The query ‘’ how to transfer Etisalat balance’’ is related to the users of the Etisalat mobile service providing company. Both the residents and the visitors are its subscribers. The company provides the facility to transfer balance and transfer as well.
If you are willing to know the Etisalat balance transfer, it is very easy. Just follow a few steps given below.
How to transfer Etisalat balance?
Three easy methods are used to transfer balance from Etisalat to Etisalat subscribers. You may use the app or your mobile phone to send Etisalat credit.
1)- Type the SSD code given below and press the call button.
#100*Receiver’s Number*Data in MBs#
This procedure is valid for both prepaid and postpaid Sims.
2)- Dial Code #100# and follow the instructions sent by the company’s system. In this way, you can easily transfer your balance from Etisalat to Etisalat.
3)- You can also use Etisalat App for Etisalat balance transfer.
Etisalat Credit Request
There is another way of Etisalat credit transfer. In this process, the user sends balance requests to their friends by dialing this code.
*107*number of the friend*amount#
The friend will receive a message and confirm the transaction by sending this code command in reply.
*100*Requester’s number*amount#

Balance Sharing Limit
Etisalat has set a daily maximum limit of AED 150 for local credit. The minimum limit is AED 2. It is the same for prepaid and postpaid users. However, the monthly limits are different. Prepaid users can share up to AED 1,500 credit monthly while for postpaid users this limit is AED 500.
How to Check Balance in Etisalat Instantly?
Charges for Etisalat Balance Transfer
The company will charge 5.25% on a transaction of Etisalat balance transfer. 5% VAT is included in this amount. When you share a credit of 100 AED with a friend, the company will deduct AED 105.25 from your account.
Etisalat Credit Transfer to An International Number
You can transfer international prepaid credit by using the ‘’My Etisalat UAE ‘’ app. It is a simple method and the system guides you to make this transaction. The other way is to text the international prepaid number to 1700. Then you have to follow the instructions sent by the Etisalat system.
All About Etisalat
Etisalat is an Emirati multinational telecommunications service provider that is currently active in 16 different countries in Asia as well as in the Middle East, and Africa. The company is the 18th biggest mobile network operator in the world based on the number of customers.
Etisalat has been identified as one of the Internet hubs in the Middle East, providing connectivity to other operators of telecommunications within the area. The company is also the biggest provider for international traffic throughout the Middle East and Africa and the 12th largest voice provider in the world.
As of October 2008, Etisalat has more than 510 roaming agreements, covering more than 186 countries, and offers BlackBerry 3G GPRS in addition to voice roaming. Etisalat has Points of Presence in New York, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, and Singapore.
In December 2011, Etisalat officially announced that it would launch the Etisalat 4G LTE Network. In May 2018, Etisalat announced the launch of the commercially available Etisalat 5G LTE Network which made it the first telecom provider within the Middle East and North Africa region to announce this.
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