Japan Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)

Japan Technical Intern Training Program

Here is good news for you guys, the govt of Japan has launched the Japan Technical Intern Training Program. This industrial county wants to import a thousand young workers from developing countries including Pakistan.

As you know Japan has a shortage of manpower. So it is interested in the transfer of modern industrial skills to developing countries. The Japanese govt. is ensuring that the TITP interns shall be governed under Japanese labor laws. Authorities will treat them with equivalent pay and privileges as Japanese workers.

Pakistani youth must take advantage of Japan Technical Intern Training Program. For this purpose, the Pakistani govt. has nominated NUTECH as an approved “Sending Organization.

Trades for Japan Technical Intern Training Program

The complete list of the trades is given below. You can register yourself if have an interest in one of the trades. The link is available at the end of this article.

  1. Aluminum anodizing
  2. Application of construction equipment
  3. Bedclothes making
  4. Bread Baking
  5. Building sheet metal work
  6. Building stone construction
  7. Carpentry
  8. Casting
  9. Concrete pressure feeding
  10. Cloth sewing
  11. Die casting
  12. Dyeing
  13. Electroplating
  14. Factory sheet metal work
  15. Freezing and air conditioning apparatus installing
  16. Fixture making
  17. Forging
  18. Frame working
  19. Furniture making
  20. Heat insulation
  21. Interior finishing
  22. Iron work
  23. Knit goods manufacturing
  24. Ladies’ and children’s dressmaking
  25. Machining
  26. Metal press
  27. Machine inspection
  28. Machine maintenance
  29. Painting
  30. Plastering
  31. Plumbing
  32. Reinforcing bar construction
  33. Sash setting
  34. Scaffolding
  35. Seat product sewing
  36. Spinning operation
  37. Tailoring men’s suit making
  38. Tiling
  39. Tile roofing
  40. Underwear manufacturing
  41. Waterproofing
  42. Weaving operation
  43. Warp knitted fabrics manufacturing

Conditions for Applicants

  • The applicant must have 6 monthly skill certificates in his field.
  • If you have no certification, you must have at least 1-year recognizable experience.
  • Age must be between 18-30 years to register for the Japan Technical Intern Training Program
  • The applicant must have sound both physical and mental health.
  • Must have neat and clean character, i.e. not be convicted of any criminal or civil crime.

After applying you can check your application status by this link.


6 responses to “Japan Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)”

  1. M junaid Avatar
    M junaid

    sir tell me about the application status of Japan internship

  2. Muhammad Imran Avatar
    Muhammad Imran

    registration closed….. Show on the given site…. Not start applying procedure

  3. m ali Avatar
    m ali

    Applicant Name : MUHAMMAD ALI

    CNIC : 37401-1057687-1
    Applied programs(TITP JAPAN) Status:

    Serial Program Status Remarks Applied Date
    1 Concrete pressure feeding Pending None 2019-12-24 15:24:55
    2 Plumbing Pending None 2019-12-26 14:13:18

  4. Mubeen raza Avatar
    Mubeen raza

    Underwear manufactur

  5. Ahtisham Avatar

    Application has no submit

    1. admin Avatar

      Try again please, sometimes the system shows an error.

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