Tag: Dammam Postal Code

  • Postal and ZIP codes of Saudi cities in 2023

    Postal and ZIP codes of Saudi cities in 2023

    Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    When Saudi citizens or Expats living in KSA write a postal address, they need a five-digit code known as Saudi Arabia Postal Code or ZIP code. These codes determine the areas and locations of the respective country and city as well. The most popular among Saudi cities is Jeddah postal code.

    If someone has to write Saudi Arabia postal code or Saudi Arabia zip code in any document, he will use the capital city, Riyadh postal code. So we will describe it as:

    • Saudi Arabia postal code: 11564
    • Saudi Arabia zip code: 11564

    Jeddah Postal Code

    If you are living in Jeddah then will use Jeddah postal code for correspondence. In the same way, when anybody from outside Jeddah posts a letter to this city of Saudia, he also uses this code.

    A layman may call it “postal code Jeddah” or ”Postcode Jeddah”. We are giving here Jeddah postal code on top because it is used more than other cities’ codes. If you are asked to write Jeddah postal code or “postal code Jeddah”, you can copy it from below.

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    • Jeddah Postal Code: 21577
    • Postal Code Jeddah: 21577
    • Postcode Jeddah: 21577

    Jeddah ZIP Code

    zip code and postal codes are the same. So if someone asks you about Jeddah zip code. you can write it as Jeddah ZIP Code: 21577, ZIP Code Jeddah: 21577

    Jeddah postal code

    Riyadh Postal Code, Postcode for Riyadh

    Riyadh Postal Code is also called “Postcode for Riyadh” in Saudi Arabia. So we are writing it in both forms. It stands at second position after Jeddah’s postal code in importance. As Riyadh is the capital city, its postal code is used more on international level correspondence. Expats also search it by the term ”Riyadh postcode”.

    • Riyadh Postal Code: 11564
    • Postal Code Riyadh: 11564
    • Postcode for Riyadh: 11564   

    Riyadh ZIP Code

    Although postal and zip codes are the same, yet in some documents, Riyadh zip code is published instead of “Riyadh Postal Code“. So it may be written as:

    • Riyadh ZIP Code: 11564         
    • ZIP Code Riyadh: 11564

    Makkah Postal Code

    • Makkah Postal Code: 21514
    • Makkah ZIP Code: 21514

    Postal Code of Makkah has unique importance because Makkah is the center of the Muslims of the whole world. As the house of Allah “Khana Kaba” is situated there, every Muslim wish to visit Makkah as well as Madina. Millions of Muslims visit this city for the sack of Umrah and Hajj every year. So it is the most important city and the use of Makkah Postal code or Makkah zip code is common.   

    Postcode for Riyadh

    Madinah Postal Code

    Madinah is the city of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and millions of Muslims visit this holy city. They use Madinah Postal Code or Madinah zip Code in there documents like local citizens of Saudi Arabia.

    • Madinah Postal Code: 20012
    • Madinah ZIP Code: 20012

    Dammam Postal Code

    Dammam is the capital and largest city of  Saudi’s Eastern Province. It is also known as the administrative center of the oil industry of KSA. Due to its major role in the Saudi economy, Dammam Postal Code and Dammam zip code are used in a wide range. These are given as under:

    • Dammam Postal Code: 31433
    • Dammam ZIP Code: 31433

    Khobar Postal Code

    Khobar is also a big city of Eastern province with almost 2 Million population. This is the city of oil companies and workers having 50 KM distance from King Fahd international airport. Khobar postal code and Khobar zip code are much important in the correspondence of international oil companies working in the kingdom.

    • Khobar Postal Code: 31952
    • Khobar ZIP Code: 31952

    Taif Postal Code

    Taif is a historical city of province Makkah. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) spends a lot of time here in preaching of Islam. It is the fifth-largest city of Saudi Arabia with a total population of 12 lac. The people who want to know the Taif postal code or Taif zip code can get it from this passage. It is given as under:

    • Taif Postal Code: 21431
    • Taif ZIP Code: 21431

    Khamis Postal Code

    Khamis Mushait is a city of the Asir province of KSA. It has a population of 13 lac and situated 884 KM away from the capital Riyadh. A large number of ex-pats live in this city. We are giving here Khamis postal code and Khamis zip code for their convenience.    

    • Khamis Postal Code: 61961
    • Khamis ZIP Code: 61961

    Sakaka Postal Code

    Sakakah is the capital of Al Jawf Province of KSA. It is a small city with a 3 lac population but expanding now due to the development work. The construction work is going on rapidly in the city on the order of crown prince. Prince Muhammed Bin Abdul Aziz Medical City is the largest project of the series.

    This complex has a hospital of one thousand beds. This city is also known due to Al Jouf University. Due to this importance, Sakakah postal code and Sakakah zip code are used by the people which are given as below:

    • Sakaka Postal Code: 75471
    • Sakaka ZIP Code: 75471

    Najran Postal Code, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Najran is a Saudi city near the border of Yemen and is on fire nowadays due to the Yemen war. More than five lac Saudis live in Najran. You can use Najran postal code and Najran zip code by copying from below.

    • Najran Postal Code: 61441
    • Najran ZIP Code: 61441

    Postal code of Yanbu

    At the end of this list, we are talking about Yanbu, which is a city of Province Al Madinah and is a red seaport. It consists of approximately two lac population. A large number of expatriates are included who work in the oil industry of Saudia. 

    • Postal code of Yanbu: 30799
    • Zip code of Yanbu: 30799

    Dubai Zip Code, Dubai Postal Code

    Saudi Arabia Postal Code, All Major Cities

    City NamePostal Code
    Aaar       73311
    Abha     61321
    Al Bahah              65525
    Al Qurayyar        77425
    Al Qurayyat        77451
    Amlaj    48313
    Badr       46357
    Bahah   65511
    Dammam            32241
    Dhahran               34464
    Hail       55425
    Hafr Al-Batin      39923
    Haradh 36362
    Hofuf    48313
    Jeddah 21577
    Jizan     88723
    Jubail     35412
    Jubail Industrial City        35541
    Khamis Mmushait            61961
    Khobar 34424
    Madinah              20012
    Makkah 24236
    Najran  61441
    Qassim, Buraidah             51431
    Rabigh    25725
    Rafha   76321
    Ras Tanura          32816
    Riyadh  11564
    Sakaka  75471
    Tabuk    47711
    Taif         26513
    Tayma   45511
    Turaif    75311
    Unaizah               51911
    Wadi as Surr       49549
    Yunbu   30799
    Zulfi       15941

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    FAQ About Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Everybody search his desired queries on search engine by his own styles. Most people feel ease to ask direct questions which are called frequently asked questions about a specific topic. We have given here some questions about the postal code of Saudi Arabia and its other cities.

    What is the postal code of Jeddah?

    The postal code of Jeddah is 21577, which also use as a zip code of Jeddah. So don’t confuse and keep in mind that both are the same.

    What is the postal code of Riyadh?

    The Riyadh postal code and Riyadh zip code is 11564. You can also use this code when someone asks the postal code of Saudi Arabia.

    What is the postal code of Makkah?

    The postal code of Makkah or Zip Code of Makkah is 21514.

    What is the latest Madinah postal code?

    The Madinah postal code or Madinah zip code will be written as 20012.

    What is the latest Dammam postal code or Dammam Zip code?

    The Dammam postal code or Dammam Zip code is not changed, it is 31433.

    What is the Postal Code of Khobar?

    The postal code of Khobar of the zip code of Khobar is 31952.

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    What is the Abha postal or Abha zip code?

    Abha postal code is 61321 which is also Abha zip code and used in every type of correspondence inside or outside Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia Postal Code, Postal Regions

    Saudi Post has divided the country into eight regions, based on administrative units. These postal regions are as under.

    Arriyadh Region, Makkah Region, Eastern province Region, Madinah and Tabuk Region, Qassim and Ha’il Region, Asir, Najran, and Baha Region, Northern Borders, and Jawf Region and last postal region of KSA is Jizan.

    Saudi Postal sectors, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Saudi Post divides Each postal region into postal sectors for better working. The maximum post sectors maybe 8 sectors in numbers. The number of sectors starts from 2 instead of one, so the highest sector number will be nine. The first number is given to the capital of the region in routine. Saudi Post issues even numbers to the south sectors and odd to the northern.

    postal branches, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Furthermore, the postal sector is divided into a maximum of 8 postal branches. One number branch is used for governmental and exceptional services. You can observe that the borders of the postal branches in Saudi Arabia are highways or main roads. Similarly, the branches to the west of the axis point are given odd numbers while the branches to the east have even numbers. Due to this structure of the Saudi Post, you can easily understand the Saudi ArabiaPostal code or Saudi Arabia Zip code.

    Saudi Arabia postal code

    Postal Divisions

    Saudi Post has further divided Postal branches into divisions, which may nine in numbers. This division is according to main roads and streets. The coding of postal divisions is based upon the nearest division to the axis of the division.

    Postal Squares, Saudi Arabia Postal Code

    Then each postal section is divided into squares of maximum size 4×4 km². On the other hand, the low-density urban zones have an area of 2×2 km² while high-density and populated urban zones are of 1×1 km² size.

    History of Postal Codes

    If we talk about the history of Post Codes, its advancement reflects the expanding multifaceted nature of postal conveyance as population developed and the assembled condition turned out to be more unpredictable. This happened first in extensive urban communities. Postal codes started with postal area numbers inside modern cities. London was first subdivided into 10 areas in 1857, and Liverpool in 1864.

    By World War I, such postal area or zone numbers existed in different expansive European urban communities. They existed in the United States at any rate as ahead of schedule as the 1920s, perhaps executed at the nearby mail station level just (for instance, examples of “Boston 9, Mass” in 1920 bore witness to, in spite of the fact that they were clearly not utilized all through all real US urban communities (actualized all-inclusive) until second World War.

    The name of US postal codes, “Postal divisions”, shows it transformative development from a zoning plan to a zone enhancement plan, “ZIP”. Present-day postal codes were first presented in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in December 1932, yet the framework was deserted in 1939. The following nation to present postal codes was Germany in 1941, trailed by Singapore in 1950, Argentina in 1958, the United States in 1963 and Switzerland in 1964.

    Final words about Saudi Arabia Postal code

    After knowing the entire structure of the Saudi Post, you can easily understand the funda of the Saudi Arabia postal code and Saudi Arabia zip code. Likewise, Jeddah postal code, Jeddah zip code, Riyadh Postal Code, Makkah Postal Code, Madinah Postal Code, Madinah Postal Code, Khobar postal code, Taif postal code and codes of other cities of KSA are easy to remember for you.