UK Farm Worker Visa Scheme Information

UK Farm Worker Visa Scheme

UK Farm Worker Visa

UK farmworker visa is an interesting topic for Workers nowadays because work in the UK has been a dream for Indians and Pakistanis. A lot of subcontinent residences are already settled there and playing their role in the progress of the United Kingdom.

A few months ago, the UK Government launched a seasonal worker pilot scheme that aimed to bring 2,500 seasonal workers to the farms. Under this scheme, six months UK farmworker visa will be issued to the successful candidates.

It was announced that the UK farm worker Visa pilot scheme will allow workers from outside the EU to do seasonal farm work in the UK for up to six months. There will be a cap of 2,500 workers per year. So it is the best opportunity to work in the UK for low-educated workers.

work in uk

On the eve of the announcement of the farmworker visa scheme, the home minister said that the government hoped that the pilot scheme would help in minimizing the farm labor shortages. He also said that an automated harvesting solution was not universally available, and hoped that the farmworker pilot scheme would support farmers during peak production times.

He explained that the UK seasonal work visa scheme would be reviewed and it will be determined how to support the long-term needs of the UK farming industry. He said that Govt will observe, how foreign workers work in the UK in this period.

The farmer unions in the UK reportedly welcomed the new UK farm worker visa scheme but warned that it was not ambitious enough, as more workers are needed on UK farms.

Video on the latest position of UK farmworker visa

To qualify for the UK farmworker visa, the minimum age should be 18 years on the date of application. In addition, the scheme will only be open to workers from outside the European Union. No skill and language course is required for this job.

The UK Home Office said that the scheme will be started in the spring of 2019, and will be continued till December 2020. Now, this scheme has been started and common people are calling it UK farmworker visa 2019.

If we talk about wages, farm laborers earn an average of £7.98  an hour across the UK right now. The data show a minimum salary of £6.65 an hour rising to £12.05 for top earners. Check UAE Visa Status

This program is similar to other seasonal programs (such as those in New Zealand and the US), where laborers are paid slightly more due to it being peak season, and may also be provided with accommodation.

On the other hand, it is a fact that the above-mentioned salaries only apply to very basic labor positions, and the more advanced/technical worker may pay substantially more for work in the UK.

Authorized companies for UK farm worker visa

The Govt of the UK has authorized two British companies, which will collect CV, experience letters, and other documents from applicants. Each company will sponsor 1250 workers from outside the EU for a UK farmworker visa.

uk farm worker visa

The address and websites of these companies are as under:

1)- Pro-Force Limited

Office address: Hunstead House, Nickle Farm, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent CT4 7PE, UK


2)- Concordia UK Ltd

Office Address: 19 North Street, Portslade, East Sussex, BN41 1DH.


Latest Update for the UK form worker visa

Initially PRO Force Limited, An authorized company for the UK farm worker visa scheme, started registration for the sack of checking candidates’ interest. A pro forma was given on the company’s official website for all non-EU countries.

Meanwhile, the Second operating company Concordia limited announced that due to a limited quota of workers, they are unable to entertain people from all around the world.  The company will consider candidates for a UK farmworker visa only from Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova only. This announcement is still available on the official website of Concordia.

Now after some days, PRO Force Limited has also given a similar statement on its website. According to the company, they will work for a UK farm worker visa scheme only in Ukraine and Moldova for the first year.

Therefore, the PRO force has promised to entertain candidates from other countries in case of fewer applications. They have explained that all data of candidates for UK farmworker visa is saved which may be used next year.

concordia website

Comparison with Canada farm worker visa

Canada farm worker visa is very similar to the Uk farmworker visa due to the same requirements. Both are seasonal and for unskilled workers. Wages are also almost equivalent in this category in both countries.

When we talk about major differences, that may be clearly seen. As you know that Pakistanis are not eligible for a Canada farm worker visa. In the same way, green passport holders are not entertained this year in the UK farm worker visa scheme in spite of the UK government announcement.

( Visa-free countries for Pakistan )

Anyways, a chance is still there, as an authorized company for UK farmworker visa has promised to consider candidates from all non-EU countries in next season. So don’t leave hope, best of luck for the next time.

Meanwhile, you may search for farmworker jobs in the UK from given UK job portals for general categories. You can get further details of the UK farmworker visa from our videos given in this article.

(Also read this: Korean free work visa )

Links to search general farm worker jobs

Govt. of UK Job search website: Find a job

Top private job search site:          Indeed 

Monster Job search site:            Monster Jobs

CV-Library job search site:           CV LIbrary


100 responses to “UK Farm Worker Visa Scheme Information”

  1. admin Avatar

    Well, you can apply through link given in the article.

  2. Ivan Avatar


    My Name is Ivan I am a South African citizen I am a farm worker and I am interested I the pilot program, can South Africans apply

  3. Sajawalfareed Avatar

    My name is sajawal Fareed I am Pakistan and I am really love farming I have good experience

  4. M junaid Avatar
    M junaid

    I am pakistani student and also do work in farming and have two years experience.

  5. […] There is good news for you guys, the govt of Japan has launched the Technical Intern Training Program and start accepting young workers from developing countries including Pakistan. The intent is the transfer of modern industrial skills to developing countries through a structured internship program. TITP interns shall be governed under Japanese labor laws, with equivalent pay and privileges as Japanese workers. Pakistan shall benefit from this initiative as our workers shall get the best technical training along with foreign exchange remittances to Pakistan. NUTECH has been nominated by GOP as an approved “Sending Organization” for TITP Japan. Also read: UK farm worker visa scheme […]

  6. Irfan khan Avatar
    Irfan khan

    I’m Pakistan sir me job

  7. Muhammad imran Avatar
    Muhammad imran

    Hello sir my name Muhammad Imran from Pakistan and I am really love farming I have good experience

  8. Ignashies Avatar

    I am Pakistani I need a job please select for me I m good working man my number +92-3154435201 nd 03084088042

  9. UMAR hayat Avatar
    UMAR hayat

    I am a working far Mar visa

  10. Majid Riaz Avatar
    Majid Riaz

    i am from Pakistan. and belong from a former family . i have a lot of experience in farming and agriculture work.if you have any job please contact me 00966590817330 whats app and imo

  11. Shahbaz Avatar

    I am Pakistani I’m bellowing to a former family. I know how to tarkter troli drive. I know how to spray in a field of vigitabels and how to crue any problem of filed. I have hike tears on contract base I froming all vigitabels.

  12. m kamal Avatar
    m kamal

    hello sir i need this jobs i am from pakistan this jobs avelbel my name is m kamal

  13. Beatrice Avatar

    Im in Zimbabwe
    Am i eligible

  14. Allen Avatar

    Hello is the pilot seasonal work is ready is on progress

    1. admin Avatar

      Yes, working for some countries.

  15. NADEEM AKHTAR Avatar

    Hi how r u i m ready to work as farm worker in UK my age 38 work experience 10 years education 12 years degree plz contact 03320548111

    1. admin Avatar

      Sorry brother, now Pakistan is not include in this scheme.

  16. Allen Avatar

    My name is Allen from Nigeria I have 3 years working experience in farming will love to know how to apply for this visa or would I need to go to the British embassy in Nigeria to know more details please I need a useful information thanks

  17. nadeem Avatar

    name .. nadeem
    country .. Pakistan
    work ..plumber and gypsum board selling

  18. salman khan Avatar
    salman khan

    give me detail about uk visa

  19. Habib Mughal Avatar
    Habib Mughal

    Hellow Sir, Willl UK government consider Pakistanis for Seasonal Farm Worker Visas.

    1. admin Avatar

      not for this season.

  20. S. Asif Avatar

    hello sir. I leave in pakistan, my name is S.Asif how can apply the viza i intrusted farm work plz give me detail, then i do will apply the viza. thank you,

  21. Muhammad Usman Avatar
    Muhammad Usman

    Muhammad Usman

  22. simratpal singh Avatar

    hii sir i am from india i can do work i need job plz my number whataap +97366358970

  23. Atif Altaf Avatar
    Atif Altaf

    Hey i am from pakistan.i can do work.i need job.

  24. Maqsood Ahmad Avatar
    Maqsood Ahmad

    Sr i ned for a job from pakisatn
    My mobile &watsup number 03065293499

    1. Noman arshad Avatar
      Noman arshad

      G sir i am ready helper

  25. Shamimjutt Avatar

    I,m Pakistan

  26. Hafiz.usman Avatar

    Im Pakistan Helo g visa work im good please

  27. Hafiz.usman Avatar

    Helo g visa work im good please

  28. Yaqoob Avatar

    I’m from Pakistan
    Applying for farm works
    I have experience for farming

  29. shaheer ahmad Avatar
    shaheer ahmad

    i want farm work visa how can i apply

  30. Hafiz Atif abbas Avatar
    Hafiz Atif abbas

    My name is Hafiz Atif abbas I’m from Pakistan I need a job I’m Diploma holder in electrical engineering

  31. Zia Avatar

    As i contacted Concordia they atleast not recruiting from PAKISTAN. So plz dont get fooled by anyone claiming to be their agent.
    Tha ks

  32. sharoon Masih Avatar

    My sharoon masih i am from Pakistan but doing job as farm supervisor since 2010 to till the date. so i have great experience in Agriculture filed. As per my experience i can serve well. i want visa sponsorship to work in Uk.

  33. Irfanullah Avatar

    Hi sir my name is irfanullah I have 5 years experience working in farms ,so it’s a big opportunity for people to work in UK farms,I have more interest to work there thanks .

  34. Aqibjaved Avatar

    I,m Ready working any farm

  35. Ammad Hussain Avatar
    Ammad Hussain

    Hi dear honoured
    I want work in farm i m from Pakistan
    I have experienced in Farming.
    Please sponcer me
    I m sending our Email

  36. Sajjad Hussain Avatar

    I’m Ready working please give me visa contact me please

  37. Khadim Hussain Avatar
    Khadim Hussain

    My is name Khadim Hussain I have 2 years experience Malaysia and 2 years experience Dubai artificial grass interest.
    I interested work please I need your help.
    my number:00971551415290

  38. Hamza khan tanoli Avatar
    Hamza khan tanoli

    My name is hamza khan tanoli from pakistan i can apply furdur jobs any body help me how to apply

  39. Noman arshad Avatar
    Noman arshad

    Yes i am ready my whaatssap number 03401257544

  40. Mohammed waqar Hassan Avatar

    I am very good at this job I want to do this work kindly mercifully give me a visa this my phone number +923127079745

  41. washimakarm Avatar

    I am washim from India I need job in UK my mail plz contact me

  42. kashif Avatar

    Hello sir i have 5 year farmer working exprince i need job

  43. Jahanzaib jamil Avatar
    Jahanzaib jamil

    I am work in Saudi Arabia. I am interested farm worker visas.My no 00966580728401

  44. Adnan Ahmed shaikh Avatar
    Adnan Ahmed shaikh

    I want farm work visa how can I apply?

  45. waqar ali khan Avatar
    waqar ali khan

    My name is waqar ali khan iam from.pakistan

  46. faisal Avatar

    i am 42 years old.i also went uk 2 times.can i apply

  47. M ashraf Avatar
    M ashraf

    My name is ashraf I am a Pakistani and my passion welder If you have a job then tell me please And I’m sure I will not disappoint you from my work

  48. Ghulam rasool Avatar
    Ghulam rasool

    I am ghulam rasool buliding consturction manager i am also know driving

  49. Muhammad Farooq Avatar
    Muhammad Farooq

    I am a farmer and like to work in UK as farm worker. I know English and Urdu/Punjabi

    1. admin Avatar

      Hi Farooq, thanks for commenting on our blog. Dear, UK will announce seasonal visas with in two months, then you will be able to apply.

      1. Muhammad Faheem Avatar
        Muhammad Faheem

        Hi admin can I apply for farm work because I have not experience about farming

  50. tanveeriqbal Avatar

    when applications are going to be started

  51. Zia UL Rehman Avatar
    Zia UL Rehman

    Farm work

  52. Muhammad Sajawal Aziz Avatar

    Hi bro how are you I hope everything is ok . An now kingdom saudi areb i have here good job but i could see bright future so now am decide am apply to uk job I

  53. MAQBOOL AHMAD Avatar

    i am villager and want to apply as seasonal farm worker in uk , under latest announcement by uk govt. kindly send me list of farms employers who are offering jobs , where can i apply for job.

  54. waqas Avatar

    hi my name is waqas i am britesh pakistani i want to talk to you can you give mi yar number

  55. Feraz seraj Avatar
    Feraz seraj

    What are the requirements for this visa.pls reply me on my cell no.03400573980

  56. Ahsan Alahi Avatar
    Ahsan Alahi

    Hi I’m intrusted job farm workers visa I’m alredy farm work all farm work hadeel me job me 03494854846

  57. Adil ali Avatar
    Adil ali

    I’m Adil ali uk farm workers apply contact number 03172615903

  58. Adil ali Avatar
    Adil ali

    I m Adil Ali contact on 03172615903

  59. Rashid mehmood Avatar

    i need a job in uk or canada as a farmer

  60. Mohammed wajid ali Avatar

    Hi i am mohmmed Wajid ali
    Age 50 years I’m interested in doing this farming job
    I have worked for 30 years in saudi arabia
    Kindly send more details about applying procedures
    Thank u

  61. Mohammed wajid ali Avatar
    Mohammed wajid ali

    Hi iam mohmmed Wajid Ali
    Age 50 year’s I have work in Saudi Arabia for 30 years
    And i am interested in doing this farming job
    Kindly send more details about applying procedures
    Thank u

  62. Rukhsar Ahmed khan Avatar
    Rukhsar Ahmed khan

    profession clerk
    quali: graduate
    experience: 3yrs
    pursuing jobs
    other :work as supervisor under ministry of railway on contract basis
    Determined n dedicate specially in field of work.
    make touch:8082308021
    passport available

  63. Agha Avatar

    Viza work


    I’m a Pakistani i need job farmer please you take me visa and Thanks you

  65. Ahsin ali Avatar
    Ahsin ali

    9year experience farm work in Pakistan
    I want to farm work visa in UK
    I shall be very thankful to you

  66. Aamir shahzad Avatar
    Aamir shahzad

    Hi this is aamir khan,I am from kohat Pakistan heard about forming job in UK ,I am also interested, please I need guide line I mean how to apply????

  67. Tabish Avatar

    Hi i am Tabish Farooq i am interested in faram working visa uk

  68. MAlik TAUSEEF Avatar

    Dear sir my name MAlik TAUSEEF .I live in Pakistan I belong former family I have many years forming work in Pakistan Iam interesting in former working visa in England my contact number 00923249675495

  69. Sardar Ali Avatar

    I m belong to a farmer family and I also able to work . sardar Ali +923456060830

  70. Tanveer iqbal Avatar
    Tanveer iqbal

    I am Tanveer iqbal, I am 25 years old and I am from India.

  71. Tanveer iqbal Avatar
    Tanveer iqbal

    I am 25 year old

  72. adnan Avatar

    i m redy to work uk plz contct me my no 00923044362307

  73. Muzaffar Ali Avatar
    Muzaffar Ali

    Hi I’m muzaffar Ali. I’m interested in farm working visa in uk

  74. Sameer khan Avatar
    Sameer khan

    My name is sameer khan age 26 and how to apply former visa i am ready to work in uk my no 00966577020678

  75. Ghulam abbas Avatar
    Ghulam abbas

    My name is Ghulam abbas i am form pakistan i ve been working in saudi Arabia for 7 years

    1. Tahir Avatar

      My name is Tahir and My age is 31,I have 8 years working experience of Saudi Arabia in shopping mall as a indoor salesman&cash counter operator,now a days i am inside pakistan and I want to go again foren / Contact Number:+92303298892 & +966565018380

  76. Muhammad Amman Avatar
    Muhammad Amman

    Hi I am Muhammad Amman I interested farming jobs how can apply tell me know

  77. hamid Avatar


  78. Rahul Ray Avatar
    Rahul Ray

    I’m already work for former

  79. Junaid hanif Avatar
    Junaid hanif

    My name is junaid hanif. I am from Pakistan. I’ve been working in the United Arab Emirates for three years.

  80. Feroz Avatar

    I am looking for a job I am 32 years old I am ready to work as in farming

  81. Saqib sheraz Avatar
    Saqib sheraz

    Any work from formar viza

  82. Saleem Avatar

    Uk work visap

  83. abdullah Avatar

    I am pakistane .how to job aplay.03119063652

  84. Umair Mehboob Avatar
    Umair Mehboob

    God is Great yes

  85. Abdullah Avatar

    How to aplay job .cal no.03119063652

    1. wahab Avatar

      sir kesa apply kr sakty hai

  86. Muhammadwaqas Avatar

    Uk work visa

  87. ehtisham Avatar

    iam from pakistan. and belong from a former family . i jave alot of experience in farming .

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