Tag: Whatsapp status

  • Best Whatsapp Status in Urdu For 2022

    Best Whatsapp Status in Urdu For 2022

    Whatsapp Status in Urdu

    Whatsapp Status in Urdu is much common in Pakistan and India. Urdu is a language of sweetness and people having emotions like to express their feelings in Urdu. In simple words, we can say that Urdu poetry provides oxygen to love birds.

    When we talk about Whatsapp Status in Urdu, Urdu poetry and Urdu quotes are most popular. So we have given famous Faiz Ahmad Faiz poetry. These two Ghazals of Faiz are our special presentation for Urdu poetry Whatsapp Status. This Urdu Shayari is in Urdu, Roman Urdu, and also in the form of designing.

    A video-based on Urdu poetry is uploaded indeed. This is the poetry of Faiz Ahmad Faiz. You can download this video by clicking on our link to use it as a Whatsapp status video.

    Best Urdu Whatsapp Status

    غزل فیض احمد فیض

    دونوں جہان تیری محبت میں ہار کے
    وہ جا رہا ہے کوئی شب غم گزار کے

    donoñ jahān terī Mohabbat meñ haar ke

    vo rahā hai koī shab-e-ġham guzār ke

    Whatsapp Status in Urdu

    ویراں ہے مے کدہ خم و ساغر اداس ہیں
    تم کیا گئے کہ روٹھ گئے دن بہار کے

    vīrāñ hai mai-kada ḳhum-o-sāġhar udaas haiñ

    tum kyā ga.e ki ruuTh ga.e din bahār ke

    اک فرصت گناہ ملی وہ بھی چار دن
    دیکھے ہیں ہم نے حوصلے پروردگار کے

    ik fursat-e-gunāh milī vo bhī chaar din

    dekhe haiñ ham ne hausle parvardigār ke

    دنیا نے تیری یاد سے بیگانہ کر دیا
    تجھ سے بھی دل فریب ہیں غم روزگار کے

    duniyā ne terī yaad se begāna kar diyā

    tujh se bhī dil-fareb haiñ ġham rozgār ke

    Parveen Shakir status

    بھولے سے مسکرا تو دیے تھے وہ آج فیضؔ
    مت پوچھ ولولے دل ناکردہ کار کے

    bhūle se muskurā to diye the vo aaj ‘faiz’

    mat pūchh valvale dil-e-nā-kardā-kār ke

    دونوں جہان تیری محبت میں ہار کے
    وہ جا رہا ہے کوئی شب غم گزار کے

    Whatsapp Status in Urdu 2020

    dono jahan tairi mohabbat me har k

    فیض احمد فیض کے مقبول عام اشعار

    بے دم ہوئے بیمار دوا کیوں نہیں دیتے
    تم اچھے مسیحا ہو شفا کیوں نہیں دیتے

    مِٹ‌ جائے گی مخلوق تو انصاف کرو گے
    منصف ہو تو اب حشر اُٹھا کیوں‌ نہیں‌ دیتے

    گلوں میں رنگ بھرے باد نوبہار چلے
    چلے بھی آؤ کہ گلشن کا کاروبار چلے

    آئے تو یوں کہ جیسے ہمیشہ تھے مہربان
    بھولے تو یوں کہ گویا کبھی آشنا نہ تھے

    ان میں لہو جلا ہو ہمارا کہ جان و دل
    محفل میں کچھ چراغ فروزاں ہوئے تو ہیں

    اٹھ کر تو آ گئے ہیں تری بزم سے مگر
    کچھ دل ہی جانتا ہے کہ کس دل سے آئے ہیں

    تمہاری یاد کے جب زخم بھرنے لگتے ہیں
    کسی بہانے تمہیں یاد کرنے لگتے ہیں

    جب تجھے یاد کر لیا صبح مہک مہک اٹھی
    جب ترا غم جگا لیا رات مچل مچل گئی

    جدا تھے ہم تو میسر تھیں قربتیں کتنی
    بہم ہوئے تو پڑی ہیں جدائیاں کیا کیا

    The Best WhatsApp Status ever 

    Faiz Poetry in Roman Urud

    dil meñ ab yuuñ tire bhūle hue ġham aate haiñ

    jaise bichhḌe hue kaabe meñ sanam aate haiñ

    tum aa.e ho na shab-e-intizār guzrī hai

    talāsh meñ hai sahar baar baar guzrī hai

    chaman pe ġhārat-e-gul-chīñ se jaane kyā guzrī

    qafas se aaj sabā be-qarār guzrī hai

    hamīñ se apnī navā ham-kalām hotī rahī

    ye teġh apne lahū meñ niyām hotī rahī

    jo kuchh bhī ban na paḌā ‘faiz’ luT ke yāroñ se

    to rahzanoñ se duā-o-salām hotī rahī

  • Best WhatsApp Status Quotes in English

    Best WhatsApp Status Quotes in English

    WhatsApp Status Quotes

    Whatsapp status is a post that we publish on our Whatsapp account. As this app is very popular nowadays, our youth remains busy in sharing Whatsapp Status Quotes in English every time. You can find best about for WhatsApp in English in this post.

    Similarly, all considerable people including politicians, businessmen, actors, sportsmen, journalists, and social activists are connected with each other by WhatsApp groups.

    The Popularity of Status Quotes

    Whatsapp Status Quotes in English has become famous due to the free functions of WhatsApp. There are no charges for video calls as well as Audio. Text and voice messages are also free. People like the facility of free data transfer indeed.

    You can use it to remain well-informed all time, the only thing you need is Whatsapp status by which you participate in different WhatsApp groups. We are providing you a lot of status for WhatsApp.

    You can find the best WhatsApp status quotes in English here like William Shakespeare and other known authors. Simply copy sentences and past in your WhatsApp. you will feel proud by using these status quotes.

    Best Whatsapp Status Quotes in English

    These are Whatsapp Status Quotes which are best in value, so we can say these are the best Whatsapp status. Everybody can use it as the latest WhatsApp status. These shorts sentences can change your life if you try to keenly understand the logic of each.

    Whatsapp Status Quotes in English

    “Good mind, good find, never think negative”

    “There is no rose without a thorn.”

    “Save your own and spend an other’s.”

    “Never join bad company, as a man is known by the company he keeps.”

    “Better today than tomorrow.”

    “The face is an index of mind.”

    “Open the purse then open the sack.”

    “Always remember, who blows in the sky shall fill his own eyes.”

    ” Out of the frypan into the fire.”

    “It is a fact that diamond cuts diamond.”

    “Out of sight out of mind.”

    “Fair without and foul within.”

    “A black man is being called Mr. White in our society.”

    “All’s well that ends well.”

    William Shakespeare

    “A giant will starve on what will suffice a dwarf.”

    “He plucks out the teeth of dog and barks himself.”

    “Health is wealth.”

    “Fish and guests smell at three days old.”

    “One scabbard cannot hold two swords.”

    “When one door shuts another opens.”

    “Cast in the same mould.”

    “A ship of the tongue is defaulter of the mind.”

    “One past and lots of candidates.”

    ” Something is better than nothing.”

    “The butcher looked for his knife when he had it in his mouth.”

    “A penny saved is a penny found.”

    “A bad wound heals but a bad name kills.”

    “Pride goes before a fall.”

    “Man proposes God disposes.”

    “A close mouth catch no flies.”

    “Casting pearls before the swine.”

    “His bread is buttered on both sides.”

    “It is hard to live in Rome and fight with the pop.”

    “I talk of the chalk and you of the cheese.”

    “Always Look before you leap.”

    “Charity begins at home.”

    ” Wise people always think before they speak.”

    “Experience is the best teacher.”

    “Evil word cuts deeper than the sword.”

    “The body at ease the mind at ease.”

    “A soft answer turns away the wrath.”

    “A sleeping fix catches no prey.”

    “The life to be endangered.”

    “Never quit effort, while there is life there is hope.”

    ” It is golden saying that live within your means.”

    “Whatever the mind thinketh the tongue speaketh.”

    “A lie has no legs to stand upon.”

    “Bashfulness is akin to poverty.”

    “Cast not dirt into the well that gives you water.”

    “Fair is not fair but that will pleaseth.”

    The Best WhatsApp Status ever for 2021

    Final Words

    Friends, you can use these Whatsapp Status Quotes in English by downloading or copying from this blog. There will be no copyright or other legal issues.