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  • UK Farm Worker Visa Scheme Information

    UK Farm Worker Visa Scheme Information

    UK Farm Worker Visa

    UK farmworker visa is an interesting topic for Workers nowadays because work in the UK has been a dream for Indians and Pakistanis. A lot of subcontinent residences are already settled there and playing their role in the progress of the United Kingdom.

    A few months ago, the UK Government launched a seasonal worker pilot scheme that aimed to bring 2,500 seasonal workers to the farms. Under this scheme, six months UK farmworker visa will be issued to the successful candidates.

    It was announced that the UK farm worker Visa pilot scheme will allow workers from outside the EU to do seasonal farm work in the UK for up to six months. There will be a cap of 2,500 workers per year. So it is the best opportunity to work in the UK for low-educated workers.

    work in uk

    On the eve of the announcement of the farmworker visa scheme, the home minister said that the government hoped that the pilot scheme would help in minimizing the farm labor shortages. He also said that an automated harvesting solution was not universally available, and hoped that the farmworker pilot scheme would support farmers during peak production times.

    He explained that the UK seasonal work visa scheme would be reviewed and it will be determined how to support the long-term needs of the UK farming industry. He said that Govt will observe, how foreign workers work in the UK in this period.

    The farmer unions in the UK reportedly welcomed the new UK farm worker visa scheme but warned that it was not ambitious enough, as more workers are needed on UK farms.

    Video on the latest position of UK farmworker visa

    To qualify for the UK farmworker visa, the minimum age should be 18 years on the date of application. In addition, the scheme will only be open to workers from outside the European Union. No skill and language course is required for this job.

    The UK Home Office said that the scheme will be started in the spring of 2019, and will be continued till December 2020. Now, this scheme has been started and common people are calling it UK farmworker visa 2019.

    If we talk about wages, farm laborers earn an average of £7.98  an hour across the UK right now. The data show a minimum salary of £6.65 an hour rising to £12.05 for top earners. Check UAE Visa Status

    This program is similar to other seasonal programs (such as those in New Zealand and the US), where laborers are paid slightly more due to it being peak season, and may also be provided with accommodation.

    On the other hand, it is a fact that the above-mentioned salaries only apply to very basic labor positions, and the more advanced/technical worker may pay substantially more for work in the UK.

    Authorized companies for UK farm worker visa

    The Govt of the UK has authorized two British companies, which will collect CV, experience letters, and other documents from applicants. Each company will sponsor 1250 workers from outside the EU for a UK farmworker visa.

    uk farm worker visa

    The address and websites of these companies are as under:

    1)- Pro-Force Limited

    Office address: Hunstead House, Nickle Farm, Chartham, Canterbury, Kent CT4 7PE, UK
    Email: enquiries@pro-force.co.uk

    Website: http://pro-force.co.uk/

    2)- Concordia UK Ltd

    Office Address: 19 North Street, Portslade, East Sussex, BN41 1DH.
    Email: farms@concordia.org.uk

    Website: http://www.concordia.org.uk/

    Latest Update for the UK form worker visa

    Initially PRO Force Limited, An authorized company for the UK farm worker visa scheme, started registration for the sack of checking candidates’ interest. A pro forma was given on the company’s official website for all non-EU countries.

    Meanwhile, the Second operating company Concordia limited announced that due to a limited quota of workers, they are unable to entertain people from all around the world.  The company will consider candidates for a UK farmworker visa only from Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova only. This announcement is still available on the official website of Concordia.

    Now after some days, PRO Force Limited has also given a similar statement on its website. According to the company, they will work for a UK farm worker visa scheme only in Ukraine and Moldova for the first year.

    Therefore, the PRO force has promised to entertain candidates from other countries in case of fewer applications. They have explained that all data of candidates for UK farmworker visa is saved which may be used next year.

    concordia website

    Comparison with Canada farm worker visa

    Canada farm worker visa is very similar to the Uk farmworker visa due to the same requirements. Both are seasonal and for unskilled workers. Wages are also almost equivalent in this category in both countries.

    When we talk about major differences, that may be clearly seen. As you know that Pakistanis are not eligible for a Canada farm worker visa. In the same way, green passport holders are not entertained this year in the UK farm worker visa scheme in spite of the UK government announcement.

    Anyways, a chance is still there, as an authorized company for UK farmworker visa has promised to consider candidates from all non-EU countries in next season. So don’t leave hope, best of luck for the next time.

    Meanwhile, you may search for farmworker jobs in the UK from given UK job portals for general categories. You can get further details of the UK farmworker visa from our videos given in this article.

    (Also read this: Korean free work visa )

    Links to search general farm worker jobs

    Govt. of UK Job search website: Find a job

    Top private job search site:          Indeed 

    Monster Job search site:            Monster Jobs

    CV-Library job search site:           CV LIbrary

  • Latest information about Foreign Embassies in Islamabad

    Latest information about Foreign Embassies in Islamabad

    Embassies in Islamabad

    If you want to get visa information of any country, you must know the address, phone numbers and website address of embassies in Islamabad. Usually, it is a time-consuming job and people do not want to waste their time in searching visa info from different sources.

    So we have compiled a list of all embassies in Islamabad in this article for their convenience. This is based on the latest information, however, some changes may occur with the time, we will try to review it from time to time for this purpose. The visitor of our site may inform us if find any inconvenience.

    A  comprehensive list of embassies in Islamabad is given below.

    Afghan Embassy in Islamabad

    Afghan Embassy is at the top of the embassies in Islamabad when we arrange the list alphabetically. Embassy address: House No. 8, Street 90,  Luqman Hakeem Road, G-6/3 Islamabad

    Phone:  (051) 282 4505/6

    FAX :         (051) 282 4504

    E-Mail:    info@islamabad.mfa.af

    Algerian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Algerian Embassy in Islamabad, House No.107, St.No.9, Sector E-7, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51265 3418, (+92) 51265 3773

    FAX:  (+92) 51-265 3795

    EMAIL: algem@isb.comsats.net.pk

    Please comment if this visa info is helpful for you.

    Argentina Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  Argentina Embassy in Islamabad, House 24, Street 18, Sector F-6/2  Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 518438120

    Website: http://epaki.cancilleria.gov.ar

    Australian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Australian Embassy in Islamabad (Australian High Commission in Islamabad), Pakistan  Constitution Ave and Ispahani Rd, Diplomatic Enclave No. 1, Sector G-5/4, PO Box 1046, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 835 5500

    Website: http://www.pakistan.embassy.gov.au/islm/home.html

    Australia embassy in islamabad

    Austrian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Austria in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 7 A, 21st Street, F 8/2, P.O. Box 1018, G.P.O. Islamabad.

    Phone:  (+92) 51 2818 421

    EMAIL          islamabad-ob@bmeia.gv.at

    WEBSITE    www.bmeia.gv.at/oeb-islamabad/

    Azerbaijani Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Azerbaijan Embassy in Islamabad,  G-5, Diplomatic Enclave II, Plots 1D/1E, Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 51 260 07 04

    Website: http://www.azembassy.com.pk/

    Bahraini Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Bahraini Embassy in Islamabad,  House no 5, Street no 83 G6 / 4, Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 51 2831117, (+92) 51 2831115

    Website: http://www.mofa.gov.bh/islamabad/Home.aspx

    Bangladesh Embassy in Islamabad

    Here is your desired address in the list of embassies in Islamabad.

    Address: Bangladeshi High Commission in Islamabad, House No. 1, Street No. 5, F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2279 267

    Website: http://www.bdhcpk.org

    Please comment if this visa info is helpful for you.

    Belgium Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Belgium Embassy in Islamabad, House 14, Street 17, P.O. Box 1016, F7/2 Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 265 41 02, (+92) 51 265 41 04,

    (+92) 51 265 41 03, (+92) 51 265 41 01

    Website: http://www.diplomatie.be/islamabad

    Bosnian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Islamabad, House No. 195-A, Street No. 10, Sector E-7, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 265 40 20, (+92) 51 265 40 18

    Website: http://www.bembassy.org/

    Brazil Embassy in Islamabad

    You can check here the Brazil embassy.

    Address: Brazil Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Street 72, Sector F-8/3, P.O. Box 1053, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2287189

    Website: http://islamabade.itamaraty.gov.br

    Brunei High Commission in Islamabad

    Address: High Commission of Brunei Darussalam in Islamabad, Pakistan, House No. 5, Street 6, Sector F6/3, Islamabad.

    Phone: (92) 51 2789 636 / 2789 637 / 2789 638 & 2789 639

    FAX           (+92) (51) 874 0266 / 366

    EMAIL       islamabad.pakistan@mfa.gov.bn

    Website: http://www.mfa.gov.bn/pakistan_islamabad/Theme/home2.aspx

    Bulgarian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Bulgarian Embassy  in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna V plot 6/11, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 227 91 96, (+92) 51 227 91 97

    Website: http://www.mfa.bg/embassies/pakistan

    Canada Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: High Commission of Canada / Canada Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave, Sector G-5, Islamabad, Pakistan, Postal Address, P. O. Box 1042, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2086000

    Website: http://www.pakistan.gc.ca

    canada embassy in Islamabad

    Chilean Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Chile in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 8, Street 21, Shalimar F-8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 512281461, (+92) 51285 3178

    Email – chileconhoisb@yahoo.com

    Chinese Embassy in Islamabad

    Here is your desired address in the list of embassies in Islamabad.

    Address: Chinese Embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 4 Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 512824786

    FAX          (+92) 51-873 8767                  Email: chinaemb_pk@mfa.gov.cn

    Website: http://pk.chineseembassy.org

     Cuban Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  Cuban Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 37, School Road, Sector F-6-2, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 282 4078, (+92) 51 282 4077

    Website:   misiones.minrex.gob.cu/es/pakistan

    Cyprus embassy in Islamabad

    There is no Cyprus embassy in Islamabad but Honorary Consulate .

    Address: Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Cyprus in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 8, Street 71, F-8/3, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51 5480156, 5476910

    Czech Republic Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Islamabad, Pakistan, Street 27, House 49, Sector F 6/2, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51  227 43 04

    Website: http://www.mzv.cz/islamabad

    Denmark Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Denmark Embassy in Islamabad, 9, 90th Street, Ramna 6/3, P.O. Box 1118, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2824 722

    Website:  http://pakistan.um.dk/

    Egypt Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Egypt Embassy in Islamabad, Plot no. 38-51, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave , P.O. Box 2088, Ramna 5-4, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2209072  2209082   FAX  :        (+92) 51 227 9552          EMAIL     pakegyptembassy@gmail.com

     Finland Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  Finland Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 24, Street No. 89, Sector G-6/3, Postal address: P.O. Box 1862, 44000

    Phone: (+92) 512828 426

    Website: http://www.finlandpakistan.org

     France Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: France Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave G/5, GPO box 1068, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 201 14 14

    Website: http://www.ambafra-pk.org/

    German Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: German Embassy in Islamabad, Ramna 5, Diplomatic Enclave

    Phone: (+92) 51 227 94 30      FAX:  (+92) (51) 227 94 36

    WEBSITE:    www.pakistan.diplo.de

    Greece Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Greece in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 33A, School Road, Sector F-6/2, Islamabad

    Phone: (+9251) 2825720, 2822558

    Website: www.mfa.gr/islamabad

    Greenland Embassy in Islamabad

    There is no Greenland embassy in Islamabad. However, Royal Danish Embassy deals on behalf of Greenland.

    Address: Royal Danish Embassy in Pakistan, H. 16, Street 21, F-6/2, P.O. Box 1118 Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51 282 4722/23/24

    Website: http://www.ambislamabad.um.dk

    Embassy of Hungary in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Hungary in Islamabad, Pakistan, House No 12, F-6/3 Margalla Road P.O.B. 1103 Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51-2823352

    Website:  https://iszlamabad.mfa.gov.hu/eng

    Indian High Commission in Islamabad

    Address: High Commission of India in Islamabad, Pakistan, G-5, Diplomatic Enclave

    Phone: (+92) 51220695054

    Website: https://www.india.org.pk/https://www.india.org.pk/

    Embassy of Indonesia in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Indonesia in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave I Street 5, Ramna G-5/4, Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 51 2832017  20, 2880067  68

    Website:  http://indonesian-embassy.pk/

    Iraq Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Pakistan, House No.57, Street No.48, F-8/4, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51  2253738 / (+92) 51  2253734 Website:  mofamission.gov.iq/en/Pakistan

    You should comment if this visa info is helpful for you.

     Italy Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  Italy Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, 54, Margalla Road, F-6/3, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51 2828982  2829229  2829106/8/9

    Website: http://www.ambislamabad.esteri.it

    italy embassy in islamabad

     Japan Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Japan Embassy in Islamabad, 53-70, Ramna 5/4, Diplomatic Enclave 1, Islamabad

    (P.O. 1119, Islamabad, Pakistan)    Phone: (+92) 519072500

    Website: http://www.pk.emb-japan.go.jp/

    Jordan Embassy in Islamabad

    Here is an updated  list of embassies in Islamabad. Check your desired address.

    Address: Jordan Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 99, Main Double Road, Sector, f-10/1, Islamabad.

    Phone:    (+92) 51 283 3311        FAX;  (+92) 51 227 9127

    EMAIL:     islamabad@fm.gov.jo

    Kazakhstan Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  Kazakhstan Embassy in Islamabad, House No.10, Str.45,, Sector F-8/1 Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 512262926; 2262925   FAX:  (+92) 51-226-2806

    EMAIL:   islamabad@mfa.kz

    Kenya Consulate in Islamabad

    Address: Consulate of the Republic of Kenya in Islamabad, House No. 8a, Embassy Road, Sector F-6/4, P.O. Box 2097, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2876024/2876025/2826951

    Kuwait Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Kuwait Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Plot No.1, 2 & 24, Diplomatic Enclave, University Road, Islamabad, P.O.Box 1030

    Phone: (+92) 512279413-to 5      FAX:   (+92) (51) 227 9411

    EMAIL:    kuwait-emb@yahoo.com

    Kyrgyzstan Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Pakistan, #163, Str. 36, F-10/1

    Phone: (+92) 51.221.2196

    Website: http://www.kyrgyzembassy.com.pk/

     Lebanon Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Lebanon Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, H.No. 17, School Road, F-6/1 Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 51 278 338  EMAIL: lebanonembassypakistan@gmail.com

    Website:   islamabad.mfa.gov.lb

    Madagascar Consulate in Pakistan

    Address: Honorary Consulate of Madagascar in Pakistan, B-307, Block 6, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi

    Phone: (+92) 21 498 3540

    Malaysian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: High Commission of Malaysia in Islamabad, Pakistan, Plot No. 144-150, Street No. 17, Sector G-5, Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51 2072900

    Website: http://www.kln.gov.my/perwakilan/islamabad

     Morocco Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Morocco Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, House 6, Gomal Road, E-7, P.O. Box 1179, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 512654744   FAX:  (51) 265 4741, OR (51) 844 1895

    EMAIL: emb-mor.islamabad@maec.gov.ma

    Myanmar Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Myanmar embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, No. 201 St N0 10, SECTOR E-7, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51 282 2460, 282 8828

    Website: http://www.myanmar-embassy-islamabad.net/

    Nepal Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Nepal Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 6, Gomal Road, E-7

    Phone:(+92) (51) 261 0317 – 19

    Website: https://pk.nepalembassy.gov.np/

    Netherlands Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Netherlands embassy in Islamabad, Plot 167 Street No 15 Sector G-5 Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 512004444

    Website: http://www.netherlandsembassy.org.pk/

    New Zealand Honorary Consulate General

    Suite # 239, Glass Tower
    2 Ft 3, Adjacent to PSO House, Main Clifton Road
    Karachi 75530
    TELEPHONE: (+92) 21 3564 4740   :FAX: 0 21 3564 4741

    Website: www.immigration.govt.nz/dubai

    Norway Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Norway Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 25, Street No. 19, Sector F-6/2, P.O. Box 1336

    Phone: (+92) 5122797204

    Website: http://www.norway.org.pk

    Oman Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Oman Embassy in Islamabad, House No 11, Street 61, Sector F-7/4,  P. O. Box 1194, Islamabad

    Phone:   (+92) 51 265 6717 / 8    Fax: (+92) 51 265 6720

    EMAIL:  omanembpk@hotmail.com

    Palestine Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Palestine Embassy in Islamabad, 9 House No. 486, PO Box 1064

    Phone: (+92) 51291185/8511

    Website: http://palestineembassy.com.pk/

    A comment is necessary if this visa info remained helpful for you.

    Philippines Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Philippines  Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 12, St. 12, F/2, Islamabad, P.O. Box 1052

    Phone: (+92) 51 2653661;2653662; 2653664

    Website: http://www.isdpe.com.pk

    Poland Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Poland Embassy in Islamabad, Street 24, G-5/4, Diplomatic Enclave II , PO Box 1032 Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 51.260.0844

    Website: https://islamabad.msz.gov.pl/en/

    Qatar Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Qatar Embassy in Islamabad,  20 University Road, Diplomatic Enclave G-5/4, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 0512600958 , 0512270833    

    Website: http://islamabad.embassy.qa/

    Romania Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: House No. 5-A, Street No. 30, Sector F-7/1, Islamabad 44000
    Phone: +92 51 8436601; +92 51 8436602

    Website: http://islamabad.mae.ro/en

    Russian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Russian Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna-4, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: 0 51 2600813- 2600812

    Consular service, visa section:
    Tel: +92-51-2600813
    Fax: +92-51-2600827

    E-mail: islamabad@dks.ru

    Website: https://pakistan.mid.ru/web/pakistan_en

    Saudi  Embassy in Islamabad

    Here is Saudi Arabia in the list of embassies in Islamabad.

    Address:  Saudi Embassy in Islamabad, 14, North Service Road, Diplomatic Enclave, G-4, Islamabad.

    Phone: (+92) 51 2600900-01

    Website: http://embassies.mofa.gov.sa/sites/pakistan/AR/Pages/default.aspx

    Seychelles Consulate in Karachi

    Address: Seychelles Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, 4 – J.C.H. Society, Main Sharea Faisal, Karachi – 75350

    Phone: (+92) 21 454 5912, (+92) 21 454  36 348

    FAX:   (+92) (21) 345 45 905

    EMAIL: sezcongen@seychelles.pk

     Consulate of Singapore in Karachi

    Address: Consulate of Singapore in Karachi, Pakistan, Lakson Square Building, 2 Sarwar Shaheed Road, Karachi-I, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 213 5686419 /(+92) 21 5685308

    +92 21 35688067 /
    +92 21 35680093

    E-mail:  singaporecg@cyber.net.pk

    Website: https://www.mfa.gov.sg/content/mfa/overseasmission/karachi.html

    Somalia Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Somalia Embassy in Islamabad, House No.8-A, ST# Embassy Road, F-6/4, Islamabad,

    Phone: (+92) 51 2299077-78.

    Website: http://somaliembassy.pk/

    South African High Commission in Islamabad

    Address: High Commission of South Africa in Islamabad, Pakistan, 48 Khayaban-e-Iqbal, Sector F-8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 226 2354/5/6

    Korean Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Korean Embassy in Islamabad, Block No. 13, Street No. 29, Diplomatic Enclave II, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2279385/6/7

    Website: http://overseas.mofa.go.kr/pk-ko/index.do

    Spain Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Spain embassy in Islamabad, Street 6, Ramna 5 Diplomatic Enclave I, P.O. Box 1144, Islamabad Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 208 87 77

    Website for visa applications: https://pak.blsspainvisa.com/

    Sri Lanka High Commission in Islamabad

    Address: Sri Lanka High Commission in Islamabad, House No. 2C, Street No. 55, F 6/4, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 282 8723 / 35 (+92) 51 227 8175

    Website: http://www.slhcpakistan.org

    Sudan Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Embassy of Sudan in Pakistan, F-6/3, Street # 16, House # 8, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 230 7691, (+92) 51 230 7692

    Website: http://sudanembassy.com.pk/

    Please comment on this article, if this visa info is useful for you.


    Swedish Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  Swedish Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, House No. 4, Street No. 5, F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 207 26 00

    Website: https://www.swedenabroad.se/islamabad

    Swiss Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Swiss Embassy in Islamabad, Street 6, Diplomatic Enclave, G-5/4, P.O. Box 1073, Islamabad 44000 Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 2279 291 3

    Website: http://www.eda.admin.ch/islamabad

    Syrian Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Syrian Embassy in Islamabad,  F-6/3, Hill Road, Islamabad.
    Phone: (+92) 51 227 9469 / 71 / 70

    Consular service, visa section:
    Tel: +92-51-2600813
    Fax: +92-51-2600827

    Website: https://pakistan.mid.ru/en_GB/web/pakistan_en

    Tajikistan Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Tajikistan embassy in Islamabad, House# 295, Street# 35, F 11/3, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 0512293462

    Website: http://www.tajikembassy.pk

    Thai Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Royal Thai Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, Plots No.1 – 20 Diplomatic Enclave-1, Sector G-5/4 Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 8431270

    Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/islamabad

    Tunisia Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Tunisian Embassy in Islamabad, House 221 Street No 21, E-7 P. O. Box 1913 , Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 265 23 87. (+92) 51 265 27 81.

    Website:   www.atunisia-pk.org

    Turkish Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Turkish embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Street 1 Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 831 98 10

    Website: http://islamabad.emb.mfa.gov.tr

    Turkey embassy in islamabad

    Turkmenistan  Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Turkmenistan Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 22-A Nazim-Ud-Din Road F-7/1, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51261 1817

    Website: http://www.trkmn.org

    Ukraine Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Ukraine Embassy in Islamabad, House 4, Street 5, sector F – 7/3, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 260 89 66

    Website: http://pakistan.mfa.gov.ua

    UAE Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  UAE Embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave Plot No. 1-22, Qaid-e-Azam University Road G-5, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 209 9999

    EMAIL: info.isb@mofa.gov.ae

    British High Commission in Islamabad

    Address: British High Commission in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5, P O Box 1122, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51 201 2000

    Website: https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-high-commission-islamabad/office/british-high-commission-islamabad

    US embassy in Islamabad

    Address: US Embassy in Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 512080000

    Website: https://pk.usembassy.gov/

    Uzbekistan Embassy in Islamabad

    Address:  Uzbekistan Embassy in Islamabad, House No. 2, Street No.2, Sector F-8/3, Kohistan Road, Islamabad

    Phone: (+92) 51226 4746

    Website: http://www.uzbekembassypakistan.org

      Vietnam Embassy in Islamabad

    You can check the Vietnam embassy here in the list of embassies in Islamabad.

    Address: Vietnam Embassy in Islamabad, House 117, Street No. 11, Sector  E-7, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51265 5785 / 7

    Website: http://www.vietnamembassy-pakistan.org/

    Yemen Embassy in Islamabad

    Address: Yemen Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, 90-Sumbal Road, F-10/1, Islamabad, Pakistan

    Phone: (+92) 51-210 2448,    (+92) 51-210 1115

    Fax:  (+92) 51-210 2417

    Email: yem.emb.isb@hotmail.com

    Also read: Invitation Letter for Visa Application

  • Best places to visit in Europe During the Whole year

    Best places to visit in Europe During the Whole year

    You are going to Europe and want to know about the best places to visit in Europe. Europe happens to be one of the most eye-catching tourist sites one can come close to and it is not just because of its beauty. Europe as a continent have so many stories to tell.

    Best places to visit in Europe

    Finally, you have decided to visit Europe and started the procedure to get a Schengen visa if it is applicable to you. Now you should be aware of the best places to visit in Europe during your tour. So we are going to help you by giving here comprehensive information about every destination which has an attraction for tourists. Schengen visa requirements

    1. Rome

    Rome happens to be one of the oldest cities in the world as well as one of the best places to visit in Europe. In the past, it was known to be a part of an ancient empire that was powerful and this is absolutely the reason why you should visit this place. Rome, however, isn’t a big city in terms of population and that is the most important thing about it. You will feel to be at peace in Rome while staring at one of the superiorly built monuments.

    While you visit Rome you can also visit Vatican City which happens to be the world’s smallest state. The Vatican City contains some museums which depict one of the finest architects known to man. Additionally, the Pope also holds a mass every Wednesday in St. Peter’s square. If you ever get a chance to visit Rome don’t forget to visit Colosseum which has a backstory to it as well.

    The Colosseum was known to host almost 80,000 people in ancient times and people of all regions would come here to this arena in order to compete or to watch the matches that were held in it. The cuisines of Rome are on point as well. Rome is specifically known for its pasta. Due to its monuments and beautiful architecture, Rome gets a lot of tourist attractions and happens to be one of the finest spots one can visit in Europe.

    Rome pic

    2. Paris

    Who is not familiar with Paris? This city has a specific history with romanticism and it feels like the city supports love. Besides that, they have got the largest cemetery which is estimated to have 300,000 bodies in it. The number goes on above that but that shouldn’t scare you off. The city appears to be elegant with its café culture which is said to have originated from Paris. Apart from this, the Eiffel tower gets tourist attractions and also contains a lot of museums which makes it a good tourism destination.

    Paris photo

    3. Santorini

    Santorini happens to be an ancient site that is included in the best places to visit in Europe. The city is located in the Aegean Sea. What is more surprising about this city is that it is surrounded by volcanic beaches but don’t worry the city is safe to be visited. The sunsets of this place are truly magical and besides that, they have dome-shaped houses and buildings.

    The place also happens to have one of the oldest vineyards. Santorini is known for its vast vineyards. Another amazing thing about Santorini is its food. You’ll be tasting Greek foods like cuttlefish. Known for its beauty this city serves to be a good spot for tourist attraction.

    Santorini pic

    4. Dubrovnik

    Dubrovnik is known for its fine taste in architecture. The city is located in Croatia and holds the Rector’s palace in it. Besides that, there is a summer festival that is held here every year which brings back 17th-century vibes. This festival specifically has operas and theatres which guarantees a fun-filled tour.

    Lokrum is also close to this region and is said to be cursed but still gets visited by many tourists over the year. There are no hotels in Lokrum and there’s a damaged fort on the island. Apart from that Lokrum also has cafés to keep you entertained. There are many more reasons which make Dubrovnik a part of the list of best places to visit in Europe.

    Dubrovnik pics

    5. Barcelona

    As mentioned before that each culture whether located in the same country or not have a different story to tell. The same is the case with Spain. Barcelona is yet another city in Spain that is unique in its own way. The city overall gives vibrant vibes and the life here seems to be busy yet at peace. You can also eat nutritious foods from here and we’re specifically talking about tapas here.

    Other than that you can visit Europe’s longest street the Ramblas and you can see different colors of it. Other than that free Wi-Fi, beautiful sunsets are the reason why you should visit this place. And don’t forget that this place is a beach and a mountain at the same time. There is also a traditional dancing contest that occurs every Sunday in the city so if you want to learn some moves along with your tour this is the right place to be at. Due to all these attractions, Barcelona is kept in the best places to visit in Europe.

    Barcelona photo

    6. Geirangerfjord

    Geirangerfjord is a mystical place, located in Norway and is what you can claim to be closest to nature. There are mountains in the place so you can get up for some trekking, hiking, and even mountaineering. Besides that, the place is known for its abandoned farms and breathtaking waterfalls. Geirangerfjord is really charming especially if you will glide or skydive from a mountain. Also, you can stay on the farms and the historic buildings this place offers and can go fishing as well. The overall impression this place gives is of something that is pure and close to nature and the environment is serene as well.


    7. Istanbul

    Istanbul is a city located in Turkey which is in the seventh position in the list of best places to visit in Europe. The city is known as the city which lies between two continents Asia and Europe. But that is not the only thing that makes this place special. The city has a rich history as well as there are many historical places in it such as Topkapi Palace.

    Istanbul city has a rich ottoman history and besides that, they have deliciously cooked foods. There are food markets in this city as well as museums. Something that will keep you entertained throughout your tour to Istanbul. There are antique stores so that if you are planning to buy something you will know the history behind it as well.

    best places to visit in Europe, Istanbul

    8. Prague

    While most of Prague was damaged during World War 2 its historical buildings weren’t changed much and were slightly renovated. This is the reason for the attention this place gets as the monuments depict a find architect of the 17th and 18th centuries. Our Lady Before Tyn is one fine example of best architects in Europe and Schwarzenberg Palace as well which is an architectural wonder.

    Besides this, the city has one of the oldest bridges of Europe and is decorated with statues. These statues are of the 30 saints that once lived in this city. Additionally, the city is cheap too and therefore the number of tourists that visit this place is in massive amounts as well.  


    9. Amsterdam

    Amsterdam is a city that is old and yet manages to be classy. The history goes back to the 17th to 18th centuries when the city was a trading hub and had its own fleet. The income earned from trading was spent on the building of amazing mansions which were vast and majestic. Besides this, the city also happens to hold a festival named as King’s day. On this day there are parades and boat parties as well.

    Amsterdam city has the largest number of cyclists so we suggest if you are planning to stay in this glorious city you should rent a cycle as it helps in easy commute. The city still has the best architectural designs which are built by keeping in the view of the city’s heritage. You are advised to keep this city in your list of places to visit in Europe while visiting the Schengen area.


    10. London

    Although London is now modernized it still manages to be one of the best tourist sites in the world. London theatre is one of the reasons for it. The performers in the London theatre sometimes are famous artists around the world so don’t be surprised about your visit to London. The view of London from a skyscraper adds more to its significance as a city and thus adds more to its appeal. Additionally, there is expensive accommodation in London but upon searching, you will easily find something that is budgeted. Shopping and sports also add more to its tourist attractions.


    11. Florence

    Florence is another site in Italy that is one of the best places to visit in Europe. The city serves to be one of the classical cities one can visit in Italy. The city as we know it is the birthplace of the Renaissance. There’s plenty of art to be observed in this city and this is the reason that it gets tourist attractions from all over the globe.

    Florence gives a classic small-town vibe so while you are there everything seems at peace. Food is also one of the attractions of this place with the best chefs making you delicious dishes to eat. Florence also hosts brands like Gucci and Prada which results in more shopping. The art and the energy this city has in it is unparalleled.

    Florence, best places to visit in Europe

    12. Neuschwanstein castle

    Neuschwanstein castle isn’t a city but it still serves as a good tour site. It dates back to the 1860s and was ordered to be built by King Ludwig. The castle holds the title of a sleeping beauty castle and is located near Fussen in Germany. The king died under mysterious circumstances in the room of this palace after being declared to have gone mad. Besides that, the palace shows great artwork and really takes one on a journey in the past. It was built when the king was only 18 years old. So head out to Neuschwanstein castle if you plan to visit Europe in order to be in touch with the artwork of the past.

    Neuschwanstein castle

    13. Alhambra

    Alhambra has an important place in the list of best places to visit in Europe. This historic fortress is in Spain and is considered to be a wonder there. It lies in Granda in the southern part of Spain. This was built as a small fort so as to keep the defenses up. The history of this building dates back to the 9th century and was basically reconstructed on the site of a past fortress. Later on, this fortress was occupied by Christian rulers. Also, the place serves to be the site where Columbus was given the permit to find the New World. Alhambra contains great botanical gardens as well as good artwork within the fortress.


    14. Monte Carlo

    Monte Carlo is a little city present in the country of Monaco. Monaco is now known for its glamor and casinos. If you are a car enthusiast this place is for you as fast car races are held here. Besides that, you will also find some finely built yachts on the harbor of this little city. The beach in Monte Carlo will also keep you entertained. Besides that, you can try the European dishes from this place and can watch some cool car races which will be definitely last as a memory.

    Monte Carlo

    15. Venice

    If you are planning to be somewhere peaceful with your loved one Venice is the place to be at. This is the city that enabled Marco Polo to travel to China. There are multiple sites to visit in Venice besides gliding in the Canal like St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace. You can also get a good view of Venice from a tower that explains why this place is so magnificent and unique in its own way.


    16. Moscow

    Moscow is the capital of Russia and lies on the eastern side of Europe. This city served as the capital of Russia for about 800 years which makes it one of the oldest cities of Russia. This is just one of the reasons behind the tourists visiting this place every year in the masses.

    Besides most of the famous sites in this city, the Kremlin is the site that people like the most and this due to the history behind it. This place is an old fortress which is renovated for the need of time and hosts museums in it. Besides that, it is also the home to the Russian president and is a major monument of Russian history. Moscow also has museums in it so you will be updated about Russian culture through them. This city reinforces the authenticity of the list of best places to visit in Europe.


    17. Bay of Kotor

    Covered between mountains and glittering blue water this place Bay of Kotor seems like heaven. Some people even perform pilgrimage here which is what makes this place so special. The place is really an art of nature and is located in Montenegro.

    best places to visit in Europe, Bay of Kotor

    18. Athens

    Who isn’t familiar with Athens? This city is one of the oldest civilizations known to man and is said to have been inhabited around 5th BC. The city serves as the capital of Greece. The old parts of this city are present in its old town which is known as Acropolis. The city hosts the temple of Zeus and some other old sites which will definitely catch your eye once you enter this city. As majestic as this city seems the tourists around the world also increase its value.


    19. Gullfoss

    Gullfoss is another tourist site located in Iceland. It still receives a fair amount of tourism but that is not enough. The place is downright heaven because of its waterfalls. The waterfalls feel like they are directly coming from a glacier but that isn’t the case. If you want to know more about Iceland and these waterfalls we will suggest you head out towards these magical places. This is definitely a serene spot to be at. You can’t afford to miss Gullfoss in the list of best places to visit in Europe.


    20. Lisbon

    The city is the capital of the Portuguese and is present on the side of the Atlantic coast. One of the historic facts about this place is that it allowed people from closer regions to travel around the world back in the 15th century. This voyage through the Atlantic lasted till the 17th century. On the side of the north bank, there is a tower located known as the Belem tower. To have your fun time in Lisbon we will suggest you head out to Sao Jorge castle. It is an important city included in the best places to visit in Europe.


    21. Budapest

    Budapest is one of the oldest known cities in Europe. The city was already established back when Hungarians occupied it during the 9th century. After that, this city was also ruled by the Ottoman empire. Mongols also ruled this place. The city now stands as the capital and is one of the largest cities as well. If you want to observe how Mongolians and Turks ruled a place this is the spot you should choose. The old town also gets tourists from around the world as it contains museums and monuments.


    22. Plitvice lakes

    Plitvice lakes are considered to be a national park and were declared to be preserved by Croatia. There are 16 lakes present in this region and the number of tourists that visit this place is astonishing as well. Almost a million people visit this place annually. The place, however, can’t be accessed through vehicles and the only way to go to these lakes is by walking. Who knows maybe you will see some wildlife along the way? The place is differently elevated so it is basically divided into two parts. Head out to these lakes when you are going to visit Europe.

    Plitvice lakes

    23. Matterhorn

    If you are interested in trekking and hiking this place is where you come to Europe. The Matterhorn is the largest mountain in Europe and stands at 4,478 meters. So if you want to make your own mountaineering club we suggest you head out to these mountains and maybe plant a flag on the summit when you will get there. Approximately more than 100 people attempt to climb this mountain in summers so you will definitely have company.


    24. Stonehenge

    Nobody knows for sure why these mysterious heavyweight stones were planted in what appears to be are burial grounds. However, the construction is known to have started somewhere around 3000BC. Some say that this place was somehow associated with astrology others refer it to some alien work. So why don’t you head out to this mysterious place and debunk this mystery yourself? Stonehenge is included in the places to visit in Europe due to this mystery.


    25. Vienna

    Vienna is located in Austria and is one of the best places to visit in Europe. The place is unique as you will see women dancing to certain rhythms. Apart from the dancing the city also has an Oldtown that has Holberg palace. Besides that Vienna gives off the vibes of an old city that is slightly renovated and feels like a good place to be in.

    best places to visit in Europe

    Friends, we have discussed most of the sites in Europe that you might want to explore so before you head out to Europe be sure of where you are heading and make a list of the best places to visit in Europe. All of the sites and cities discussed above are charming and unique in their own way. Now it is up to you which of these sites are you going to explore. 

  • Jobs in New Zealand for a seasonal work visa

    Jobs in New Zealand for a seasonal work visa

    Jobs in New Zealand

    If you are looking for jobs in New Zealand and want to know the main requirements for it, then this blog post is for you.  First of all, you should know that the main thing you required to work abroad is the job offer letter. A company working in  New Zealand will send you a job offer, then you can apply for a New Zealand work visa. There is a high demand for highly educated and skilled people in all countries. Low-educated people can not apply for these jobs.

    On the other hand, if there are any opportunities for these people, the agents come in between. A lower-middle-class person can afford their rates. So would you then sit quietly at home? Never think so, this post has a great opportunity for you which is totally free. Yes, we are going to talk about New Zealand Land Farm Worker Visa.

    New Zealand also faces a lack of labor for which they issue seasonal farmworker visas to foreign workers for their rural areas. They pay good wages for these jobs. You can earn handsome money. Through this article, it is important to teach you the fact that how you can get a job offer for it. Jobs in Dubai

    There are a lot of job portals in New Zealand, which are being updated on a daily basis. You have to send your cv on the email given in the job posts. The Employer will look at it and you will get a response. You just have to keep in mind that the post on which you are applying is for foreigners.

    We will only talk about the New Zealand Immigration Department’s approved job portals that they have given on their official website.
    New Zealand Immigration Department: https://www.newzealandnow.govt.nz/work-in-nz/nz-jobs-industries/agriculture-forestry-jobs

    Approved job portals:

    1)- Farm Source Jobs 

    2)- Seek (General jobs site)

    3)- Trade Me

    The very first New Zealand job portal is especially for Dairy Farm Workers. You can open it by a given link and create an account for login but it is not compulsory. Check the available Jobs in new Zealand by adding any role in the left side box. Any location also can be set but we will check the General area jobs. Open your desired job description and check all the details.

    Similarly, the second site “Seek” is for general worker jobs. You should also visit it and search for jobs. Then the third site is “Trade Me”.

    There are also links to some more sites on the New Zealand immigration website. These sites also have a lot of opportunities. You can find here Jobs in New Zealand. These are given below.

    It is a fact that job search is not an easy task, but if you spend your time, then Insha Allah will get a response from farm owners based in New Zealand. In this way, you can get jobs in New Zealand.