Embassies in Islamabad
If you want to get visa information of any country, you must know the address, phone numbers and website address of embassies in Islamabad. Usually, it is a time-consuming job and people do not want to waste their time in searching visa info from different sources.
So we have compiled a list of all embassies in Islamabad in this article for their convenience. This is based on the latest information, however, some changes may occur with the time, we will try to review it from time to time for this purpose. The visitor of our site may inform us if find any inconvenience.
A comprehensive list of embassies in Islamabad is given below.
Afghan Embassy in Islamabad
Afghan Embassy is at the top of the embassies in Islamabad when we arrange the list alphabetically. Embassy address: House No. 8, Street 90, Luqman Hakeem Road, G-6/3 Islamabad
Phone: (051) 282 4505/6
FAX : (051) 282 4504
E-Mail: info@islamabad.mfa.af
Algerian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Algerian Embassy in Islamabad, House No.107, St.No.9, Sector E-7, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51265 3418, (+92) 51265 3773
FAX: (+92) 51-265 3795
EMAIL: algem@isb.comsats.net.pk
Please comment if this visa info is helpful for you.
Argentina Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Argentina Embassy in Islamabad, House 24, Street 18, Sector F-6/2 Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 518438120
Website: http://epaki.cancilleria.gov.ar
Australian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Australian Embassy in Islamabad (Australian High Commission in Islamabad), Pakistan Constitution Ave and Ispahani Rd, Diplomatic Enclave No. 1, Sector G-5/4, PO Box 1046, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 835 5500
Website: http://www.pakistan.embassy.gov.au/islm/home.html

Austrian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Austria in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 7 A, 21st Street, F 8/2, P.O. Box 1018, G.P.O. Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 2818 421
EMAIL islamabad-ob@bmeia.gv.at
WEBSITE www.bmeia.gv.at/oeb-islamabad/
Azerbaijani Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Azerbaijan Embassy in Islamabad, G-5, Diplomatic Enclave II, Plots 1D/1E, Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 260 07 04
Website: http://www.azembassy.com.pk/
Bahraini Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Bahraini Embassy in Islamabad, House no 5, Street no 83 G6 / 4, Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 2831117, (+92) 51 2831115
- FAX (+92) (51) 230 7885
- EMAIL islamabad.mission@mofa.gov.bh
Website: http://www.mofa.gov.bh/islamabad/Home.aspx
Bangladesh Embassy in Islamabad
Here is your desired address in the list of embassies in Islamabad.
Address: Bangladeshi High Commission in Islamabad, House No. 1, Street No. 5, F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2279 267
Website: http://www.bdhcpk.org
Please comment if this visa info is helpful for you.
Belgium Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Belgium Embassy in Islamabad, House 14, Street 17, P.O. Box 1016, F7/2 Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 265 41 02, (+92) 51 265 41 04,
(+92) 51 265 41 03, (+92) 51 265 41 01
Website: http://www.diplomatie.be/islamabad
Bosnian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Islamabad, House No. 195-A, Street No. 10, Sector E-7, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 265 40 20, (+92) 51 265 40 18
Website: http://www.bembassy.org/
Brazil Embassy in Islamabad
You can check here the Brazil embassy.
Address: Brazil Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Street 72, Sector F-8/3, P.O. Box 1053, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2287189
Website: http://islamabade.itamaraty.gov.br
Brunei High Commission in Islamabad
Address: High Commission of Brunei Darussalam in Islamabad, Pakistan, House No. 5, Street 6, Sector F6/3, Islamabad.
Phone: (92) 51 2789 636 / 2789 637 / 2789 638 & 2789 639
FAX (+92) (51) 874 0266 / 366
EMAIL islamabad.pakistan@mfa.gov.bn
Website: http://www.mfa.gov.bn/pakistan_islamabad/Theme/home2.aspx
Bulgarian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Bulgarian Embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna V plot 6/11, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 227 91 96, (+92) 51 227 91 97
Website: http://www.mfa.bg/embassies/pakistan
Canada Embassy in Islamabad
Address: High Commission of Canada / Canada Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave, Sector G-5, Islamabad, Pakistan, Postal Address, P. O. Box 1042, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2086000
Website: http://www.pakistan.gc.ca

Chilean Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Chile in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 8, Street 21, Shalimar F-8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 512281461, (+92) 51285 3178
Email – chileconhoisb@yahoo.com
Chinese Embassy in Islamabad
Here is your desired address in the list of embassies in Islamabad.
Address: Chinese Embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 4 Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 512824786
FAX (+92) 51-873 8767 Email: chinaemb_pk@mfa.gov.cn
Website: http://pk.chineseembassy.org
Cuban Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Cuban Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 37, School Road, Sector F-6-2, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 282 4078, (+92) 51 282 4077
Website: misiones.minrex.gob.cu/es/pakistan
Cyprus embassy in Islamabad
There is no Cyprus embassy in Islamabad but Honorary Consulate .
Address: Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Cyprus in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 8, Street 71, F-8/3, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 5480156, 5476910
Czech Republic Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Islamabad, Pakistan, Street 27, House 49, Sector F 6/2, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 227 43 04
Website: http://www.mzv.cz/islamabad
Denmark Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Denmark Embassy in Islamabad, 9, 90th Street, Ramna 6/3, P.O. Box 1118, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2824 722
Website: http://pakistan.um.dk/
Egypt Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Egypt Embassy in Islamabad, Plot no. 38-51, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave , P.O. Box 2088, Ramna 5-4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2209072 2209082 FAX : (+92) 51 227 9552 EMAIL pakegyptembassy@gmail.com
Finland Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Finland Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 24, Street No. 89, Sector G-6/3, Postal address: P.O. Box 1862, 44000
Phone: (+92) 512828 426
Website: http://www.finlandpakistan.org
France Embassy in Islamabad
Address: France Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave G/5, GPO box 1068, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 201 14 14
Website: http://www.ambafra-pk.org/
German Embassy in Islamabad
Address: German Embassy in Islamabad, Ramna 5, Diplomatic Enclave
Phone: (+92) 51 227 94 30 FAX: (+92) (51) 227 94 36
WEBSITE: www.pakistan.diplo.de
Greece Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Greece in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 33A, School Road, Sector F-6/2, Islamabad
Phone: (+9251) 2825720, 2822558
Website: www.mfa.gr/islamabad
Greenland Embassy in Islamabad
There is no Greenland embassy in Islamabad. However, Royal Danish Embassy deals on behalf of Greenland.
Address: Royal Danish Embassy in Pakistan, H. 16, Street 21, F-6/2, P.O. Box 1118 Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 282 4722/23/24
Website: http://www.ambislamabad.um.dk
Embassy of Hungary in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Hungary in Islamabad, Pakistan, House No 12, F-6/3 Margalla Road P.O.B. 1103 Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51-2823352
Website: https://iszlamabad.mfa.gov.hu/eng
Indian High Commission in Islamabad
Address: High Commission of India in Islamabad, Pakistan, G-5, Diplomatic Enclave
Phone: (+92) 51220695054
Website: https://www.india.org.pk/https://www.india.org.pk/
Embassy of Indonesia in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Indonesia in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave I Street 5, Ramna G-5/4, Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 2832017 20, 2880067 68
Website: http://indonesian-embassy.pk/
Iraq Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Pakistan, House No.57, Street No.48, F-8/4, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 2253738 / (+92) 51 2253734 Website: mofamission.gov.iq/en/Pakistan
You should comment if this visa info is helpful for you.
Italy Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Italy Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, 54, Margalla Road, F-6/3, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 2828982 2829229 2829106/8/9
Website: http://www.ambislamabad.esteri.it

Japan Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Japan Embassy in Islamabad, 53-70, Ramna 5/4, Diplomatic Enclave 1, Islamabad
(P.O. 1119, Islamabad, Pakistan) Phone: (+92) 519072500
Website: http://www.pk.emb-japan.go.jp/
Jordan Embassy in Islamabad
Here is an updated list of embassies in Islamabad. Check your desired address.
Address: Jordan Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 99, Main Double Road, Sector, f-10/1, Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 283 3311 FAX; (+92) 51 227 9127
EMAIL: islamabad@fm.gov.jo
Kazakhstan Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Kazakhstan Embassy in Islamabad, House No.10, Str.45,, Sector F-8/1 Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 512262926; 2262925 FAX: (+92) 51-226-2806
EMAIL: islamabad@mfa.kz
Kenya Consulate in Islamabad
Address: Consulate of the Republic of Kenya in Islamabad, House No. 8a, Embassy Road, Sector F-6/4, P.O. Box 2097, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2876024/2876025/2826951
Kuwait Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Kuwait Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Plot No.1, 2 & 24, Diplomatic Enclave, University Road, Islamabad, P.O.Box 1030
Phone: (+92) 512279413-to 5 FAX: (+92) (51) 227 9411
EMAIL: kuwait-emb@yahoo.com
Kyrgyzstan Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Pakistan, #163, Str. 36, F-10/1
Phone: (+92) 51.221.2196
Website: http://www.kyrgyzembassy.com.pk/
Lebanon Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Lebanon Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, H.No. 17, School Road, F-6/1 Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 278 338 EMAIL: lebanonembassypakistan@gmail.com
Website: islamabad.mfa.gov.lb
Madagascar Consulate in Pakistan
Address: Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Pakistan, B-307, Block 6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi
Phone: (+92) 21 498 3540
Malaysian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: High Commission of Malaysia in Islamabad, Pakistan, Plot No. 144-150, Street No. 17, Sector G-5, Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 2072900
Website: http://www.kln.gov.my/perwakilan/islamabad
Morocco Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Morocco Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 6, Gomal Road, E-7, P.O. Box 1179, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 512654744 FAX: (51) 265 4741, OR (51) 844 1895
EMAIL: emb-mor.islamabad@maec.gov.ma
Myanmar Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Myanmar embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, No. 201 St N0 10, SECTOR E-7, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 282 2460, 282 8828
Website: http://www.myanmar-embassy-islamabad.net/
Nepal Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Nepal Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 6, Gomal Road, E-7
Phone:(+92) (51) 261 0317 – 19
Website: https://pk.nepalembassy.gov.np/
Netherlands Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Netherlands embassy in Islamabad, Plot 167 Street No 15 Sector G-5 Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 512004444
Website: http://www.netherlandsembassy.org.pk/
New Zealand Honorary Consulate General
Suite # 239, Glass Tower
2 Ft 3, Adjacent to PSO House, Main Clifton Road
Karachi 75530
TELEPHONE: (+92) 21 3564 4740 :FAX: 0 21 3564 4741
Website: www.immigration.govt.nz/dubai
Norway Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Norway Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 25, Street No. 19, Sector F-6/2, P.O. Box 1336
Phone: (+92) 5122797204
Website: http://www.norway.org.pk
Oman Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Oman Embassy in Islamabad, House No 11, Street 61, Sector F-7/4, P. O. Box 1194, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51 265 6717 / 8 Fax: (+92) 51 265 6720
EMAIL: omanembpk@hotmail.com
Palestine Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Palestine Embassy in Islamabad, 9 House No. 486, PO Box 1064
Phone: (+92) 51291185/8511
Website: http://palestineembassy.com.pk/
A comment is necessary if this visa info remained helpful for you.
Philippines Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Philippines Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 12, St. 12, F/2, Islamabad, P.O. Box 1052
Phone: (+92) 51 2653661;2653662; 2653664
Website: http://www.isdpe.com.pk
Poland Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Poland Embassy in Islamabad, Street 24, G-5/4, Diplomatic Enclave II , PO Box 1032 Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51.260.0844
Website: https://islamabad.msz.gov.pl/en/
Qatar Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Qatar Embassy in Islamabad, 20 University Road, Diplomatic Enclave G-5/4, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 0512600958 , 0512270833
Website: http://islamabad.embassy.qa/
Romania Embassy in Islamabad
Address: House No. 5-A, Street No. 30, Sector F-7/1, Islamabad 44000
Phone: +92 51 8436601; +92 51 8436602
Website: http://islamabad.mae.ro/en
Russian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Russian Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna-4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: 0 51 2600813- 2600812
Consular service, visa section:
Tel: +92-51-2600813
Fax: +92-51-2600827
E-mail: islamabad@dks.ru
Website: https://pakistan.mid.ru/web/pakistan_en
Saudi Embassy in Islamabad
Here is Saudi Arabia in the list of embassies in Islamabad.
Address: Saudi Embassy in Islamabad, 14, North Service Road, Diplomatic Enclave, G-4, Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 2600900-01
Website: http://embassies.mofa.gov.sa/sites/pakistan/AR/Pages/default.aspx
Seychelles Consulate in Karachi
Address: Seychelles Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, 4 – J.C.H. Society, Main Sharea Faisal, Karachi – 75350
Phone: (+92) 21 454 5912, (+92) 21 454 36 348
FAX: (+92) (21) 345 45 905
EMAIL: sezcongen@seychelles.pk
Consulate of Singapore in Karachi
Address: Consulate of Singapore in Karachi, Pakistan, Lakson Square Building, 2 Sarwar Shaheed Road, Karachi-I, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 213 5686419 /(+92) 21 5685308
+92 21 35688067 /
+92 21 35680093
E-mail: singaporecg@cyber.net.pk
Website: https://www.mfa.gov.sg/content/mfa/overseasmission/karachi.html
Somalia Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Somalia Embassy in Islamabad, House No.8-A, ST# Embassy Road, F-6/4, Islamabad,
Phone: (+92) 51 2299077-78.
Website: http://somaliembassy.pk/
South African High Commission in Islamabad
Address: High Commission of South Africa in Islamabad, Pakistan, 48 Khayaban-e-Iqbal, Sector F-8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 226 2354/5/6
Korean Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Korean Embassy in Islamabad, Block No. 13, Street No. 29, Diplomatic Enclave II, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2279385/6/7
Website: http://overseas.mofa.go.kr/pk-ko/index.do
Spain Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Spain embassy in Islamabad, Street 6, Ramna 5 Diplomatic Enclave I, P.O. Box 1144, Islamabad Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 208 87 77
Website for visa applications: https://pak.blsspainvisa.com/
Sri Lanka High Commission in Islamabad
Address: Sri Lanka High Commission in Islamabad, House No. 2C, Street No. 55, F 6/4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 282 8723 / 35 (+92) 51 227 8175
Website: http://www.slhcpakistan.org
Sudan Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Embassy of Sudan in Pakistan, F-6/3, Street # 16, House # 8, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 230 7691, (+92) 51 230 7692
Website: http://sudanembassy.com.pk/
Please comment on this article, if this visa info is useful for you.
Swedish Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Swedish Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, House No. 4, Street No. 5, F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 207 26 00
Website: https://www.swedenabroad.se/islamabad
Swiss Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Swiss Embassy in Islamabad, Street 6, Diplomatic Enclave, G-5/4, P.O. Box 1073, Islamabad 44000 Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 2279 291 3
Website: http://www.eda.admin.ch/islamabad
Syrian Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Syrian Embassy in Islamabad, F-6/3, Hill Road, Islamabad.
Phone: (+92) 51 227 9469 / 71 / 70
Consular service, visa section:
Tel: +92-51-2600813
Fax: +92-51-2600827
Website: https://pakistan.mid.ru/en_GB/web/pakistan_en
Tajikistan Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Tajikistan embassy in Islamabad, House# 295, Street# 35, F 11/3, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 0512293462
Website: http://www.tajikembassy.pk
Thai Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Royal Thai Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Plots No.1 – 20 Diplomatic Enclave-1, Sector G-5/4 Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 8431270
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/islamabad
Tunisia Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Tunisian Embassy in Islamabad, House 221 Street No 21, E-7 P. O. Box 1913 , Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 265 23 87. (+92) 51 265 27 81.
Website: www.atunisia-pk.org
Turkish Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Turkish embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Street 1 Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 831 98 10
Website: http://islamabad.emb.mfa.gov.tr

Turkmenistan Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Turkmenistan Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 22-A Nazim-Ud-Din Road F-7/1, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51261 1817
Website: http://www.trkmn.org
Ukraine Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Ukraine Embassy in Islamabad, House 4, Street 5, sector F – 7/3, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 260 89 66
Website: http://pakistan.mfa.gov.ua
UAE Embassy in Islamabad
Address: UAE Embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave Plot No. 1-22, Qaid-e-Azam University Road G-5, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 209 9999
EMAIL: info.isb@mofa.gov.ae
British High Commission in Islamabad
Address: British High Commission in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5, P O Box 1122, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51 201 2000
US embassy in Islamabad
Address: US Embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 512080000
Website: https://pk.usembassy.gov/
Uzbekistan Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Uzbekistan Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 2, Street No.2, Sector F-8/3, Kohistan Road, Islamabad
Phone: (+92) 51226 4746
Website: http://www.uzbekembassypakistan.org
Vietnam Embassy in Islamabad
You can check the Vietnam embassy here in the list of embassies in Islamabad.
Address: Vietnam Embassy in Islamabad, House 117, Street No. 11, Sector E-7, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51265 5785 / 7
Website: http://www.vietnamembassy-pakistan.org/
Yemen Embassy in Islamabad
Address: Yemen Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, 90-Sumbal Road, F-10/1, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: (+92) 51-210 2448, (+92) 51-210 1115
Fax: (+92) 51-210 2417
Email: yem.emb.isb@hotmail.com
Also read: Invitation Letter for Visa Application