Tag: Procedure to pay traffic fine by internet banking

  • Public Query Traffic Violation, Easy Methods 2023

    Public Query Traffic Violation, Easy Methods 2023

    Public query traffic violation is an important topic for both ex-pats and local residents in Saudi Arabia. International surveys reveal that Saudi roads are included in the most dangerous roads in the world. There is a very high percentage of road accidents, so officials try to overcome the issue of traffic violations by punishing drivers who violate the traffic rules.

    An online system for query traffic violations is working in KSA. Iqama holders can check Mukhalafa and fines online from the Absher website/Portal now. It is the latest development as the MOI website and portal were used for this purpose in the past.

    Public Query Traffic Violation Check With Absher

    Only an account on Absher and the Iqama number is required for this procedure. You can pay their penalties by their bank account after checking it, by this simple method.

    Absher login
    • Open the Absher portal for a query traffic violation with this  official link
    • There are two options on the homepage, we will click on ”Individuals”.
    • Change the language from Arabic to English on opening a new page. You can process with the default language if know Arabic.
    • This is the time to log in to your account by entering your login ID or iqama number, password, and the image code in the respective boxes.

    NOTE: If you don’t have an Absher account then you can create it easily. Otherwise can use any friend’s account to check MOI traffic violations.

    • Now find the option of ”Traffic Violations information” at the bottom of the page and click on it. Type in the search bar if now found.
    • A new page will open, where you have to enter your iqama number/identity number and image code as shown in the captcha in the relevant boxes.
    • Then click on “view” to check the traffic violation information.

    Check Saher Traffic Camera Violations By SMS

    Foreign nationals living in Saudi Arabia also can check their Saher traffic camera violations attached with driving license by sending an SMS with having Iqama number followed by *56*(i.e.: *56*Iqama)

    • STC customers will have to send this message to 88993
    • ”Mobily” users send it to 625555. In reply you will receive a message, having the answer to your query traffic violation.

    Must read: STC balance check and transfer method

    Check MOI Traffic Violation With Violation ID

    When a vehicle is registered on your Iqama, you are asked to provide your Mobile Phone number. This number is used in case of any MOI traffic violation. The system sends a violation ID (and fine amount in some cases) on your number. You can check further traffic violation details with the help of this ID instead of the iqama number on the MOI site.

    If you have deleted the official SMS and want to know the traffic violation ID, it is possible. Simply dial 011-292-8888 from your phone. When the call is connected, press 2 for the English language and then select 1 for the Traffic violation menu. Now you will have to dial your iqama number. Then the system will tell you the violation ID.

    Procedure to Check MOI traffic violation details with violation ID

    After knowing the violation ID, you can check the MOI traffic violation date, car number, camera location, fine amount, and other details by this easy method.

    • First of all, open Public Query Traffic Violation by this link.
    • Change the language from the top of the page.
    • Give your iqama number and violation ID in the required boxes.
    • Also, enter the Image code of the captcha in the third box.
    • Now click on ”view” and check all details of your MOI traffic violation. It has been made possible due to the great service of IMO called ”Public Query Traffic Violation”.

    Public query traffic violation by ATM

    Friends, the Saudi government has provided a lot of facilities to ex-pats so that they can follow the rules and regulations in the kingdom. Suppose that if you want to know about your MOI traffic violation, there is a variety of methods even it is possible by ATM. If you have an ATM card, go to your nearest ATM point and follow this process to avail of the Query Traffic Violation.

    1. Insert your debit card into the machine.
    2. Enter your password.
    3. Check ”Traffic violation” in offered services.
    4. When you will click on this service, the system will ask you to enter the Iqama number.
    5. Now the traffic violations attached to your iqama will be shown on the screen.

    Moreover, this process can also be done on an Internet banking service. If you have this facility, you can check MOI traffic violations on your computer or laptop at home.

    New Traffic Fines in Saudi Arabia

    We let you know about the new Traffic fines in Saudi Arabia as the old penalties have been revised by the government. The authorities took this action for the sake of a decrease in road accidents. Now the first penalty starts from SAR 100 to 150 for these violations.

    1.  Leaving a vehicle without switching off.
    2.  Not insured vehicles.
    3.  Vehicles crossroads in areas unspecified for pedestrians.

    SAR 150 to 300 fine is for Motorists who:

    •  Do not use indicators during changing lanes,
    •  Reversing for more than 20m on main roads,
    •  Driving without a license,
    •  unfair use of car horns,
    •  Driving an unfit vehicle.
    •  Not using seatbelt
    •  Dot’ keep sufficient distance between vehicles
    •  Drivers who gathered at accident scenes caused by a traffic violation.

    The category of SAR 300 to 500 penalty is for drivers who:

    1.  Do not focus on driving,
    2.  Drivers with expired licenses
    3.  Do not use a child seat

    The following drivers of emergency vehicles will have to pay a penalty of SAR 500 to 900.

    1.  Who uses siren
    2. Do not stop at traffic signals
    3.  Write slogans or put stickers on the windows of their vehicles.

    SAR 1,000 to 2,000 penalty is for: 

    1.  Those drivers who have vehicles with no number plate.
    2. Responsible for the overloading of passengers
    3.  Who does not use lights at night

    SAR 3,000 to 6000 is for drivers who will skip a signal, or overtake a bus when students are disembarking. It is also for the wrong side of driving. While SAR 5,000 to 10,000 is fine for using the wrong number plate which is a criminal act in the form of a traffic violation.


    Penalties in Case of Accidents

    For MOI traffic violation caused an accident, due to which a person be hospitalized for up to 15 days, prison of two years or a fine of SAR100,000 or both can be ordered. Due to an accident results in death or impairment, the driver will have to go to jail for four years and pay a penalty of up to SAR 200,000.

    These all are new traffic fines in Saudi Arabia which are applicable equally for all citizens.

    How to pay traffic fines in Saudi Arabia

    It is essential to pay traffic fines in Saudi Arabia as soon as possible otherwise it will increase after a specific period. In this regard, newcomers usually ask the question, how to pay traffic fines in Saudi Arabia? The answer is simple, you can pay your traffic fine by internet banking or at an ATM.

    Procedure to Pay Traffic Fines Online

    Friends, your bank account has all the information regarding MOI traffic violations under your Iqama. So you can pay traffic fines by using your bank account. Please follow these steps to make your payment.

    1. log in to your bank account by using the login ID and password.
    2. Click on the ”Sadad” icon in the Payments option.
    3. A new page will open showing different options.
    4. You will select ”Traffic Violations”.
    5. On opening a new window, you have to select ”payment” in the box of transaction type and ”Query by civilian ID” in the box of Application type.
    6. Then enter your iqama number and violation ID in different boxes.
    7. Now the system will show you all the details with the fine amount. Review all the information carefully and click on ”Conform”.

    In this way, the MOI traffic violation penalty is paid from your account. The procedure of Internet banking may a little bit vary from bank to bank. The idea and requirements are the same. You can also use ATM to pay your traffic fine by adopting the procedure given for Internet banking.

    MOI Traffic Violations Dispute

    MOI traffic violations dispute is a popular term in KSA. The reason is that most of the vehicle owners are unsatisfied with the MOI new traffic fines. They feel that there is something wrong with the Saher System of Traffic Regulations.

    Saher camera system is under criticism. These cameras are available at all traffic signals and flash when someone crosses the red light. In the same way, another kind of camera checks the speed of vehicles. There are different fines for red light crossing and over-speed, which we have mentioned earlier in this article. The driver community has reservations over the performance of these cameras as well as MOI new traffic fines.

    To address the ex-pat’s reservations, the Ministry of Interior established an MOI traffic violation dispute system. You can also use this right with the Absher account. If you have registered yourself and have an account on Absher, you can use it. To create an account is not difficult, you should do it with the help of the Urdu video tutorial given in the article.

    How to File an MOI Traffic Violation Dispute?

    Let’s start learning the procedure to file an MOI traffic violation dispute. After checking the details of ”public query traffic violation’’, if you find an unfair fine then you may challenge it. Its method is available below.

    • Login to your Absher account and click on E-Services.
    • Then find the link of ‘’Traffic’’ on the left side of the page and click on it.
    • Now select ‘’ Dispute Traffic violation’’ from the list of options.
    • The ‘’Terms and Conditions’’ will appear on a new page. You have to click on ”Next” after reading all the points carefully.
    • Then select ‘’View Violation and Dispute’’ on a new page.
    • Here is another new page from where you will select the violation that you want to challenge along with the reason.

    The procedure is completed and your complaint against traffic violation has been registered. By adopting this method, anybody can file his MOI traffic violation dispute but it is mandatory to fulfill these conditions.

    1. The MOI traffic violation should not be more than one month old.
    2. The violation should be under SAHER system.
    3. If you have paid the fine then you cannot challenge this violation by Absher service.
    4. After filing the dispute, a fine should be paid so that it cannot be increased.
    5. The reason that you have selected to file a violation dispute must be relevant.

    Friends, we have explained a number of methods for Public query traffic violation and MOI traffic violation as well. These all are functional and useful for you. However, it’s your choice to choose one of them for your convenience.