai Visa Cancellation?

    There are two steps for Dubai Visa Cancellation.

    • First of all, your sponsor or employer will apply for a work permit and contract cancellation at the Ministry of Human Resources.
    • The employer submits the documents electronically including the dues clearance certificate signed by you.
    • The Ministry forwards the information to the GDRFA after completing the necessary processes.
    • The GDRFA  will cancel your residence Visa and inform the Ministry, who then permanently cancel your UAE work permit.

    In the second step, company PRO visits one of the typing centers of the GDRFA.

    • The typing center submits the application online and processes it.
    • An employer can also apply online through the website of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship or GDRFA.

    Requirements for Visa Cancellation

    According to the GDRFA, the employer will submit the following documents before paying the Dubai visa cancellation fee.

    1)- Cancellation form signed by the sponsor.

    2)- Clearance certificate of MOHRE with company’s stamp

    3)- The original passport and ID.

    4)- Sponsor’s identification papers.

    You will provide a computerized extract of resident visas If you are out of the UAE.

    How Many Days Cancellation of Visa UAE?

    The Dubai visa cancellation process takes one to two weeks. During this period you will have to check Dubai visa cancellation status on a daily basis.

    UAE Visa Status Check

    Grace Period After cancellation

    You have a month grace period after Dubai visa cancellation to leave the UAE. If you don’t want to leave the country, you will have to get a new job and work permit as well. Only work permit cancellation is required to change your job in the Emirates.

    Important Tasks Before Visa Cancellation

    There are some tasks that are necessary to do before applying for employment visa cancellation in UAE.

    • You have to close your bank account.
    • Receive all your dues from your company and do not sign a confirmation letter before collecting your amount.
    • Must Pay all your utility bills and Cancel the tenancy contract.
    • Sell your car and other household items before leaving for your homeland.
  • How to Check STC Data Balance in 2023? (Easiest Method)

    How to Check STC Data Balance in 2023? (Easiest Method)

    How to Check STC Data Balance is a common query among the subscribers of Saudi Telecom Company STC. They also search for STC internet balance check number and STC balance check. It provides landline phones, mobile, and internet services around the world and has 160 million customers. prepaid internet packages, STC wi-fi, and STC online are very popular in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    How to Check STC Data Balance?

    You can check STC data balance easily by following a few steps given below.

    • Just type 2220 in the SMS box and send it to 900. The system will reply with your remaining data.
    • You can also dial the USSD code to Check the STC internet Balance.
    • If you want to check STC data balance, simply press “*888*5#” on your mobile or call 1500. The computerized system will tell you your STC balance in both Arabic and English. It is also called the STC MB check code.

    STC Internet Balance Check Number

    You can use *888*5# to check your data balance, so it is called as STC Internet Balance Check Number.

    STC internet balance check number“*888*5#”
    STC Internet Package Check Code

    STC Internet Package Check Code

    To check your Pkg balance, you will use STC Internet Package Check Code 8888. Simply send 8888 to 900.

    STC Internet Package Check Code8888

    STC Balance Transfer

    Thousands of Saudi ex-pats use STC services and enjoy different STC internet packages. STC balance transfer facility is very useful for them. The majority of foreigners usually use it to transfer balance from STC to STC, STC to India, and STC to Pakistan. They also want to know the STC balance check method for this process. We are explaining all these methods in a very simple way in this post. You can do it after knowing the STC internet balance check number.

    How to transfer a balance from STC to STC

    STC provides the facility to its customers to Transfer Balance from a prepaid number to any other prepaid. You can avail of this service by two methods but under some terms and conditions.

    Conditions for balance transfer from STC to STC

    • For STC balance transfer, STC sim must be registered on your Iqama card.
    • The same condition will apply to the recipient.
    • You can transfer a minimum of SAR 5 and a maximum of SAR 20 to other STC prepaid or postpaid numbers.
    • The amount which you want to transfer must be a multiple of 5, i.e, SAR 5, 10, 15, and 20.
    • You are bound to maintain the minimum balance limit of SAR 20 in your account after the STC to STC balance transfer.
    • The service charges for every STC balance transfer are SAR 0.5

    You may read: New procedure of Iqama expiry check

    Method 1 for STC Sawa Credit Transfer

    Type this message *133*number of recipient* amount and send it to 1500. The recipient will also have to send an SMS ( *133*ID number of the recipient ) to 1500.

    Method 2 for STC Sawa Credit Transfer

    In this method, the recipient will not send any SMS, the only sender will do this. The message will be as under:

    *133*number of recipient* amount*ID number of the recipient

    Transfer STC balance to international numbers

    STC customers can also share their STC balance with international numbers. Many countries and include in this list but we are giving the method of “transfer balance from STC to Pakistan” and “transfer balance from STC to India“. Both countries are eligible for this service. Users can get the list of countries by sending a message “countries” to 801500.

    Service Charges for this service vary from country to country. You can check it by sending the name of the country to 801500. i.e, “Pakistan” to 801500.

    How to transfer balance from STC to Pakistan

    You will have to send an SMS to 801500 to transfer a balance from STC to Pakistan. The sample SMS is:

    133*number of recipient*3*reference code

    Reference codes for different amounts

    • Reference code 1 will use to transfer 100 PKR to Pakistan. The company will deduct SR 7.
    • You will use Reference code 2 if you want to transfer 250 PKR. Its cost is SR 16.
    • For the transfer of 500 PKR, you will have to apply reference code “3” and the company will deduct a total of SR 32 from your account.

    How to transfer the balance from STC to India

    The process of SMS sending is the same as in Pakistan to transfer the balance from STC to India. Use these reference codes for India.

    Reference code 1 for 50 INR. Total cost SR 6.
    Reference code 2 for 100 INR. Total cost SR 11.
    Reference code 3 will be used to transfer 300 INR to India and the total deduction will be SR 30.

    Terms and Conditions

    These terms and conditions are applicable to transfer the balance from STC to international numbers.
    You should be a prepaid customer and have a sufficient balance in your STC account.
    you can send SAR 5 to 20 in a term and there is no limit on transactions.
    0.5 Saudi Riyal is a transfer fee that is charged for every transaction.

    Must read:  Check MOI Traffic Violation

    How to Recharge STC account

    You can get a recharge of SAR 10 to 200 by sending a message to 900.
    SMS: * 144 * (mobile number) * (Amount) #
    The daily recharge limit is 200 while the monthly is 500 SAR.

    We have given an Urdu video regarding the STC balance transfer and STC balance check process, you can watch it for more guidelines.

    SAWA, STC Packages

    STC packages are very famous among STC subscribers. The company has divided these packages into 6 categories which start from 10 Riyal and go up to 220 Riyal.  Talk time, local and international minutes, SMS, social media, and general internet are covered in these saws packages.  we will discuss this in detail here.

    SAWA 10:

    Subscribers can grab 200 on-net minutes, 200 SMS, and 200 MB of internet in SAWA 10 package. Talk time for other networks is available in this pkg. Send 8111 to 900 to subscribe to this STC bundle.

    SAWA 15:

    You can subscribe SAWA 15 package for 15 Riyal. The company offers you 400 minutes on the STC network, 400 SMS, and 400 MB of internet. No off-net talk time is included in this package. You will have to send 7015 to 900.

    SAWA Like:

    In SAWA 65 you can get 600 on-net minutes, 5 GB for social media, 2 GB Wi-Fi, and 2 GB internet for other purposes. Send 7065 to 900 for its activation.

    SAWA Share:

    The company offers unlimited minutes within the STC network, 10 GB of social media, 5 GB of internet, and 5 GB of Wi-Fi in 110 Riyals. You can subscribe Sawa Share package by sending 7110 to 900,

    SAWA Post:

    By subscribing SAWA Post, you will find unlimited talk time on the STC network, unlimited social media surfing, 10 GB internet, and 10 GB Wifi. Its cost is 160 Riyal. You will have to send 7160 to 900 for the subscription.

    SAWA Star:

    SAWA Star is a grand package of STC that allows you to enjoy unlimited talk time, unlimited social media, and 100 GB of internet, WiFi is not offered in this package. For a subscription, you have to send 7220 to 900.


    This is the STC post-pad package series. If we talk about Mofawtar basic, you can get 1 GB internet and 1 GB wi-fi, 100 minutes talk time on STC network in 70 Riyal monthly. International calls are not included in this package. A few more offers are given for postpaid customers.

    Final Words

    Friends, STC internet balance check numbers along with the methods of STC balance transfer and recharge are given in a very simple way in this blog. Now you can easily use all the procedures. However, you can ask a question by commenting below.

  • Query Traffic Violation by Number Plate, KSA 2023

    Query Traffic Violation by Number Plate, KSA 2023

    We are going to explain here the easiest method for query traffic violation by number plate. It is the need for every ex-pat who drives any vehicle in KSA.

    As you know, due to the high rate of traffic violations and road accidents the traffic rules are being tightened. The camera system has increased the ratio of violation detections.

    Now it is almost impossible to save yourself from the camera eye if you are going over speed or making any traffic violation in Saudi Arabia. On detection, the MOI system sends an SMS to your registered cell number regarding this act.


    Now, this violation is attached to your Iqama and you have to pay the fine. For which you want to Check traffic violation Saudi Arabia number plate. You can check it in different ways; we are giving here the easiest procedure to perform on the Absher website or App. Every ex-pat can use it very easily.

    Query Traffic Violation by Number Plate

    To check traffic violations with this method you need to have an account on the Absher site. If you are already not registered, you can create a new account with the guidelines provided by the ‘’Absher’’. Many ex-pats also use their friend’s Absher login ID to check the query traffic violation by number plate. Anyways, you have to follow these easy steps for this purpose.

    Complete Procedure

    • Step 1: Click on this link to open the Absher website;
    • Step 2: Change the language to English and click on the “Individuals’’ option.
    • Step 3: Now enter your ID or Iqama number, password, and then the Captcha code as shown.
    • Step 4: On pressing the enter button, the system will send a one-time password to your cell which you have to put in the related box on the new page.
    • Step 5: You have logged in to your account successfully. Now a new page will open, where you will select the “Traffic Violation Information” tab to check Traffic violation in Saudi Arabia. You can get guidelines from this screenshot.
    • Step 6: As you click on the Traffic violation information option, a new screen will show you all the traffic fines. Here you can also watch the traffic violation ID, date of violation fine amount, etc.
    • Step 7: In spite of all these details, our required information is not provided yet. We want to check the traffic violation of Saudi Arabia’s number plate. Click on the option of ‘’More Details” to get this object.
    • Now it is done, a pop-up screen shows all traffic violation details including the number plate of the vehicle.  

    Check Traffic Violation On MOI Website

    You can also check traffic violations on the MOI website for which you need only the text message sent by the MOI system regarding your violation.

    Moreover, the phone call facility is also available to know the traffic violation ID. You will dial 011-292-8888 from your registered mobile. On getting a response, select the language and enter the Iqama number on the keypad of the cell phone. Your violation ID detail will be told by the voice machine.

    Final Words

    Friends, you can easily check traffic violations Saudi Arabia number plate with all other details and also pay the fine.  It doesn’t matter how much fine is imposed on your violation and whether it is attached to your Iqama or not. The things that matter are your safety and your country’s repute. It must be your first priority to save both as an ex-pat. So feel your responsibilities and never compromise on them.

    you may ask any question in the comment box given below, in case of any difficulty. Allah Hafiz, stay blessed.

  • Postal and ZIP codes of Saudi cities in 2023

    Postal and ZIP codes of Saudi cities in 2023

    Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    When Saudi citizens or Expats living in KSA write a postal address, they need a five-digit code known as Saudi Arabia Postal Code or ZIP code. These codes determine the areas and locations of the respective country and city as well. The most popular among Saudi cities is Jeddah postal code.

    If someone has to write Saudi Arabia postal code or Saudi Arabia zip code in any document, he will use the capital city, Riyadh postal code. So we will describe it as:

    • Saudi Arabia postal code: 11564
    • Saudi Arabia zip code: 11564

    Jeddah Postal Code

    If you are living in Jeddah then will use Jeddah postal code for correspondence. In the same way, when anybody from outside Jeddah posts a letter to this city of Saudia, he also uses this code.

    A layman may call it “postal code Jeddah” or ”Postcode Jeddah”. We are giving here Jeddah postal code on top because it is used more than other cities’ codes. If you are asked to write Jeddah postal code or “postal code Jeddah”, you can copy it from below.

    The easiest way to check iqama validity in KSA

    • Jeddah Postal Code: 21577
    • Postal Code Jeddah: 21577
    • Postcode Jeddah: 21577

    Jeddah ZIP Code

    zip code and postal codes are the same. So if someone asks you about Jeddah zip code. you can write it as Jeddah ZIP Code: 21577, ZIP Code Jeddah: 21577

    Jeddah postal code

    Riyadh Postal Code, Postcode for Riyadh

    Riyadh Postal Code is also called “Postcode for Riyadh” in Saudi Arabia. So we are writing it in both forms. It stands at second position after Jeddah’s postal code in importance. As Riyadh is the capital city, its postal code is used more on international level correspondence. Expats also search it by the term ”Riyadh postcode”.

    • Riyadh Postal Code: 11564
    • Postal Code Riyadh: 11564
    • Postcode for Riyadh: 11564   

    Riyadh ZIP Code

    Although postal and zip codes are the same, yet in some documents, Riyadh zip code is published instead of “Riyadh Postal Code“. So it may be written as:

    • Riyadh ZIP Code: 11564         
    • ZIP Code Riyadh: 11564

    Makkah Postal Code

    • Makkah Postal Code: 21514
    • Makkah ZIP Code: 21514

    Postal Code of Makkah has unique importance because Makkah is the center of the Muslims of the whole world. As the house of Allah “Khana Kaba” is situated there, every Muslim wish to visit Makkah as well as Madina. Millions of Muslims visit this city for the sack of Umrah and Hajj every year. So it is the most important city and the use of Makkah Postal code or Makkah zip code is common.   

    Postcode for Riyadh

    Madinah Postal Code

    Madinah is the city of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and millions of Muslims visit this holy city. They use Madinah Postal Code or Madinah zip Code in there documents like local citizens of Saudi Arabia.

    • Madinah Postal Code: 20012
    • Madinah ZIP Code: 20012

    Dammam Postal Code

    Dammam is the capital and largest city of  Saudi’s Eastern Province. It is also known as the administrative center of the oil industry of KSA. Due to its major role in the Saudi economy, Dammam Postal Code and Dammam zip code are used in a wide range. These are given as under:

    • Dammam Postal Code: 31433
    • Dammam ZIP Code: 31433

    Khobar Postal Code

    Khobar is also a big city of Eastern province with almost 2 Million population. This is the city of oil companies and workers having 50 KM distance from King Fahd international airport. Khobar postal code and Khobar zip code are much important in the correspondence of international oil companies working in the kingdom.

    • Khobar Postal Code: 31952
    • Khobar ZIP Code: 31952

    Taif Postal Code

    Taif is a historical city of province Makkah. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) spends a lot of time here in preaching of Islam. It is the fifth-largest city of Saudi Arabia with a total population of 12 lac. The people who want to know the Taif postal code or Taif zip code can get it from this passage. It is given as under:

    • Taif Postal Code: 21431
    • Taif ZIP Code: 21431

    Khamis Postal Code

    Khamis Mushait is a city of the Asir province of KSA. It has a population of 13 lac and situated 884 KM away from the capital Riyadh. A large number of ex-pats live in this city. We are giving here Khamis postal code and Khamis zip code for their convenience.    

    • Khamis Postal Code: 61961
    • Khamis ZIP Code: 61961

    Sakaka Postal Code

    Sakakah is the capital of Al Jawf Province of KSA. It is a small city with a 3 lac population but expanding now due to the development work. The construction work is going on rapidly in the city on the order of crown prince. Prince Muhammed Bin Abdul Aziz Medical City is the largest project of the series.

    This complex has a hospital of one thousand beds. This city is also known due to Al Jouf University. Due to this importance, Sakakah postal code and Sakakah zip code are used by the people which are given as below:

    • Sakaka Postal Code: 75471
    • Sakaka ZIP Code: 75471

    Najran Postal Code, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Najran is a Saudi city near the border of Yemen and is on fire nowadays due to the Yemen war. More than five lac Saudis live in Najran. You can use Najran postal code and Najran zip code by copying from below.

    • Najran Postal Code: 61441
    • Najran ZIP Code: 61441

    Postal code of Yanbu

    At the end of this list, we are talking about Yanbu, which is a city of Province Al Madinah and is a red seaport. It consists of approximately two lac population. A large number of expatriates are included who work in the oil industry of Saudia. 

    • Postal code of Yanbu: 30799
    • Zip code of Yanbu: 30799

    Dubai Zip Code, Dubai Postal Code

    Saudi Arabia Postal Code, All Major Cities

    City NamePostal Code
    Aaar       73311
    Abha     61321
    Al Bahah              65525
    Al Qurayyar        77425
    Al Qurayyat        77451
    Amlaj    48313
    Badr       46357
    Bahah   65511
    Dammam            32241
    Dhahran               34464
    Hail       55425
    Hafr Al-Batin      39923
    Haradh 36362
    Hofuf    48313
    Jeddah 21577
    Jizan     88723
    Jubail     35412
    Jubail Industrial City        35541
    Khamis Mmushait            61961
    Khobar 34424
    Madinah              20012
    Makkah 24236
    Najran  61441
    Qassim, Buraidah             51431
    Rabigh    25725
    Rafha   76321
    Ras Tanura          32816
    Riyadh  11564
    Sakaka  75471
    Tabuk    47711
    Taif         26513
    Tayma   45511
    Turaif    75311
    Unaizah               51911
    Wadi as Surr       49549
    Yunbu   30799
    Zulfi       15941

    Check it: Richest Cities in Saudi Arabia

    FAQ About Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Everybody search his desired queries on search engine by his own styles. Most people feel ease to ask direct questions which are called frequently asked questions about a specific topic. We have given here some questions about the postal code of Saudi Arabia and its other cities.

    What is the postal code of Jeddah?

    The postal code of Jeddah is 21577, which also use as a zip code of Jeddah. So don’t confuse and keep in mind that both are the same.

    What is the postal code of Riyadh?

    The Riyadh postal code and Riyadh zip code is 11564. You can also use this code when someone asks the postal code of Saudi Arabia.

    What is the postal code of Makkah?

    The postal code of Makkah or Zip Code of Makkah is 21514.

    What is the latest Madinah postal code?

    The Madinah postal code or Madinah zip code will be written as 20012.

    What is the latest Dammam postal code or Dammam Zip code?

    The Dammam postal code or Dammam Zip code is not changed, it is 31433.

    What is the Postal Code of Khobar?

    The postal code of Khobar of the zip code of Khobar is 31952.

    Query Iqama Expiry Check Latest Method

    What is the Abha postal or Abha zip code?

    Abha postal code is 61321 which is also Abha zip code and used in every type of correspondence inside or outside Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia Postal Code, Postal Regions

    Saudi Post has divided the country into eight regions, based on administrative units. These postal regions are as under.

    Arriyadh Region, Makkah Region, Eastern province Region, Madinah and Tabuk Region, Qassim and Ha’il Region, Asir, Najran, and Baha Region, Northern Borders, and Jawf Region and last postal region of KSA is Jizan.

    Saudi Postal sectors, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Saudi Post divides Each postal region into postal sectors for better working. The maximum post sectors maybe 8 sectors in numbers. The number of sectors starts from 2 instead of one, so the highest sector number will be nine. The first number is given to the capital of the region in routine. Saudi Post issues even numbers to the south sectors and odd to the northern.

    postal branches, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Furthermore, the postal sector is divided into a maximum of 8 postal branches. One number branch is used for governmental and exceptional services. You can observe that the borders of the postal branches in Saudi Arabia are highways or main roads. Similarly, the branches to the west of the axis point are given odd numbers while the branches to the east have even numbers. Due to this structure of the Saudi Post, you can easily understand the Saudi ArabiaPostal code or Saudi Arabia Zip code.

    Saudi Arabia postal code

    Postal Divisions

    Saudi Post has further divided Postal branches into divisions, which may nine in numbers. This division is according to main roads and streets. The coding of postal divisions is based upon the nearest division to the axis of the division.

    Postal Squares, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Then each postal section is divided into squares of maximum size 4×4 km². On the other hand, the low-density urban zones have an area of 2×2 km² while high-density and populated urban zones are of 1×1 km² size.

    History of Postal Codes

    If we talk about the history of Post Codes, its advancement reflects the expanding multifaceted nature of postal conveyance as population developed and the assembled condition turned out to be more unpredictable. This happened first in extensive urban communities. Postal codes started with postal area numbers inside modern cities. London was first subdivided into 10 areas in 1857, and Liverpool in 1864.

    By World War I, such postal area or zone numbers existed in different expansive European urban communities. They existed in the United States at any rate as ahead of schedule as the 1920s, perhaps executed at the nearby mail station level just (for instance, examples of “Boston 9, Mass” in 1920 bore witness to, in spite of the fact that they were clearly not utilized all through all real US urban communities (actualized all-inclusive) until second World War.

    The name of US postal codes, “Postal divisions”, shows it transformative development from a zoning plan to a zone enhancement plan, “ZIP”. Present-day postal codes were first presented in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in December 1932, yet the framework was deserted in 1939. The following nation to present postal codes was Germany in 1941, trailed by Singapore in 1950, Argentina in 1958, the United States in 1963 and Switzerland in 1964.

    Final words about Saudi Arabia Postal code

    After knowing the entire structure of the Saudi Post, you can easily understand the funda of the Saudi Arabia postal code and Saudi Arabia zip code. Likewise, Jeddah postal code, Jeddah zip code, Riyadh Postal Code, Makkah Postal Code, Madinah Postal Code, Madinah Postal Code, Khobar postal code, Taif postal code and codes of other cities of KSA are easy to remember for you.

  • How to Deactivate Du Daily Data Package? Method 2023

    How to Deactivate Du Daily Data Package? Method 2023

    The queries like ‘’How to deactivate Du daily data package 2 AED’’ are the issue of Du users who subscribe to Du daily data packages. We will guide them in a simple way so that they can unsubscribe from bundles when feeling no need.

    There is no doubt, Du provides affordable daily data packages @ AED2, 3, and 5.25. You can use enough data at full speed by subscribing to these Du daily data packages. However, it becomes painful when auto-renewal start. Do not worry, you may deactivate Du daily data package instantly with the help of this blog when you want.

    How to Deactivate Du Daily Data Package 2 AED 60MB?

    It is the most famous bundle among Du users. It grants you 60MB of data for 24 hours, after that Du system deducts 2 AED from your balance for the next day. If you want to deactivate Du’s daily data package 2 AED 60MB, use one of the methods stated below.


    • Open your dial pad and dial the SSD code *135*6#
    • Then choose the appropriate option to deactivate Du daily data package 2 AED 60MB.

    Method2 for Deactivation Du Daily Data Package

    • You can also use SSD code *135*7# or *135*5# to unsubscribe.
    • After dialing SSD code, new screen will open. Now choose “5” -> Data offers.
    • Then select “3” -> Daily data bundles.
    • After that you will choose “1” -> For daily data bundles.
    • Now select “2” -> To unsubscribe from the current bundles.
    • At the end, you have to choose “1” -> To confirm deactivation of pkg.

    Method3 Un-Subscription Through SMS:

    We are providing you three SMS codes to deactivate Du daily data package 2 AED 60MB.

    • Write ‘’STOP DATA’’ in SMS box and sent it to 1355.
    • OR, send ‘’CDP2’’ to 1012
    • OR, send “QUITDO’’ to 5050

    Method4 Un-Subscription Through WhatsApp:

    The company also offers the facility to Unsubscribe a package by sending a message to the Du WhatsApp number 0582428268. So you can also use this option.

    How to Deactivate Du Daily Data Package 2 AED 60MB?

    How to Deactivate Du Daily 3 AED Data Package?

    The above-stated methods can be used to deactivate Du daily 3 AED data package. In case of any difficulty, you can follow the instructions given below.

    • Open dial pad of your cell phone and dial *055*777#       
    • A pop up will appear with the option to deactivate. You just enter the appropriate number given there for the deactivation of Du daily 3 AED data package.

    Deactivation of DU Monthly Data Bundle

    You can use one of the above-mentioned methods to Deactivate DU Monthly Data Bundle. In case of failure, apply this procedure.

    • Simply dial *135*5#
    • A pop-up will appear showing 3 options. You will choose ‘’deactivate’’.
    • Congratulations, it is done.

    DU Social Package Deactivation

    The Deactivation of DU Social Package is also very easy. We advise you to use any method given in this blog for this purpose.

    Deactivation of All DU Sim Offers & Packages

    You can Deactivate All DU Sim Offers & Packages with a single SMS.

    Write ‘’STOPALL‘’ in the SMS box and send it to 9000

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q1: How to activate the Du daily Saver Bundle?

    Ans: Just dial *135*7# to activate the daily saver bundle. You’ll receive a confirmation SMS within a few minutes.

    Q2: What’s the duration of the bundle subscription?

    Ans: Du daily Saver Bundle duration is 24 hours but it renews automatically after every 24 hours. It means AED 2.50 will automatically be deducted from your account every day.

    Q3: How to deactivate the daily bundle?

    Ans: You can deactivate the bundle at any time by dialing *135*7#. The remaining units will remain valid until their expiry.

    Q4: How many bundles can I purchase per day?

    Ans: One bundle per day is allowed. However, you can activate a new one after the expiry of the old bundle.

    Q5: What happens if I don’t use all my units within 24 hours?

    Ans: Your remaining minutes, SMSs, or MBs will automatically expire.

    How to Check Du Number and Sim Owner Details?

    Q6: Which countries are included in the promotion?

    Ans: More than 170 countries including Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, China, the USA, and Saudi Arabia are included in this package. You can use promotion minutes to call there.

  • Easy Way to Check Kafeel Name on Iqama in 2023

    Easy Way to Check Kafeel Name on Iqama in 2023

    You can check Kafeel name on Iqama with different methods, we are giving here the two simplest ways. These procedures remain functional every time. Our guideline will make iqama transfer status-checking

    Check Kafeel name on Iqama with Absher

    Sometimes, ex-pats have to change their job, company, and Kafeel as well. They apply for the transfer of sponsorship for this purpose. When this process is completed, the name of Kafeel will be changed in the record of the Labor Ministry and the Ministry of Interior. To know whether the sponsorship is transferred or not, they check Kafeel name on Iqama with the help of Absher. This process is also used to check the iqama transfer status.

    This procedure is so simple; you just need your Absher account to perform it. If you are not still registered on Absher, you can create your account with the help of this video tutorial. So let’s start the process.

    Step1: Open the Absher portal by clicking on this link:

    Step 2: Enter your user ID/Iqama number, password, and the captcha code to log in. Now check your registered mobile inbox and get the authentication code sent by the Absher system.

    Step 3: Then enter this code into the required box and click on Login to check your Iqama transfer status.

    Step 4: Your account is open, now click on your name and picture appearing on the page.

    Step 5: It is time to click on “Dashboard” showing in the drop-down list.

    Step 6: By clicking on Dashboard, a new page will be open. The information regarding your account is available on the left side of the page. You have to click on the ‘’More details’’ option for Iqama to check kafeel name.

    iqama check kafeel name

    Final Step: Now you can see another new page of personal information, as its pic is given below. Your sponsor’s name is shown here with many other details like date of birth, country, ID number, Job category, Martial status, religion, etc.

    iqama check kafeel name procedure

    Friends, it was the easy method to Check Kafeel’s name on Iqama. If Kafeel’s name is changed, it means your sponsorship transfer has been done successfully. Otherwise, the case is under process and you have to wait for its completion.

    (Also read: Check MOI Traffic Violation in Saudia)

    Second Method:

    This method is used to check Iqama transfer status through Labor office services. As a result, the new Kafeel name is also shown. So this procedure is also used to check Kafeel’s name on Iqama. Only your Iqama number is required for this simple operation. Please follow these steps for ‘’Iqama check kafeel name’’.

    1. Open the Labor Ministry website with this link:
    2. You will be able to see the drop-down menu, select an option in Arabic from here because the English version is not given on the site. So click on نقل خدمة عامل وافد.   
    3. Now you can see a new tab where you have to enter your Iqama number in the required field.
    4. It is the last step, in which you can check your Iqama transfer status after entering the verification code, as shown on your computer screen. The process is completed successfully. You then check your new Kafeel name if the Iqama transfer is done. Otherwise, the old sponsor’s name will show.

    So, friends, we have elaborated on the two methods to Check Kafeel’s name on Iqama and to check your Iqama transfer status. Both are simple and easy; we recommend trying the Absher method first. If unfortunately, it does not work then you should try the second for Iqama check kafeel name. Moreover, our comment box is available for your queries. You will be answered as soon as possible.

  • Check Saudi Visa Status with Passport Number (2023)

    Check Saudi Visa Status with Passport Number (2023)

    KSA Visa Check by Passport Number

    The applicants who want to check Saudi visa Status with passport number have reached the right place. This visa may be a visit visa, family visit visa, Umrah visa, or any other. We have also given here the procedure for a Saudi Arabia work visa check. People also search it as ”KSA visa check by passport”. number

    You can get accurate information about the visa stamping status by Enjaz visa checking by passport number. You have to do some simple steps on the Enjazit Website for this object.

    Check Saudi Visa Status With Passport Number

    The applicants belonging to any country including Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh have to enter only their passport number to check Saudi visa status in this method. The system will let you know in seconds whether your visa is stamped or not.

    The richest cities in Saudi Arabia

    The only passport number is required to check Saudi visa status. So please follow these easy steps to check Saudi visa status with passport number.

    1. Open the Saudi foreign ministry website Enjazit with this direct link.
    2. Now change the language from Arabic to English from the option given at the top of the page.
    3. This page shows five boxes where you have to enter your data. Enter your passport number in the first box and then tick your visa type in the second box. It may be Resident, Hajj, Umrah, Transit or Diplomatic.
    4. The third box requires an image code and the fourth is about your nationality.
    5. In the fifth and last box, the system asks about the visa-issuing authority. you will select here the city where you have applied for the visa.

    As the Enjazit website is used in this method, it is also known as ”Enjaz visa checking”. On the other hand, a group of ex-pats also calls it visa check by passport number.

    Saudi visa status
    • After that click on the ”Search” button. The system will show your Saudi visa status on a new page. If this page is showing all visa details, your visa is issued. When the page shows an error message, it is an indication that your visa is not stamped yet. This is a common method to check Saudi visa status online, also known as ”Saudi Arabia visa check”.

    Saudi Visa Check for E-Visa Applicants

    Rather than Enjaz visa checking, there is another way for a Saudi visa check for E visa applicants. As you know, the Saudi e-visa facility is now available for almost all countries. The method to apply for a Saudi e-visa is so easy that anybody can adopt it. This link may be used to apply for an e-visa.

    Friends remain careful when entering your email address during applying for a Saudi e-visa. Usually, the system takes one business day to process your e-visa application. You will get your e-visa by email.

    If don’t receive an email

    If you don’t receive an email regarding your Saudi e-visa, you have to wait for more two days. In rare cases, the responding time may be 3 business days. During this period, we suggest you check your ”Spam”, ”Junk”, ”Deleted”, and ”Archived” folders also. It is an essential part of the Saudi visa check process.

    What to do after 3 days?

    If you don’t receive any mail within 3 business days, you will have to adopt this Saudi visa check method.

    Check Saudi Visa

    Click on this link of the Saudi e-visa official website and fill up the ”Contact Us” form. The System will reply to You within 72 hours after the submission of this form.

    Saudi work visa check with passport number

    In routine, you can use the same procedure for the Saudi Arabia work visa check. Simply you will have to select ‘’Resident’’ in the visa category. If the given link does not work, you can adopt this procedure.

    • Open the home page of the Enjazit website with this link.
    • Change the language to English.
    • There will be a Query box on the right side of the page as shown in the image. Click on ”Searching for” and select ”Electronics Services”.
    Saudi Visa check
    • Now enter your Application number, passport number, and captcha code.
    • Then click on ”Search” to check your Saudi visa status online.

    A new page will show your Saudi visa status. You must confirm your visa category and application number there. In this way, you have completed the process of the Saudi Arabia work visa check.

    alternate method for Saudi Arabia work visa check

    Friends, if the above-stated methods and links don’t work, then you can use this procedure for Saudi Arabia work visa check.

    • Open the MOFA website directly by clicking on this link.
    • Change the language and enter the information asked in the relevant boxes as stated earlier.
    • Now click on Search and find your Saudi visa status.

    Friends you can use all these methods to check your Saudi visa status online.

    Urdu video for Guideline to Check Saudi Visa Status With Passport Number–po

    Facts About Saudi Visa Check Online by Passport Number

    The immigration rules have been tightened more due to the Saudization policy. However, the Hajj, Umrah, and visit visas are not affected only the acquisition of a Saudi work visa has become more difficult.

    It is a fact that Saudi embassies don’t accept visa applications without complete documents. So usually when you check your Saudi visa status after submitting the application, the result shows positive.  The given websites normally don’t indicate an objection. It may be a time factor if your visa is not ready. Thus remain hopeful and positive during Saudi Arabia visa check or checking Saudi visa status. 

    How Many Sims on My Iqama?

    Validity Of Saudi Visas

    You can check the validity of different Saudi Visas from this table.

    Type of VisaStay PeriodValidit of Visa
    Tourist VisaMaximum 90-dayOne Year
    Business Visa30 to 60 days6 months to 1 year
    Family Visit Visa90 days30 to 90 days
    Personal Visit Visa90 days3 Months
    Saudi Work Visa6 Months without a residence permitOne Year
    Hajj VisaTill Eid ul Zuha30 days
    Umrah VisaUp to 1 month6 months without a residence permit

    Final Words

    Friends, we have explained everything about the procedure for checking Saudi visa status with the passport number. Most of the ex-pats remember it as ”Enjaz visa checking”. The methods for Saudi Arabia work visa check and Saudi Visa checks for E-Visa Applicants are also explained.

    You can ask any question in the comment box given below if feel any confusion. We will try to respond immediately.