Number of Western Tourists Increased in Dubai

Tourists in Dubai

The data regarding Dubai tourism in the United Arab Emirates, more than 1.3 million tourists from Western Europe visited Dubai in the first four months of this year.

According to the Emirates Al-Youm newspaper, the largest number of tourists coming to Dubai from January to April 2023 was from Western Europe, which accounted for 22 percent of the total.

Dubai visit

During the last four months, the total number of tourists visiting Dubai was more than 6 million.

After Western European tourists, the number of tourists coming from Germany was second, with a number of 269,000, while the third place was France, where 135,000 people came to Dubai for tourism.

Dubai Visa on Arrival

The number of tourists coming to Dubai from Italy was one hundred and four thousand, with the number of tourists from Italy to Dubai being the fourth.

Between January and April of this year, more tourists arrived in Dubai from eight countries. These are America, Canada, Germany, Russia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, India, and Iran.


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