Category: Visa Guide

  • The Procedure to get a Dubai transit visa and Entry Permit

    The Procedure to get a Dubai transit visa and Entry Permit

    If you want to go to another country via Dubai and want a short stay there, you will have to get a Dubai transit visa. Millions of passengers travel through UAE airports every month. They reach at four international airports of United Arab Emirates for connecting flights. Such people also often enjoy the beautiful tourist destinations of UAE during this journey.

    If you want to avail this opportunity, you will have to apply for a transit visa that allows you to exit the airport and enjoy the many tourist destinations in the Emirates.

    The General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs (GDRFA) Dubai has informed the passengers on its social media channels that they can apply for a 96-hours entry permit of 72-hours transit visa upon arrival in the UAE.

    When applying for a transit visa at the immigration counter, the candidate will have to provide the following documents.

    • Original passport, an airline ticket that indicates that you will continue your journey and that it is a minimum of eight hours and a maximum of 96 hours after your entry into your country to depart for your destination.
    • Hotel booking is also required for transit visa of Dubai.

    You also may visit airline’s office for this purpose. There, ask the airline’s service officer to provide you with a 96-hour entry permit. If your application is accepted, you will receive confirmation.

    Then you have to meet with the passport officer at the immigration counter and complete the rest of the procedure. According to the UAE’s official website, if you are not eligible for a tourist visa upon entering the country, you can apply for a transit visa.


    Who can apply for a transit visa?

    If you are traveling by a UAE airline, you can apply for a transit visa. They can arrange a transit visa for you. If your trip is through a travel agency, they can also arrange a transit visa for you.

    Easiest Way to Get a Dubai Work Visa

    According to a public relations officer of a Dubai based travel agency, passengers can also apply for their transit visa if they book tickets through the travel agency.

    You will pay a fee of 50 dirhams for the issuance of transit visa for 96 hours. You must apply for this visa in advance from a UAE airline. This visa cannot be extended. The visa is valid for 96 hours before ending this period you will have to leave the country.

    You must ensure that you undergo the necessary PCR tests to meet the requirements of your final destination. Also remember the travel instructions related to the corona virus.

  • Minimum Bank Balance Requirement for Schengen Visa

    Minimum Bank Balance Requirement for Schengen Visa

    Minimum Bank Balance for Schengen Visa

    You are going to apply for a visa and want to know the minimum bank balance for Schengen Visa. Well, we have answered your query with a complete explanation in this blog. If you follow our instructions, no confusion will be left regarding the bank statement and show money.

    However, no specific limit for minimum bank balance is described by any Schengen country yet you have to maintain your bank statement wisely. Visa/immigration officers assess your financial position both from your closing balance and transactions. Suppose that you attach a bank statement showing a 1 million balance but no regular transactions. It will weaken your case instead of empowering. You need regular transactions to prove your business activity. Otherwise, the visa officer can guess that you have borrowed funds from somewhere to get a heavy statement.

    Minimum Bank Balance for Schengen Visa

    Beautiful Pics Of Top Hotels Around The World Jpg4.

    Now again the question stands, what would be the minimum bank balance for Schengen Visa. Here we can advise you, it must be the double expenditure required for your trip, at least. The average daily expense of a visitor is 60 to 80 Euro per day in a Schengen country. If you have planned a 15 days’ trip, multiply it to 15 and then to the number of persons going with you. Remember that the dues of the hotel and air ticket have already been paid.

    Alternate of Minimum Bank Balance for Schengen Visa

    If your bank statement is showing less balance, you can show your credit cards and mutual fund certificates, etc. If the statement is indicating a regular income and the source stated in your documents, it is sufficient and acceptable for the consular section. It is the alternative of minimum bank balance for Schengen Visa.

    Keep it in your mind, you have to justify every point written in a visa form and covering letter by you. The visa officer has an idea of your income according to your profession. Don’t try to mislead him, prepare and present your case honestly. He has the right to reject your visa case in case of any doubt.

    What to do in case of less income?

    You should select a Schengen country with less inflation to meet the limit of minimum bank balance. You also can keep your tour plane shorter for this purpose.

    In both cases, you are not bound to act the same. The Schengen visa allows you to enter any Schengen country by choice. In the same way, you can spend more days than that plane submitted with your visa application. It is totally a legal act.

  • Best Guideline for Canada Farm Worker Visa

    Best Guideline for Canada Farm Worker Visa

    Canada Farm Worker Visa

    Canada Farm Worker Visa is a seasonal visa that is issued to farmworkers to overcome the shortage of agricultural labor in the country. You need only a job offer from Canada for this C category visa. You can get a job offer through the Canada job bank portal or other websites. Some middlemen are also available in Canada and other countries who manage agriculture jobs for this purpose.

    Farm owners send job offer letters, agreements, and LMIA if they select for the job. They also provide residence and food facilities free of the cast to farmworkers. You will be allowed to bring your family to Canada. As it is the visa of the C category, your wife will not be issued an open work permit to work there. However, after promoting the post of farm supervisor, your category might be changed. Then your family can enjoy the facility of Canada’s open work permit.

    There are three ways to get a Canadian farmworker visa, which are stated below, in the details of this article. First of all watch this video, so that you can understand the basic requirements for this free visa.

    Countries eligible for Canada farm worker visa

    According to the Canadian immigration official website, the temporary foreign workers for the agriculture stream can be from any country. However, only the citizens of the following twelve countries can apply for Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program.

    1. Anguilla
    2. Antigua and Barbuda
    3. Barbados
    4. Dominica
    5. Grenada
    6. Jamaica
    7. Mexico
    8. Montserrat
    9. Kitts-Nevis
    10. Lucia
    11. Vincent and the Grenadines
    12. Trinidad and Tobago 


    کینیڈا فری ویزا

    کینیڈا کے فری فارم ورکر ویزا کو کینیڈا کا فری ویزا بھی کہا جاتاہے۔ یہ ایسا ورک پرمٹ ہے جس کیلئے کسی تعلیمی قابلیت کی ضرورت ہے اور نہ ہی تجربہ درکار ہوتاہے۔ یہ ویزا حاصل کرنے کے تین طریقے ہیں۔ پہلا طریقہ ہے روایتی ایجنٹوں کا۔ جوکہ دوسال کے اس کینیڈین ورک پرمٹ کیلئے بیس سے تیس لاکھ روپے تک لے رہے ہیں۔ حالانکہ یہ بالکل فری ہوتا ہے۔ ایجنٹ دیگر مڈل مین کے ساتھ مل کر اس معاملے میں بھی خوب مال بناتے ہیں۔ ان کے کینیڈا میں لوگوں سے رابطے ہوتے ہیں جوکہ فارم مالکان سے معاملات طے کرکے جاب آفر اور لمیا بجھواتے ہیں۔ اس طرح یہ لوگ لمبی کمائی کرتے ہیں۔

    یقیناً یہ رقم بہت زیادہ ہے۔ کینیڈا میں مسلسل کام کریں تو یہ کم از کم ڈیڑھ سال میں پوری ہوگی۔ پھر دو سال بعد پرمٹ ری نیو ہوجائے تو آپ اپنے لئے کچھ جمع کر پائیں گے۔ اگر اجرت کی بات کریں تو یہ بارہ ڈالر فی گھنٹہ ہے۔ ایجنٹ اس سلسلہ میں بہت سے سبز باغ دکھاتے ہیں۔ یہاں یہ بات واضح کرتے چلیں کہ کینیڈین فارم ورکر کی کیٹیگری سی ہے جس پر آپ پی آر اپلائی نہیں کرسکتے۔ اگر دوسال کام کرکے سپروائزر بن جائیں تو سٹیٹس بدل جائے گا اور آپ مستقل رہائشی ویزے کے اہل ہوں گے۔ اس کے لئے ضروری ہے کہ کم ازکم تعلیم انٹرمیڈیٹ ہو اور انگریزی زبان نارمل حد تک بول اور سمجھ سکتے ہوں۔ اس کے علاوہ فارم ورکر دوماہ بعد اپنی بیوی اور بچوں کو بھی کینیڈا بلواسکتاہے۔ تاہم بیوی کو اوپن پرمٹ نہیں ملے گا۔ جو کہ سپروائزر ہونے کی صورت میں مل سکتاہے

    ایک بات اور جان لیں کہ فارم ورکرز کو کھیتوں اور باغات میں کام کرنا ہوتاہے جوکہ سیزنل کام ہے ۔ سال میں تین چار ماہ فراغت ہوتو لیبر کا کوئی اورکام بھی کرسکتے ہیں ۔ رہائش اور خوراک فارم مالک کے ذمے ہوتی ہے۔ مختصراًیہ بات ذہن نشین کرلیں کہ پچیس تیس لاکھ کے عیوض یہ ویزا خریدنے کا سودا بہت مہنگاہے۔

    کینیڈا فارم ورکر ویزا حاصل کرنے کا دوسرا طریقہ

    کینیڈین فارم ورکر ویزا حاصل کرنے کا دوسرا طریقہ یہ ہے کہ جاب آفر خود منگوائی جائے۔ آپ نے اپنے ملک میں رہتے ہوئے ہی یہ کام کرنا ہے۔ اگر آپ کا کوئی عزیز ، رشہ دار پہلے سے کینیڈا میں موجود ہے تو یہ کام آسان ہوسکتاہے۔ بصورت دیگر کینیڈین جاب بنک ویب سائٹ پر آئے روز اس نوعیت کی ملازمتون کے ایڈز پوسٹ ہوتے ہیں۔ انڈیڈ ڈاٹ کام سے بھی استفادہ کر سکتے ہیں ۔ ان جاب ویب سائٹس سے ملازمتیں دیکھ کر اپلائی کریں۔ بہت سے کینیڈین فارمز مالکان اس طرح براہ راست بھی ورکر منگواتے ہیں ۔ آپ سے معاملات طے ہوجانے پر وہ جاب آفر، جاب ایگریمنٹ اور لمیا بھیج دیں گے ۔ جن پر آپ ایمبیسی سے ویزا لگواسکیں گے۔ اس کے بعد کسی سپانسر یا بنک سٹیٹمنٹ کی ضرورت نہیں ہوگی۔

    تیسرا طریقہ خود وزٹ ویزا پر کینیڈاجاکر جاب کی تلاش ہے۔ اگرآپ کینیڈین وزٹ ویزا حاصل کرسکتے ہیں تو یہ طریقہ بہترین نتائج دے گا۔کینیڈا جاکر آپ چند ایک ایگری فارمز وزٹ کریں گے تو نوکری کے معاملات طے پاجائیں گے ۔ اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ وہاں مقامی لوگ فارم ورکر کا کام بہت کم کرتے ہیں اس لئے یہ لیبر باہر سے ہی منگوائی جاتی ہے۔ فارم کا ملک آپ کو جاب آفرلیٹر، ایگری منٹ اور لمیا بنواکر دے گا جسے لے کر آپ یوکے بارڈر ایجنسی جائیں گے جہاں چھوٹا سا انٹرویو ہوگا اور ایک سو پچپن ڈالر فیس اداکرناہوگی جس کے بعد موقع پر ہی ورک پرمٹ جاری ہوجائے گا ۔انٹرویو کےسلسلہ میں گبھرانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے ۔ انٹرویو میں یہی پوچھا جاتا ہے کہ آپ کا ائمپلائر کون ہے؟ اس سے کیسے ملے؟ سیلری کتنی طے ہوئی ہے وغیرہ وغیرہ۔

    ان تینوں طریقوں پر غور کرلیں جو بھی آپ کو بہتر لگے اس کے لئے ہوم ورک کریں اور مکمل تیاری کےساتھ کوشش کریں ۔ ہرممکن طور پر ایجنٹوں سے بچنا ہی آپ کے مفاد میں ہوگا۔

  • پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر ویزا فری اور ویزا آن آرائیول کنٹریز

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر ویزا فری اور ویزا آن آرائیول کنٹریز

    ویزا فری ممالک

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ کی عالمی رینکنگ میں‌دودرجے بہتری آئی ہے. پچھلے سال یہ سیکنڈ لاسٹ نمبر پر تھا اور پاکستانی شہریوں کیلئے ویزا فری اور انٹری ویزاوالے ممالک کی تعداد 32 تھی۔ اب ہینلے پاسپورٹ انڈیکس کے مطابق گرین پاسپورٹ افغانستان، عراق اور شام سے اوپر ایک سو آٹھ نمبر پرچلا گیا ہےاور ایسے ممالک کی تعداد 31 ہوگئی ہے جہاں ویزے لیکر جانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے.ان میں 9 ممالک ایسے ہیں جو کہ ویزا فری انٹری دیتے ہیں جبکہ 22 ممالک کا ویزا آن آرائیول ہےیعنی کہ ان کے ایئرپورٹس پر انٹری ویزا دے دیا جاتاہے

    visa free countries for Pakistan 2022

    نمبر1: کامن ویلتھ آف ڈومینیکا

    ویزا فری کنٹریز میں‌ سب سے پہلے ڈومینکا ہےجوکہ بغیر ویزے کے چھ ماہ تک قیام کی اجازت دیتاہے. کامن ویلتھ آف ڈومینیکا کیریبین جزائر میں شامل ایک خوبصورت ملک ہے جس کارقبہ 750 مربع کلومیٹر ،آبادی پچھہتر ہزار، دارلحکومت روسو اور سرکاری زبان انگریزی ہے۔دنیا بھر سے سیاح اس جزیرے کا رخ کرتے ہیں.

    نمبر2: ہیٹی

    اس کے بعد ہیٹی ہے جہاں بغیرویزا تین ماہ تک قیام کیا جاسکتاہے.یہ تھوڑا بڑا جزیرہ ہے اور اس کی آبادی ایک کروڑ کے قریب پہنچ چکی ہے. .یہ بھی پورا سال ہی سیاحوں کی توجہ کا مرکز بنا رہتاہے۔ ویزا گائیڈ کتاب فری پڑھیں


    نمبر3: مائکرونیشیا

    انڈونیشیا کے قریب بحرالکاہل میں.جزائر پر مشتمل ملک مائیکرونیشیا میں‌بھی پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر ایک ماہ تک ویزا کے بغیر رہ سکتے ہیں. اس کا دارلحکومت پالیکیر ہے اور یہاں دیکھنے کو بڑے بڑے ساحل اورقدرتی حسن موجودہے۔

    نمبر4: ٹرینڈاڈ ٹوباگو

    پاکستانی شہریوں کیلئے چوتھا ویزا فری کنٹری جمہوریہ ٹرینیڈاڈ و ٹوباگو ہے جوکہ براعظم امریکہ میں شامل ہےاور بحیرہ کیریبین کے جنوب میں وینیزویلا سے 11 کلومیٹر کی دوری پر واقع ہے. اس کا دار الحکومت پورٹ آف اسپین ، سرکاری زبان انگریزی اورکل رقبہ 5130 مربع کلومیٹر ہے۔

    نمبر5: وانوآتو

    آسٹریلیا کے شمال میں جزائر پر مشتمل ملک وانواتو بھی ویزا فری کنٹری ہے جہاں شروع میں ایک ماہ رہنے کی اجازت ملتی ہے جوکہ قابل تجدید ہوتی ہے. وانواتومیں‌بھی سال بھر سیاحوں کی آمد کا سلسلہ جاری رہتاہے.

    نمبر6: سینٹ وینسینٹ

    پاکستانیوں کیلئے چھٹا ویزا فری ملک سینٹ وینسینٹ و گریناڈائنز ہے . یہ بھی بنیادی طور پر جزیروں پر مشتمل ایک چھوٹا ساملک ہے جوکہ بحیرہ کیریبئین میں امریکہ کے قریب واقع ہے۔ اس کا کل رقبہ 389 مربع کلومیٹر اور آبادی کا تخمینہ سوالاکھ کے لگ بھگ ہے ۔ اس کا دارالحکومت اور مشہورشہر کنگز ٹاؤن ہے۔

    Montserrat visa

    نمبر7: مونٹسیرٹ

    مونٹسیرٹ صرف 102 مربع کلومیٹر پر محیط چھوٹا سا جزیرہ ہے جوکہ برطانیہ کا خودمختار علاقہ کہلاتاہے اس کی آبادی صرف پانچ ہزار کے لگ بھگ ہے اوریہاں انگریزی زبان بولی جاتی ہے۔ سیاحتی نکتہ نظر سے اس کی خاصی اہمیت ہے۔ یہ تمام ہی ممالک کے شہریوں کو ویزا فری انیٹری دیتاہے۔


    یہ نیوزی لینڈ کے شمال مشرق میں واقع جزیرہ ہے جوکہ سیاحوں کو 30 روز تک بغیرویزا قیام کی اجازت دیتاہے اور اس میں توسیع بھی مل جاتی ہے۔ یہاں آپ براستہ نیوزی لینڈ ہی پہنچ سکتے ہیں۔نیو ائرپورٹ پرہر ٹورسٹ سے 80 ڈالر بطور ڈیپارچر ٹیکس وصول کئے جاتے ہیں۔

    نمبر9: کوک آئس لینڈ

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر نواں ویزا فری ملک کوک آئس لینڈ ہے جوکہ پندرہ جزائر پر مشتمل نیوزی لینڈ کا خودمختار ایریاہے۔ سیاحت کیلئے آپ ایک ماہ تک یہاں بغیر ویزا سٹے کرسکتے ہیں۔ اس میں مزید تیس روز کی توسیع بھی مل جاتی ہے۔

    ویزا آن ارائیول کنٹریز

    اب ذکرکریں گے ان 23ممالک کا جوکہ پاکستانیوں کواپنے ائیر پورٹس پراینٹری یا ویزا آنا ارائیول دیتے ہیں. ان میں‌ سب سے اہم ملک قطر ہے. جس نے گذشتہ سال ہی پاکستانی پاسپورٹ کے حامل افراد کوویزاآن ارائیول دینے کی سہولت شروع کی ہے. اب پاکستانی شہری قطرکےائیرپورٹ پر ہی ویزہ درخواست دے کر زیادہ سے زیادہ تین ماہ تک قیام کا ویزا حاصل کرسکتے ہیں.

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر آن ارائیول ویزا دینے والے ممالک کی مکمل لسٹ درج ذیل ہے۔

    1. کمبوڈیا
    2. کیپ وردے
    3. کوموروس
    4. گنی بساؤ
    5. ڈی جی بوٹی
    6. قطر
    7. مڈگاسکر
    8. مالدیپ
    9. موریطانیہ
    10. نیپال
    11. موزمبیک
    12. پیلاؤ
    13. روانڈہ
    14. سامووا
    15. سے شالز
    16. سینی گال
    17. تنرانیہ
    18. صومالیہ
    19. ٹوگو
    20. ایسٹ تیمور
    21. ٹووالو
    22. یوگنڈا
  • UK Farm Worker Visa Scheme Information

    UK Farm Worker Visa Scheme Information

    UK Farm Worker Visa

    UK farmworker visa is an interesting topic for Workers nowadays because work in the UK has been a dream for Indians and Pakistanis. A lot of subcontinent residences are already settled there and playing their role in the progress of the United Kingdom.

    A few months ago, the UK Government launched a seasonal worker pilot scheme that aimed to bring 2,500 seasonal workers to the farms. Under this scheme, six months UK farmworker visa will be issued to the successful candidates.

    It was announced that the UK farm worker Visa pilot scheme will allow workers from outside the EU to do seasonal farm work in the UK for up to six months. There will be a cap of 2,500 workers per year. So it is the best opportunity to work in the UK for low-educated workers.

    work in uk

    On the eve of the announcement of the farmworker visa scheme, the home minister said that the government hoped that the pilot scheme would help in minimizing the farm labor shortages. He also said that an automated harvesting solution was not universally available, and hoped that the farmworker pilot scheme would support farmers during peak production times.

    He explained that the UK seasonal work visa scheme would be reviewed and it will be determined how to support the long-term needs of the UK farming industry. He said that Govt will observe, how foreign workers work in the UK in this period.

    The farmer unions in the UK reportedly welcomed the new UK farm worker visa scheme but warned that it was not ambitious enough, as more workers are needed on UK farms.

    Video on the latest position of UK farmworker visa

    To qualify for the UK farmworker visa, the minimum age should be 18 years on the date of application. In addition, the scheme will only be open to workers from outside the European Union. No skill and language course is required for this job.

    The UK Home Office said that the scheme will be started in the spring of 2019, and will be continued till December 2020. Now, this scheme has been started and common people are calling it UK farmworker visa 2019.

    If we talk about wages, farm laborers earn an average of £7.98  an hour across the UK right now. The data show a minimum salary of £6.65 an hour rising to £12.05 for top earners. Check UAE Visa Status

    This program is similar to other seasonal programs (such as those in New Zealand and the US), where laborers are paid slightly more due to it being peak season, and may also be provided with accommodation.

    On the other hand, it is a fact that the above-mentioned salaries only apply to very basic labor positions, and the more advanced/technical worker may pay substantially more for work in the UK.

    Authorized companies for UK farm worker visa

    The Govt of the UK has authorized two British companies, which will collect CV, experience letters, and other documents from applicants. Each company will sponsor 1250 workers from outside the EU for a UK farmworker visa.

    uk farm worker visa

    The address and websites of these companies are as under:

    1)- Pro-Force Limited

    Office address: Hunstead House, Nickle Farm, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent CT4 7PE, UK


    2)- Concordia UK Ltd

    Office Address: 19 North Street, Portslade, East Sussex, BN41 1DH.


    Latest Update for the UK form worker visa

    Initially PRO Force Limited, An authorized company for the UK farm worker visa scheme, started registration for the sack of checking candidates’ interest. A pro forma was given on the company’s official website for all non-EU countries.

    Meanwhile, the Second operating company Concordia limited announced that due to a limited quota of workers, they are unable to entertain people from all around the world.  The company will consider candidates for a UK farmworker visa only from Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova only. This announcement is still available on the official website of Concordia.

    Now after some days, PRO Force Limited has also given a similar statement on its website. According to the company, they will work for a UK farm worker visa scheme only in Ukraine and Moldova for the first year.

    Therefore, the PRO force has promised to entertain candidates from other countries in case of fewer applications. They have explained that all data of candidates for UK farmworker visa is saved which may be used next year.

    concordia website

    Comparison with Canada farm worker visa

    Canada farm worker visa is very similar to the Uk farmworker visa due to the same requirements. Both are seasonal and for unskilled workers. Wages are also almost equivalent in this category in both countries.

    When we talk about major differences, that may be clearly seen. As you know that Pakistanis are not eligible for a Canada farm worker visa. In the same way, green passport holders are not entertained this year in the UK farm worker visa scheme in spite of the UK government announcement.

    Anyways, a chance is still there, as an authorized company for UK farmworker visa has promised to consider candidates from all non-EU countries in next season. So don’t leave hope, best of luck for the next time.

    Meanwhile, you may search for farmworker jobs in the UK from given UK job portals for general categories. You can get further details of the UK farmworker visa from our videos given in this article.

    (Also read this: Korean free work visa )

    Links to search general farm worker jobs

    Govt. of UK Job search website: Find a job

    Top private job search site:          Indeed 

    Monster Job search site:            Monster Jobs

    CV-Library job search site:           CV LIbrary

  • EB1 visa, US Employment Based Immigration

    EB1 visa, US Employment Based Immigration

    What is EB1?

    EB1 is a class for US employment-based permanent residency. It is expected for “priority workers”. Those are remote nationals who either have “extraordinary abilities”, or are “outstanding professors or researchers”, and furthermore incorporates “some executives and managers of foreign companies who are transferred to the US”.

    In this way, Applicants who can show their uncommon capacity in the arts, education, business, or athletics through sustained national or international acclaim are not required to have a lasting offer of work in the US and are qualified to self-appeal, in any case, they should expect to work in the US in their field of ability. They can get an EB1 visa.

    The number of EB1 visas

    There are 40,000 visas every year accessible under this class. Priority workers include:
    outsiders of unprecedented capacity in expressions of the human experience, sciences, business, training, and games (EB1-A);
    outstanding professors and researchers (EB1-B);
    chiefs and officials of global organizations being exchanged forever to the U.S. (EB1-C).
    C. A Labor Certification not Required
    Petitions under EB-1 classification needn’t bother with a work accreditation before the appeal to documenting. Employment Authorization Document D. Self-appeal Allowed for EB1-A
    For outsiders of extraordinary ability (EB1-A), work confirmation isn’t required as well as the remote individual does not should be supported by a U.S. employer. These outside nationals may appeal to themselves. In any case, recipients of EB1-B and EB1-C require sponsorship from a U.S.employer.

    EB1 Visa

    EB1 Category

    EB1 visa has three subcategories which are:
    EB1A: for outside nationals who can exhibit that they have an unprecedented capacity.
    EB1B: for outstanding researchers and professors
    EB1C: for multinational executives and managers
    People who are eligible:
    The visa is allowed to three sorts of individuals
    those with exceptional capacity in the sciences, expressions, instruction, business, or sports which has been shown by managed national or worldwide praise and whose accomplishments have been perceived in the field through broad documentation.
    “Exceptional professors and researchers” who “are perceived universally for their extraordinary scholastic accomplishments in a specific field”.

    They should likewise have “no less than three years’ involvement in educating or research in that scholastic region and enter the U.S. in a residency or residency track instructing or equivalent research position at a college or other foundation of advanced education” in addition to different conditions.
    “A few executives and managers of foreign companies who are exchanged to the U.S.” They need to have been employed, amid the most recent three years, for no less than one year outside of the US in an administrative position in a similar organization that will utilize them in the US or in a related organization. There are likewise different conditions.

    EB1 Requirements

    Requirements for all EB-1 visa classifications are given as under.

    1)- Extraordinary Ability class

    Among each of the three classifications under EB-1, just EB-1A permits self-appeal—which means, an individual can request an EB-1A case for himself/herself with no U.S. manager to go about as the support/candidate. Notwithstanding, EB-1A likewise has an elevated expectation of law. It requires the applicant to demonstrate that the individual has either won some significant honor (Nobel Prize, for instance) or met no less than three out of ten administrative criteria and demonstrate that the individual has “ascended to the simple best of the undertaking with national or global approval.”


    After the point of reference case, Kazarian v. USCIS (Two-Part Analysis for EB1-A Petition), the arbitrating officers are applying a two-section settling approach—subsequent to deciding if the individual has met no less than three administrative criteria, the adjudicator must consider the majority of the submitted confirm in totality to make an assurance with respect to whether the remote national meets the essential level of aptitude for the classification. EB1A green card application has clear favorable circumstances for researchers, scientists, postdoctoral research colleagues, Ph.D. understudies, and other propelled degree experts.


    An outsider candidate of eb1 must meet 3 out of the 10 recorded criteria underneath to demonstrate phenomenal capacity in the field
    Proof of receipt of lesser broadly or universally perceived prizes or honors for brilliance
    Confirmation of enrollment in a relationship in the field, which request remarkable accomplishment of their individuals
    Confirmation of distributed material about you in expert or significant exchange productions or other real media.
    Proof of judging crafted by others, either independently or on a board
    Proof of unique logical, insightful, creative, athletic, or business-related commitments of real importance to the field
    Proof of origin of insightful articles in expert or real exchange distributions or other significant media
    Proof that work has been shown at masterful presentations or exhibits
    Proof of execution of a main or basic part in recognized associations
    Proof of high pay or other essentially high compensation in connection to others in the field
    Proof of business achievements in the performing expressions
    The significantly favorable circumstances of applying for outsiders of exceptional capacity include: no work affirmation is required for this EB-1 category;

    no activity offer or changeless occupation position is required for outsiders of uncommon capacity; and substantially quicker to get a Green Card than the EB-3 or EB-2 movement classifications.

    2)- Outstanding Professors and Researchers classification:

    The EB1 Outstanding Researcher or Professor outsider visa order (EB1B, EB-1B, EB1-OR) is the work-based first inclination movement. The EB-1B request of comprises of Form I-140 and supporting archives to demonstrate that the outsider recipient meets EB1 Outstanding Researcher or Professor criteria. The U.S. business proposing to utilize a teacher or specialist who is extraordinary in a scholastic field may record a Form I-140 request of in such grouping. The business should document it for the outsider worker.

    3)- Multinational supervisor or official:

    You have probably been utilized outside the United States in the 3 years going before the request of no less than 1 year by a firm or company and you should look for entering the United States to proceed with the administration to that firm or association. Your business more likely than not been outside the United States in an administrative or official limit and with a similar boss, a member, or a backup of the business.


    Your requesting of the manager must be a U.S. boss. Your boss has probably been working together for no less than 1 year, as a partner, an auxiliary, or as a similar company or other lawful substance that utilized you abroad.

    EB1 Processing Time:

    Every qualifying person is stressed over the EB1 processing time. Remember that the preparing time for each of the three of these subcategories is apparently the same. Be that as it may, in view of your level of qualification for the green card that you are seeking after, the endorsement procedure may take pretty much time.
    The USCIS reports the most current EB-1 handling times. For the most part, the administration handling time for the EB-1 Visa is around 8 months. Once the EB-1 has been affirmed, the administration takes around a half-year to issue changeless habitation.
    These occasions are just accessible if the EB-1 class is present. Candidates can check class status at the DOS Visa Bulletin. In the event that the EB-1 class isn’t present, there will be a stretched out measure of time to get visa numbers. Once more, these occasions are simply gauges.

    EB-1 Major Advantages:

    There are various benefits you get while on an EB-1 settler visa including:
    Diminished sitting tight occasions for need dates
    Capacity to live and work in the U.S.
    Capacity to movement unreservedly in or out of the U.S.
    The choice to apply for subordinate visas for your life partner or unmarried youngsters
    Note that these focal points likewise tend to join an expanded examination for your case. To guarantee that you have the most obvious opportunity for endorsement in the quickest way that could be available, counsel with your movement lawyer.
    On the off-chance that you don’t fit the bill for an EB-1 green card, you might need to consider a lower inclination level. While the holding up time may be longer, despite everything they give you the capacity to live, work, and travel all through the U.S. and in addition apply for visas and green cards for relatives.

  • The best procedure to get Omani Passport

    The best procedure to get Omani Passport

    Omani passport

    Oman is an Arab Islamic country. Its official name is ‘’Sultanate of Oman”. The total population of Oman is 50 lac and the majority is Muslim. It has a rich oil-based economy. Its currency is Omani Riyal which is equal to 400 PKR. Jobs are available and thousands of Pakistanis are working there.

    Omani passport has a value and rank on 67th position in the world. According to the Henley Passport Index, Omani passport holders can travel to 77 countries without a visa or on arrival visa. As Oman is a part of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), its citizens need no visa to enter GCC member countries Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.

    Omani Citizenship Rules

    Times of Oman has revealed that the Ministry of Interior has relaxed the citizenship rules by its executive order 92/2019. According to this order now the ex-pats who want to obtain an Omani passport will file an application in the ministry. Its fee is 600 Omani Riyal. Although the spouses or previous spouses of Omani citizens will pay only 300 Riyal.

    The basic requirement is that the applicant should be a current resident of Oman with an active job. The other need is a medical certificate which proves that the applicant has no such disease which may spread with communication.

    Read it: UK citizenship in Urdu

    omani passport

    Documents required for Omani Citizenship

    • Your homeland Passport with a valid visa
    • Copy of I.D card
    • Copy of a valid residency card of Oman
    • If the applicant is married, he will have to attach a marriage certificate.
    • Copies of the passport of all family members.
    • Copy of certificate for the marriage of a foreigner, if married to an Omani woman.
    • Character certificate obtained from both homeland and Oman.
    • Health certificate which ensures that the applicant has no Communicable Diseases.
    • Income certificate issued by the employer.
    • Permission of homeland embassy to lose his first passport according to the law.
    • written declaration at the ministry that includes the names of all his underage children and their documents.
    • The applicant will have to pass an Arabic language test in Oman. He will be given three chances to get success.

    Also read: Qatar citizenship

    According to the new rules, the new citizen remains a long-term resident of Oman and cannot spend six months outside the country at once without the permission of the interior ministry.

  • Employment Authorization Document (EAD)

    Employment Authorization Document (EAD)

    What is EAD?

    EAD is an Employment authorization document ( Form I-765) which is also called work permit. EAD Card is issued by the United States immigration department (USCIS) that provides impermanent employment authorization to noncitizens in the United States.

    Nowadays, EAD is issued in the form of a standard credit card-size plastic card upgraded with multiple security highlights. It contains some basic information about the alien: name, birth date, sex, immigrant classification, the nation of birth, photograph, alien registration number (additionally called “A-number”),  Card number, restrictive terms and conditions, and dates of validity. This report, be that as it may, ought not to be mistaken for the green card.

    Employment Authorization Document

    Procedure to get EAD

    According to USCIS, you should file Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. You can apply for an EAD Card  if :

    You are authorized to work in the United States as a result of your immigration status and need evidence of that employment authorization.

    Or then again you are required to apply for permission to work; as it were, you have to ask for employment authorization itself. For instance:

    You have a pending Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.

    You have a pending Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal.

    You have a nonimmigrant status that enables you to be in the United States yet does not enable you to work in the United States without first seeking permission from USCIS, (for example, an F-1 or M-1 understudy).

    You don’t have to apply for an EAD

    You can’t apply for EAD Card If you are a legitimate changeless resident. Your Green Card (Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card) is evidence of your employment authorization. You likewise don’t have to apply for an EAD if you have an immigrant visa that authorizes you to work for a specific boss (for instance, you have an H-1B, L-1B, O, or P visa).

    Employment Authorization Document Renewal

    EAD  Renewal process takes the indistinguishable measure of time from a first-time application so the noncitizens may need to prepare and ask for the renewal 3 to 4 months before the expiration date.

    Replacement of EAD

    You can replace a lost, stolen, or mutilated EAD Card.  A substitution Employment Authorization Document likewise replaces an Employment Authorization Document that was issued with incorrect information, for example, a misspelled name.

    For employment-based green card applicants, the priority date should be present to apply for Adjustment of Status (I-485) at which time an Employment Authorization Document can be applied for. Typically, it is prescribed to apply for Advance Parole in the meantime with the goal that visa stamping is not required when reappearing the US from a foreign nation.

    If Your EAD Contains Incorrect Information

    If your EAD contains incorrect information that is not because of a USCIS mistake, you should submit:

    Another Form I-765,

    The filing charge, if required (or a demand for an expense waiver),

    Any records specified in the form instructions, and

    The card containing the blunder.

    EAD containing incorrect information:

    If your ead contains incorrect info in light of a USCIS blunder, the division will make the appropriate correction at no additional cost to you. In these cases, you don’t have to submit another Form I-765 or a filing charge. Instead, you should submit:

    The original card containing the blunder,

    A detailed explanation of the card blunder, and

    Supporting documentation on the right information.

    Submit this information to the service focus or National Benefit Center that affirmed your most recent Form I-765.

    In either case, if we receive your application or demand for a substitution EAD and you never again have any basis for applying for an EAD or employment authorization, we will not restore the card and will notify you that you don’t have a present basis for applying for an EAD or employment authorization.

    Interim EAD

    Interim EAD Card is issued when U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has failed to adjudicate an application within 90 long periods of receipt of an appropriately filed Employment Authorization Document application or within 30 long stretches of a legitimately filed initial Employment Authorization Document application in light of a haven application filed on or after January 4, 1995.

    The interim EAD Card will be allowed for a period not to surpass 240 days and is liable to the conditions noted on the record. It is never again issued by neighborhood service focuses. One can anyway make an INFOPASS appointment and place a service ask for at nearby focuses, explicitly asking for it if the application surpasses 90 days and 30 days for haven applicants without an adjudication. Visa-free countries

    Comparison of EAD and Green Card

    In spite of the fact that employment authorization archives and the green card share similar physical characteristics yet they are vastly different in practice. You can state, a green card is an ultimate objective while an EAD card is a way to achieve that objective. The main motivation behind the Green card is to identify a foreign individual as a man who has legitimate lasting resident status. By law, managers in the U.S. are required to ensure the greater part of their representatives has the best possible authorization to work in the nation.

    Showing a valid EAD card fulfills that requirement, despite the fact that U.S. citizens and green card holders needn’t bother with this report to demonstrate work eligibility since it is an inherent benefit of the green card or citizenship. Another favorable position that green card holders have is the ability to movement uninhibitedly in and out of the nation, file petitions for unmarried children and companions to live in the U.S., and the sky is the limit from there.

    Green card holders are permitted to movement uninhibitedly in and out of the nation, file petitions for unmarried children and companions to live in the U.S., and that’s just the beginning. The EAD card does not permit these benefits. To move in and out of the U.S., you should file for a movement record with the I-131 form. To file immigrant petitions for family individuals, you should be a green card holder or U.S. citizen.

    Then again, employment authorization card is substantially more limited in what you can do, despite the fact that it is available to a wide scope of non-immigrant categories and also those waiting for pending applications with USCIS. In addition, unlike green cards, EAD cards can run in their validity period depending on the status of the cardholder.

    EAD to Green Card Processing Time

    USCIS is permitted up to 90 days to process your EAD application. Having an EAD that is pending does not authorize you to work; the EAD card should really be affirmed. Likewise, there is no premium processing option for employment authorization records. Consequently, planning ahead of time is emphatically prescribed to avoid any holes in employment time. Counsel one of our immigration lawyers to take in more about renewals and processing time.

    Qualifying EAD categories

    The classification includes the people who either are given an Employment Authorization Document incident to their status or must apply for an Employment Authorization Document with a specific end goal to acknowledge the employment.

    Asylee/Refugee, their mates, and their children

    Citizens or nationals of countries falling in certain categories

    Foreign understudies with active

    F-1 status who wish to seek after

    Pre-or Post-Optional Practical Training, either paid or unpaid, which must be directly identified with the understudy’ major of study

    Optional Practical Training for designated science, innovation, engineering, and mathematics degree holders, where the beneficiary must be utilized for paid positions directly identified with the beneficiary’s major of study, and the business must utilize E-Verify

    The internship, either paid or unpaid, with authorized International Organization

    The off-grounds employment during the undersides’ academic advancement because of significant economic hardship, paying little mind to the understudies’ major of study

    M-1 status who wish to seek after practical training which is directly identified with the understudies’ vocational training from the school

    J-1 Summer Work/Travel visa holders

    Life partners of trade visitors with a certain regulation

    Eligible wards of representatives of diplomatic missions, International Organization, or NATO

    Certain employment-based nonimmigrants; limits may apply

    Certain family-based nonimmigrants

    People within the modification of-status categories

    Other eligible categories

    People who don’t qualify for an Employment Authorization Document

    The following people don’t qualify for an Employment Authorization Document, nor would they be able to acknowledge any employment in the United States, except if the incident of status may permit.

    Visa waived people for delight

    B-2 visitors for delight

    Transiting travelers via U.S. port-of-section

    The following people don’t qualify for an Employment Authorization Document, regardless of whether they are authorized to work in certain conditions, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service regulations (8 CFR Part 274a).[4] Some statuses might be authorized to work just for a certain business, under the term of ‘alien authorized to work for the specific manager incident to the status’, as a rule, who has petitioned or supported the people’s employment. For this situation, except if otherwise expressed by the U.S. Division of Homeland Security, no endorsement from either the U.S. Division of Homeland Security or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is required.

    Impermanent non-immigrant specialists utilized by sponsoring organizations holding the following status:

    H (Dependents of H immigrants may qualify if they have been allowed an extension past six years or in view of an affirmed I-140 perm filing)


    L-1 (Dependents of L-1 visa are qualified to apply for an Employment Authorization Document immediately)


    Foreign understudy holding F-1 nonimmigrant understudy status, with certain working-hour limitations, who is pursuing:

    on-campus employment, regardless of the students’ field of study
    curricular practical training for paid (can be unpaid) alternative study, pre-approved by the school, which must be an integral part of the students’ study
    Exchange visitor employed by sponsoring organizations; limits may apply
    Crew members, only for the carrier who has employed the persons
    Background: immigration control and employment regulations.

    Undocumented immigrants have been considered a source of low-wage labor, both in the formal and informal sectors of the economy. However, in the late 1980s with an increasing influx of unregulated immigration, many worried about how this would impact the economy and, at the same time, citizens. Consequently, in 1986, Congress enacted the Immigration Reform and Control Act “in order to control and deter illegal immigration to the United States” resulting in increasing patrolling of U.S. borders.

    Additionally, the Immigration Reform and Control Act implemented new employment regulations that imposed employer sanctions, criminal and civil penalties “against employers who knowingly [hired] illegal workers”. Prior to this reform, employers were not required to verify the identity and employment authorization of their employees; for the very first time, this reform “made it a crime for undocumented immigrants to work” in the United States.

    The Employment Eligibility Verification document (I-9) was required to be used by employers to “verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States”. While this form is not to be submitted unless requested by government officials, it is required that all employers have an I-9 form from each of their employees, which they must be retained for three years after the day of hire or one year after employment is terminated.

    Note: We are thankful to USCIS  and Wikipedia  for using a part of their content about EAD, as references.

  • Pakistan Visa on Arrival and E-Visa in 2022

    Pakistan Visa on Arrival and E-Visa in 2022

    Pakistan Visa

    Pakistan visa was very difficult in the past years but now there is good news for tourists who want to get a Pakistan visa on arrival and e visa. The government has issued a Pakistan visa policy for 2021, in which visa rules have relaxed for the promotion of tourism. Now the nationals of 50 countries can obtain a visa on arrival in Pakistan at the airport while 175 countries are offered Pakistan e visa.

    Similarly, businessmen belonging to 96 countries will be granted a business visa of Pakistan within 10 days on board of investment letters. According to Pakistan’s new visa Policy, IATA-approved tour operators are also allowed to bring tourist groups to Pakistan.

    pakistan visa on arrival

    Pakistan Visa on arrival

    Pakistan visa on arrival operation has been started. Tourist Visa On Arrival will be for 30 days and valid for up to 3 months. You can get 30 days extension in this period while living in Pakistan. According to NADRA portal, the citizens of Malaysia, Turkey and UAE may be granted a 30-day, multiple-entry visa upon arrival

    Initially, Pakistan Govt. approved the new visa regime for 5 countries. UK, China, Turkey, UAE, and Malaysia are included in these countries whose nationals can get a Pakistani visa on arrival only in $ 8 on Islamabad airport. Later on, Qatar also got this status. Now 50 countries are eligible for this visa. The complete list of the countries approved for on arrival visa of Pakistan is as under.

    pakistan visa on arrival

    List of visa on arrival countries

    This is a complete list of Pakistan visa on arrival countries in accordance with Pakistan visa policy 2019. You can check your country here.

    Angola, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan

    Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Botswana, Brunei

    Costa Rica                             


    Germany, Ghana, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy

    Japan, Jordan 

    Korea (South), Kuwait

    Lithuania, Luxembourg

    Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Monaco, Mozambique

    Nepal, New Zealand





    Saint Kitts and Nevis,

    Sri Lanka, Switzerland

    Tajikistan Tanzania,


    Western Samoa


    The nationals of the above-said countries have no need to get visas in advance to visit Pakistan, they will be granted visas upon arrival i.e, Pakistan visa on arrival. Indians having a British or US passport may also enjoy this facility.

    Also check: Procedure to get Pakistani Passport

    Requirements for Visa on arrival

    According to the Pakistan visa policy 2019, the requirements for Visa on arrival of Pakistan are the same as the e-visa which is given below.

    Pakistan E-Visa

    In January 2019, it was announced to allow Pakistan e-visa for visitors of 175 countries for boosting tourism in the country. The nationals of these countries can apply e visa for Pakistan from their computer. There is no need to visit the Pakistani consulate.

    pakistan e visa portal

    E Visa Countries

    These are countries eligible for Pakistan e visa. Their citizens can apply for an online Pakistan visa. People also called these countries as Pakistan  e Visa Countries

    Albania, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan

    Bissau, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi

    Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Capbo Verde, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Republic), Costa Rica, Cote d’ Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic

    Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic

    Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia

    Fiji, Finland, France

    Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea, Guyana

    Holy See (Vatican City), Honduras, Hungary

    Iran, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy

    Jamaica, Japan, Jordan

    Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea (South), Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan

    Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg

    Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Island, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Monaco, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar

    Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Norway


    Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippine, Poland, Portugal


    Romania, Russia, Rwanda

    Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia Republic, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland

    Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Lest, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu

    U.A.E, U.K, U.S.A, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan

    Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam

    Western Samoa

    Zambia, Zimbabwe

    pakistan e visa categories

    How to apply for Pakistan E Visa?

    Pakistan’s online visa system is prepared by the National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) and it is similar to U.S and UK online visa systems. The Pakistan online visa process will be completed in these steps.

    • First of all check the list of countries eligible for Pakistan e visa.
    • Then click on this link and visit Pakistan online visa portal.
    • Now see your visa category and check its requirement.
    • After that register yourself on Pakistan online visa system by clicking on ” Register Yourself ” button.
    pakistan online visa system
    • Now if you have all the required documents, then click on “Apply Now”.
    • Fill up the Pakistan visa application form as per instructions are given on the visa portal.
    • In this step, you have to pay the online visa fee and upload documents. You can check Pakistan visa fee with fee calculator available on the e visa portal.
    • You e visa application for Pakistan visa is submitted. Now Pakistani officials will check the documents and take a decision within eight to ten days.
    • On the approval of e visa Pakistan, a notification will be sent to the applicant by e-mail and SMS.

    (Also read: Visa free countries for Pakistan)

    Pakistan E Visa Requirements

    If you want to get Pakistan e visa for tourist purpose, you will have to submit these document.

    • A valid passport.
    • 2 photographs.
    • Invitation letter of a sponsor/authorized travel agent or hotel booking details in case of the individual applicant.
    • Three months visa will be issued which may be extended to the same period.

    New visa policy of Pakistan reveals that the business community of 96 countries will be provided business visas now, while in the past, this facility was limited up to 68 countries. This visa will be granted in only ten days.

    Moreover, the duration of student visas has been extended to 2 years from 1 year. similarly, now diplomatic visas will be issued for 3 years, instead of one year.

    A major change also can be observed in a journalist visa, as it will be processed through the Information ministry now. They can be now long-term visas without any hurdle.

    visit pakistan

    Pakistan, a beautiful tourist destination

    There is no doubt, Pakistan is a beautiful country and its people are hospitable. After that, the Afghan war affected this region. Now the army has established peace in Pakistan and govt has revised the Visa policy.

    Video of Media conference on Pakistan’s new visa policy

    It is also an amazing development for Tourists that they can now visit all parts of Pakistan including open cantonments, Azad Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan. Now tourists need no NOC to visit any tourist spot in the country. So you can visit Pakistan’s rich culture, historical places, and natural beauty.

    Visa abolition agreements of Pakistan

    According to FIA, Pakistan has visa abolition agreements with these countries for Diplomatic & Official Passport Holders only. They can live here without any Pakistan visa from 14 to 90 days according to the agreement. In the same way, this facility is available for Pakistani Diplomatic & Official Passport Holders. These countries are:

    1. Algeria
    2. Argentina
    3. Austria
    4. Azerbaijan
    5. Brunei Dar-us-Salam
    6. China (Hong Kong)
    7. Czech
    8. Denmark
    9. Finland
    10. Indonesia
    11. Iran
    12. Kazakhstan
    13. Kuwait
    14. Kyrgyz Republic
    15. Libya
    16. Mexico
    17. Morocco
    18. Norway
    19. Romania
    20. Russian Federation
    21. Serbia
    22. South Korea
    23. Sri Lanka
    24. Tunisia
    25. Turkey
    26. Vietnam
    27. Yemen

    Agreements with the following countries are only for Diplomatic Passport Holders.

    1. Belgium
    2. Brazil
    3. Egypt
    4. Germany
    5. Hellenic Republic (Greece)
    6. Luxemburg
    7. Netherlands
    8. Philippine
    9. Tajikistan
    10. Thailand
    11. Ice land

    Pakistan has visa abolition agreements with these countries for all citizens.

    • Maldives
    • Nepal
    • Tonga
    • Trinidad & Tobago
    • Western Samoa
    • Zambia
  • Best places to visit in Europe During the Whole year

    Best places to visit in Europe During the Whole year

    You are going to Europe and want to know about the best places to visit in Europe. Europe happens to be one of the most eye-catching tourist sites one can come close to and it is not just because of its beauty. Europe as a continent have so many stories to tell.

    Best places to visit in Europe

    Finally, you have decided to visit Europe and started the procedure to get a Schengen visa if it is applicable to you. Now you should be aware of the best places to visit in Europe during your tour. So we are going to help you by giving here comprehensive information about every destination which has an attraction for tourists. Schengen visa requirements

    1. Rome

    Rome happens to be one of the oldest cities in the world as well as one of the best places to visit in Europe. In the past, it was known to be a part of an ancient empire that was powerful and this is absolutely the reason why you should visit this place. Rome, however, isn’t a big city in terms of population and that is the most important thing about it. You will feel to be at peace in Rome while staring at one of the superiorly built monuments.

    While you visit Rome you can also visit Vatican City which happens to be the world’s smallest state. The Vatican City contains some museums which depict one of the finest architects known to man. Additionally, the Pope also holds a mass every Wednesday in St. Peter’s square. If you ever get a chance to visit Rome don’t forget to visit Colosseum which has a backstory to it as well.

    The Colosseum was known to host almost 80,000 people in ancient times and people of all regions would come here to this arena in order to compete or to watch the matches that were held in it. The cuisines of Rome are on point as well. Rome is specifically known for its pasta. Due to its monuments and beautiful architecture, Rome gets a lot of tourist attractions and happens to be one of the finest spots one can visit in Europe.

    Rome pic

    2. Paris

    Who is not familiar with Paris? This city has a specific history with romanticism and it feels like the city supports love. Besides that, they have got the largest cemetery which is estimated to have 300,000 bodies in it. The number goes on above that but that shouldn’t scare you off. The city appears to be elegant with its café culture which is said to have originated from Paris. Apart from this, the Eiffel tower gets tourist attractions and also contains a lot of museums which makes it a good tourism destination.

    Paris photo

    3. Santorini

    Santorini happens to be an ancient site that is included in the best places to visit in Europe. The city is located in the Aegean Sea. What is more surprising about this city is that it is surrounded by volcanic beaches but don’t worry the city is safe to be visited. The sunsets of this place are truly magical and besides that, they have dome-shaped houses and buildings.

    The place also happens to have one of the oldest vineyards. Santorini is known for its vast vineyards. Another amazing thing about Santorini is its food. You’ll be tasting Greek foods like cuttlefish. Known for its beauty this city serves to be a good spot for tourist attraction.

    Santorini pic

    4. Dubrovnik

    Dubrovnik is known for its fine taste in architecture. The city is located in Croatia and holds the Rector’s palace in it. Besides that, there is a summer festival that is held here every year which brings back 17th-century vibes. This festival specifically has operas and theatres which guarantees a fun-filled tour.

    Lokrum is also close to this region and is said to be cursed but still gets visited by many tourists over the year. There are no hotels in Lokrum and there’s a damaged fort on the island. Apart from that Lokrum also has cafés to keep you entertained. There are many more reasons which make Dubrovnik a part of the list of best places to visit in Europe.

    Dubrovnik pics

    5. Barcelona

    As mentioned before that each culture whether located in the same country or not have a different story to tell. The same is the case with Spain. Barcelona is yet another city in Spain that is unique in its own way. The city overall gives vibrant vibes and the life here seems to be busy yet at peace. You can also eat nutritious foods from here and we’re specifically talking about tapas here.

    Other than that you can visit Europe’s longest street the Ramblas and you can see different colors of it. Other than that free Wi-Fi, beautiful sunsets are the reason why you should visit this place. And don’t forget that this place is a beach and a mountain at the same time. There is also a traditional dancing contest that occurs every Sunday in the city so if you want to learn some moves along with your tour this is the right place to be at. Due to all these attractions, Barcelona is kept in the best places to visit in Europe.

    Barcelona photo

    6. Geirangerfjord

    Geirangerfjord is a mystical place, located in Norway and is what you can claim to be closest to nature. There are mountains in the place so you can get up for some trekking, hiking, and even mountaineering. Besides that, the place is known for its abandoned farms and breathtaking waterfalls. Geirangerfjord is really charming especially if you will glide or skydive from a mountain. Also, you can stay on the farms and the historic buildings this place offers and can go fishing as well. The overall impression this place gives is of something that is pure and close to nature and the environment is serene as well.


    7. Istanbul

    Istanbul is a city located in Turkey which is in the seventh position in the list of best places to visit in Europe. The city is known as the city which lies between two continents Asia and Europe. But that is not the only thing that makes this place special. The city has a rich history as well as there are many historical places in it such as Topkapi Palace.

    Istanbul city has a rich ottoman history and besides that, they have deliciously cooked foods. There are food markets in this city as well as museums. Something that will keep you entertained throughout your tour to Istanbul. There are antique stores so that if you are planning to buy something you will know the history behind it as well.

    best places to visit in Europe, Istanbul

    8. Prague

    While most of Prague was damaged during World War 2 its historical buildings weren’t changed much and were slightly renovated. This is the reason for the attention this place gets as the monuments depict a find architect of the 17th and 18th centuries. Our Lady Before Tyn is one fine example of best architects in Europe and Schwarzenberg Palace as well which is an architectural wonder.

    Besides this, the city has one of the oldest bridges of Europe and is decorated with statues. These statues are of the 30 saints that once lived in this city. Additionally, the city is cheap too and therefore the number of tourists that visit this place is in massive amounts as well.  


    9. Amsterdam

    Amsterdam is a city that is old and yet manages to be classy. The history goes back to the 17th to 18th centuries when the city was a trading hub and had its own fleet. The income earned from trading was spent on the building of amazing mansions which were vast and majestic. Besides this, the city also happens to hold a festival named as King’s day. On this day there are parades and boat parties as well.

    Amsterdam city has the largest number of cyclists so we suggest if you are planning to stay in this glorious city you should rent a cycle as it helps in easy commute. The city still has the best architectural designs which are built by keeping in the view of the city’s heritage. You are advised to keep this city in your list of places to visit in Europe while visiting the Schengen area.


    10. London

    Although London is now modernized it still manages to be one of the best tourist sites in the world. London theatre is one of the reasons for it. The performers in the London theatre sometimes are famous artists around the world so don’t be surprised about your visit to London. The view of London from a skyscraper adds more to its significance as a city and thus adds more to its appeal. Additionally, there is expensive accommodation in London but upon searching, you will easily find something that is budgeted. Shopping and sports also add more to its tourist attractions.


    11. Florence

    Florence is another site in Italy that is one of the best places to visit in Europe. The city serves to be one of the classical cities one can visit in Italy. The city as we know it is the birthplace of the Renaissance. There’s plenty of art to be observed in this city and this is the reason that it gets tourist attractions from all over the globe.

    Florence gives a classic small-town vibe so while you are there everything seems at peace. Food is also one of the attractions of this place with the best chefs making you delicious dishes to eat. Florence also hosts brands like Gucci and Prada which results in more shopping. The art and the energy this city has in it is unparalleled.

    Florence, best places to visit in Europe

    12. Neuschwanstein castle

    Neuschwanstein castle isn’t a city but it still serves as a good tour site. It dates back to the 1860s and was ordered to be built by King Ludwig. The castle holds the title of a sleeping beauty castle and is located near Fussen in Germany. The king died under mysterious circumstances in the room of this palace after being declared to have gone mad. Besides that, the palace shows great artwork and really takes one on a journey in the past. It was built when the king was only 18 years old. So head out to Neuschwanstein castle if you plan to visit Europe in order to be in touch with the artwork of the past.

    Neuschwanstein castle

    13. Alhambra

    Alhambra has an important place in the list of best places to visit in Europe. This historic fortress is in Spain and is considered to be a wonder there. It lies in Granda in the southern part of Spain. This was built as a small fort so as to keep the defenses up. The history of this building dates back to the 9th century and was basically reconstructed on the site of a past fortress. Later on, this fortress was occupied by Christian rulers. Also, the place serves to be the site where Columbus was given the permit to find the New World. Alhambra contains great botanical gardens as well as good artwork within the fortress.


    14. Monte Carlo

    Monte Carlo is a little city present in the country of Monaco. Monaco is now known for its glamor and casinos. If you are a car enthusiast this place is for you as fast car races are held here. Besides that, you will also find some finely built yachts on the harbor of this little city. The beach in Monte Carlo will also keep you entertained. Besides that, you can try the European dishes from this place and can watch some cool car races which will be definitely last as a memory.

    Monte Carlo

    15. Venice

    If you are planning to be somewhere peaceful with your loved one Venice is the place to be at. This is the city that enabled Marco Polo to travel to China. There are multiple sites to visit in Venice besides gliding in the Canal like St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace. You can also get a good view of Venice from a tower that explains why this place is so magnificent and unique in its own way.


    16. Moscow

    Moscow is the capital of Russia and lies on the eastern side of Europe. This city served as the capital of Russia for about 800 years which makes it one of the oldest cities of Russia. This is just one of the reasons behind the tourists visiting this place every year in the masses.

    Besides most of the famous sites in this city, the Kremlin is the site that people like the most and this due to the history behind it. This place is an old fortress which is renovated for the need of time and hosts museums in it. Besides that, it is also the home to the Russian president and is a major monument of Russian history. Moscow also has museums in it so you will be updated about Russian culture through them. This city reinforces the authenticity of the list of best places to visit in Europe.


    17. Bay of Kotor

    Covered between mountains and glittering blue water this place Bay of Kotor seems like heaven. Some people even perform pilgrimage here which is what makes this place so special. The place is really an art of nature and is located in Montenegro.

    best places to visit in Europe, Bay of Kotor

    18. Athens

    Who isn’t familiar with Athens? This city is one of the oldest civilizations known to man and is said to have been inhabited around 5th BC. The city serves as the capital of Greece. The old parts of this city are present in its old town which is known as Acropolis. The city hosts the temple of Zeus and some other old sites which will definitely catch your eye once you enter this city. As majestic as this city seems the tourists around the world also increase its value.


    19. Gullfoss

    Gullfoss is another tourist site located in Iceland. It still receives a fair amount of tourism but that is not enough. The place is downright heaven because of its waterfalls. The waterfalls feel like they are directly coming from a glacier but that isn’t the case. If you want to know more about Iceland and these waterfalls we will suggest you head out towards these magical places. This is definitely a serene spot to be at. You can’t afford to miss Gullfoss in the list of best places to visit in Europe.


    20. Lisbon

    The city is the capital of the Portuguese and is present on the side of the Atlantic coast. One of the historic facts about this place is that it allowed people from closer regions to travel around the world back in the 15th century. This voyage through the Atlantic lasted till the 17th century. On the side of the north bank, there is a tower located known as the Belem tower. To have your fun time in Lisbon we will suggest you head out to Sao Jorge castle. It is an important city included in the best places to visit in Europe.


    21. Budapest

    Budapest is one of the oldest known cities in Europe. The city was already established back when Hungarians occupied it during the 9th century. After that, this city was also ruled by the Ottoman empire. Mongols also ruled this place. The city now stands as the capital and is one of the largest cities as well. If you want to observe how Mongolians and Turks ruled a place this is the spot you should choose. The old town also gets tourists from around the world as it contains museums and monuments.


    22. Plitvice lakes

    Plitvice lakes are considered to be a national park and were declared to be preserved by Croatia. There are 16 lakes present in this region and the number of tourists that visit this place is astonishing as well. Almost a million people visit this place annually. The place, however, can’t be accessed through vehicles and the only way to go to these lakes is by walking. Who knows maybe you will see some wildlife along the way? The place is differently elevated so it is basically divided into two parts. Head out to these lakes when you are going to visit Europe.

    Plitvice lakes

    23. Matterhorn

    If you are interested in trekking and hiking this place is where you come to Europe. The Matterhorn is the largest mountain in Europe and stands at 4,478 meters. So if you want to make your own mountaineering club we suggest you head out to these mountains and maybe plant a flag on the summit when you will get there. Approximately more than 100 people attempt to climb this mountain in summers so you will definitely have company.


    24. Stonehenge

    Nobody knows for sure why these mysterious heavyweight stones were planted in what appears to be are burial grounds. However, the construction is known to have started somewhere around 3000BC. Some say that this place was somehow associated with astrology others refer it to some alien work. So why don’t you head out to this mysterious place and debunk this mystery yourself? Stonehenge is included in the places to visit in Europe due to this mystery.


    25. Vienna

    Vienna is located in Austria and is one of the best places to visit in Europe. The place is unique as you will see women dancing to certain rhythms. Apart from the dancing the city also has an Oldtown that has Holberg palace. Besides that Vienna gives off the vibes of an old city that is slightly renovated and feels like a good place to be in.

    best places to visit in Europe

    Friends, we have discussed most of the sites in Europe that you might want to explore so before you head out to Europe be sure of where you are heading and make a list of the best places to visit in Europe. All of the sites and cities discussed above are charming and unique in their own way. Now it is up to you which of these sites are you going to explore. 

  • Turkey Visa Requirements from Pakistan

    Turkey Visa Requirements from Pakistan

    We would like to share the procedure of applying for a Turkish visa before elaborating on the Turkey visa requirements from Pakistan.

    Friends, Anatolia visa centers collect Turkey visa applications in Pakistan. You have to visit the Anatolia application center without an appointment. The Turkish visa form also will be filled up there.

    Turkey visa requirements from Pakistan

    Now we are giving here Turkey visa requirements from Pakistan with all the details here. These are the necessary documents that will be submitted along with the application form for a Turkish visa.

     Turkey visa application
    • Write a detailed consent letter containing the purpose of the visit and other details.
    • Your valid passport with old Passport Copies ( If any).
    • Expats living in Pakistan will provide a valid visa or residence permit.
    • Two recent photographs with a white background. The size must be 5 by 5cm.
    • In case of a work visa, you will arrange the Employment Cover Letter. It must contain your job position, your salary and period of job, etc. The last three payslips are also required. It is an important part of Turkey visa requirements from Pakistan.

    Also read: ( 7 days free visa of Turkey )

    • If you are a Govt employee, the approval letter of Ex-Pakistan leave and NOC is included in Turkey visa requirements.
    • Police Character Certificate is a must for a Turkey visa application from Pakistan.
    • Another Turkey visa requirement is the Travel Health Insurance Certificate which will cover the whole period of your stay in Turkey.
    • The Turkish embassy in Islamabad also demands Health Certificate, as proof of physical fitness. You can get it from your District Headquarters Hospital.
    • Polio Vaccination Certificate is also a requirement for applying for a Turkey visa from Pakistan.
    • You will have to provide Hotel and flight bookings as well.
    • Bank letter and account statement for the last three months.
    • invitation letter in case of a business visa or visiting a relative.

    Next Step for Turkish Visa Application

    Now your documents are complete and you can visit your nearest Gerry’s Center to submit your visa application. You will pay Visa fees at the application center. There will be no interview for a Turkey visa, while the processing period is 2-4 weeks.

    Turkey Visa Fee

    Turkey visa fee for Single Entry
    RS 12000
    Anatolia Center Service ChargesRS 8000

    Note: According to the rules of the Turkey embassy in Islamabad, the visa fee and service charges are non-refundable. In case of rejection, the embassy does not mention the reason for the refusal. However, you can apply again in the same month.

    You can get more information regarding Turkey visa requirements from Pakistan from this video. This video is available on our YouTube channel named “Visa Guide”. We provide complete guidance for visas and immigration from different countries on this channel.