Category: Countries Guide

this category contains the information of different countires.

  • 10 Places Where the Sun Never Sets

    10 Places Where the Sun Never Sets

    You are going to know about the Places Where the sun never sets in this blog. In most parts of the world, the duration of days and nights are more or less the same on average. However, you will find it rather interesting that in some parts of the world, the sun doesn’t set for months. Similarly, it doesn’t rise for months either. We will state 10 such places situated in 8 countries in this blog.

    List of the Places Where the sun never sets

    We will discuss 10 places known for their extreme weather. People call them the places where the sun never sets. You can find the details of these areas below.

    1)- Saint Petersburg, Russia

    While discussing Places Where the sun never sets, we will place Saint Petersburg at the top. It is a port city, situated in northern Russia, where the sun shines for almost 2 months straight, during summer, from mid-May to mid-July. Nights during this phase are famously known as White Nights.

    On the other hand, the sun doesn’t rise in this region from 2nd December to 11th January. It’s like a prolonged night for about 40 days. In winters, the temperature of this region falls as low as -36 degrees centigrade.

    Saint Petersburg

    2)- Finland

    Finland, in Northern Europe, is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Its population is more than 5.5 million. And its size is almost 338 thousand square kilometers.

    The weather in Finland is very unique, with rather a long winter as compared to summer. In southern parts of the country, the temperature stays below zero during winters. And on certain occasions, it may fall down to -30 C.

    However, in Northern Finland, one would expect the temperatures to go as low as -45 C. During winters, the sun can disappear for up to 50 days or more.

    On the contrary, the sun doesn’t set for almost 73 days during summer. Everyone wants to spend their time working or enjoying the sun. It’s an ideal time to visit if you love to be in the sun.

    If you are a winter lover, you may visit Finland in January or February. Be it a continuous night for 51 days or a day for straight 73 days at a stretch.

    A quarter of Finland is a part of the arctic circle. The average summer temperatures here lie around 7 degrees Celsius. It’s an ideal place for those who love skiing.

    European Countries Alphabetical Order


    3)- Kiruna, Sweden

    Kiruna is the northernmost city of Sweden where the sun does not set for about 100 days from May to August. In this way, the Scandinavian country Sweden is also included in the Places Where the Sun Never Sets. Its weather is not much different from that of its neighboring countries.

    Summer in Sweden lasts for 6 months with a continuous presence of sun in the sky. People who want to enjoy long days may come and visit Sweden. From May to the end of August, the sun rises just after a few hours of setting at midnight. The sun rises as early as 4 am.

    Sweden has quite unique weather. While the sun doesn’t set here during summer. It doesn’t show up throughout winter. Sweden also lies close to the arctic region near the North Pole.

    The capital Stockholm has almost 18 hours of sun during summer and this squeezes to merely 6 hours in winter. Despite living in a country with such crazy weather, Sweden is ranked 6th among the most prosperous countries.


    4)- Svalbard, Norway

    The city of Norway, Svalbard also stands in the Places Where the Sun Never Sets. The sun keeps shining from 10th April to 23rd August in this area. However, the sun refrains from showing up during winter. This region is among the most populated ones in Europe.

    Svalbard is the land of polar bears which Located on a latitude of between 74° to 82° north. If you want to visit this beautiful but dangerous area, you will have to follow the instructions and precautions issued by the local authorities to remain safe.


    5)- Hammerfest, Norway

    Hammerfest is one of the oldest cities in Northern Norway with a population of around 8,000 people. You can also recall it as the northernmost town in the world. The sunsets in this city at 12:43 am and rises again at an interval of just 40 minutes. This city is also kept in Places Where the sun never sets.

    It is a fishing port having a market status. Hammerfest is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List due to Struve Geodetic Arc that is located at Fuglenes in Hammerfest. It is also known for Sami culture and home to the Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society, a museum displaying the history of Arctic hunting.


    6)- Iceland

    It is the largest European island after the UK. It’s such a clean and cold place that there are no mosquitos in Iceland at all. It’s named Iceland probably because of its cold weather.

    The sun doesn’t set here in June. Whereas during other summer months, the nights are more lively than anything. The clear skies keep twinkling with countless bright stars.

    Although the weather throughout Iceland is almost the same, yet its southern parts are warmer than the northern ones.

    Best Places to Visit in Canada Throughout the Year


    7)- Qaanaaq, Greenland

    The largest island in the world, Greenland is administrated by Denmark. Although geographically being a part of North America, Greenland is politically and administratively considered a part of Europe.

    Qaanaaq is the extreme northern area of Greenland. Only 600 people live here due to its intensive weather. These areas have 24 hours of sun during summer. Whereas, they have 6 months of darkness during winter. In 1991, the lowest temperature in the North Pole, -69.6 degrees Celsius was recorded. It has a size of 2.166 million square kilometers. But it has a population of only 56 thousand individuals.

    Qaanaaq, Greenland

    8)- Utqiagvik, Alaska (US)

    Time to talk about Utqiagvik situated in the American state of Alaska. Here, the sun doesn’t set from the end of May till the end of July. It’s like a dream come true for summer sun lovers.

    However, the sun does not appear during the 30 days of November. Other than that, there are a few dark days here and there. You can have a wonderful experience if you visit here in June or November. Its snow-covered mountains are like a cherry on top.


    9)- Nunavut, Canada

    There’s also a region in the North American country of Canada, where they have drastic differences between day and night. The city of Nunavut has a really small population because of its unique weather.

    It’s among the least populated places in the world. There are only 3000 people living here. One can only get here using a boat or a ship. Nunavut has 24 hours of uninterrupted sunrise for two months.

    On the contrary, the sun disappears for almost a month during winter. That means complete darkness in this city. Perhaps this strange weather is the reason why this Canadian city has an almost nonexistent population.

    10)- Yukon, Canada

    Yukon is a famous province of Canada that remained covered with snow for most of the time in a year. But when we talk about the sunshine, it warms the city continuously for 50 days during the summer days. It is the reason why Yukon is known as the land of the midnight sun.


    Yukon is the least populated territory in Canada, with a population of 35,874 people. The government wants to grow this area and has started several immigration programs. Foreigners can get immigration of this province with less effort as compared to other provinces of Canada.

  • Minimum Bank Balance Requirement for Schengen Visa

    Minimum Bank Balance Requirement for Schengen Visa

    Minimum Bank Balance for Schengen Visa

    You are going to apply for a visa and want to know the minimum bank balance for Schengen Visa. Well, we have answered your query with a complete explanation in this blog. If you follow our instructions, no confusion will be left regarding the bank statement and show money.

    However, no specific limit for minimum bank balance is described by any Schengen country yet you have to maintain your bank statement wisely. Visa/immigration officers assess your financial position both from your closing balance and transactions. Suppose that you attach a bank statement showing a 1 million balance but no regular transactions. It will weaken your case instead of empowering. You need regular transactions to prove your business activity. Otherwise, the visa officer can guess that you have borrowed funds from somewhere to get a heavy statement.

    Minimum Bank Balance for Schengen Visa

    Beautiful Pics Of Top Hotels Around The World Jpg4.

    Now again the question stands, what would be the minimum bank balance for Schengen Visa. Here we can advise you, it must be the double expenditure required for your trip, at least. The average daily expense of a visitor is 60 to 80 Euro per day in a Schengen country. If you have planned a 15 days’ trip, multiply it to 15 and then to the number of persons going with you. Remember that the dues of the hotel and air ticket have already been paid.

    Alternate of Minimum Bank Balance for Schengen Visa

    If your bank statement is showing less balance, you can show your credit cards and mutual fund certificates, etc. If the statement is indicating a regular income and the source stated in your documents, it is sufficient and acceptable for the consular section. It is the alternative of minimum bank balance for Schengen Visa.

    Keep it in your mind, you have to justify every point written in a visa form and covering letter by you. The visa officer has an idea of your income according to your profession. Don’t try to mislead him, prepare and present your case honestly. He has the right to reject your visa case in case of any doubt.

    What to do in case of less income?

    You should select a Schengen country with less inflation to meet the limit of minimum bank balance. You also can keep your tour plane shorter for this purpose.

    In both cases, you are not bound to act the same. The Schengen visa allows you to enter any Schengen country by choice. In the same way, you can spend more days than that plane submitted with your visa application. It is totally a legal act.

  • پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر ویزا فری اور ویزا آن آرائیول کنٹریز

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر ویزا فری اور ویزا آن آرائیول کنٹریز

    ویزا فری ممالک

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ کی عالمی رینکنگ میں‌دودرجے بہتری آئی ہے. پچھلے سال یہ سیکنڈ لاسٹ نمبر پر تھا اور پاکستانی شہریوں کیلئے ویزا فری اور انٹری ویزاوالے ممالک کی تعداد 32 تھی۔ اب ہینلے پاسپورٹ انڈیکس کے مطابق گرین پاسپورٹ افغانستان، عراق اور شام سے اوپر ایک سو آٹھ نمبر پرچلا گیا ہےاور ایسے ممالک کی تعداد 31 ہوگئی ہے جہاں ویزے لیکر جانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے.ان میں 9 ممالک ایسے ہیں جو کہ ویزا فری انٹری دیتے ہیں جبکہ 22 ممالک کا ویزا آن آرائیول ہےیعنی کہ ان کے ایئرپورٹس پر انٹری ویزا دے دیا جاتاہے

    visa free countries for Pakistan 2022

    نمبر1: کامن ویلتھ آف ڈومینیکا

    ویزا فری کنٹریز میں‌ سب سے پہلے ڈومینکا ہےجوکہ بغیر ویزے کے چھ ماہ تک قیام کی اجازت دیتاہے. کامن ویلتھ آف ڈومینیکا کیریبین جزائر میں شامل ایک خوبصورت ملک ہے جس کارقبہ 750 مربع کلومیٹر ،آبادی پچھہتر ہزار، دارلحکومت روسو اور سرکاری زبان انگریزی ہے۔دنیا بھر سے سیاح اس جزیرے کا رخ کرتے ہیں.

    نمبر2: ہیٹی

    اس کے بعد ہیٹی ہے جہاں بغیرویزا تین ماہ تک قیام کیا جاسکتاہے.یہ تھوڑا بڑا جزیرہ ہے اور اس کی آبادی ایک کروڑ کے قریب پہنچ چکی ہے. .یہ بھی پورا سال ہی سیاحوں کی توجہ کا مرکز بنا رہتاہے۔ ویزا گائیڈ کتاب فری پڑھیں


    نمبر3: مائکرونیشیا

    انڈونیشیا کے قریب بحرالکاہل میں.جزائر پر مشتمل ملک مائیکرونیشیا میں‌بھی پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر ایک ماہ تک ویزا کے بغیر رہ سکتے ہیں. اس کا دارلحکومت پالیکیر ہے اور یہاں دیکھنے کو بڑے بڑے ساحل اورقدرتی حسن موجودہے۔

    نمبر4: ٹرینڈاڈ ٹوباگو

    پاکستانی شہریوں کیلئے چوتھا ویزا فری کنٹری جمہوریہ ٹرینیڈاڈ و ٹوباگو ہے جوکہ براعظم امریکہ میں شامل ہےاور بحیرہ کیریبین کے جنوب میں وینیزویلا سے 11 کلومیٹر کی دوری پر واقع ہے. اس کا دار الحکومت پورٹ آف اسپین ، سرکاری زبان انگریزی اورکل رقبہ 5130 مربع کلومیٹر ہے۔

    نمبر5: وانوآتو

    آسٹریلیا کے شمال میں جزائر پر مشتمل ملک وانواتو بھی ویزا فری کنٹری ہے جہاں شروع میں ایک ماہ رہنے کی اجازت ملتی ہے جوکہ قابل تجدید ہوتی ہے. وانواتومیں‌بھی سال بھر سیاحوں کی آمد کا سلسلہ جاری رہتاہے.

    نمبر6: سینٹ وینسینٹ

    پاکستانیوں کیلئے چھٹا ویزا فری ملک سینٹ وینسینٹ و گریناڈائنز ہے . یہ بھی بنیادی طور پر جزیروں پر مشتمل ایک چھوٹا ساملک ہے جوکہ بحیرہ کیریبئین میں امریکہ کے قریب واقع ہے۔ اس کا کل رقبہ 389 مربع کلومیٹر اور آبادی کا تخمینہ سوالاکھ کے لگ بھگ ہے ۔ اس کا دارالحکومت اور مشہورشہر کنگز ٹاؤن ہے۔

    Montserrat visa

    نمبر7: مونٹسیرٹ

    مونٹسیرٹ صرف 102 مربع کلومیٹر پر محیط چھوٹا سا جزیرہ ہے جوکہ برطانیہ کا خودمختار علاقہ کہلاتاہے اس کی آبادی صرف پانچ ہزار کے لگ بھگ ہے اوریہاں انگریزی زبان بولی جاتی ہے۔ سیاحتی نکتہ نظر سے اس کی خاصی اہمیت ہے۔ یہ تمام ہی ممالک کے شہریوں کو ویزا فری انیٹری دیتاہے۔


    یہ نیوزی لینڈ کے شمال مشرق میں واقع جزیرہ ہے جوکہ سیاحوں کو 30 روز تک بغیرویزا قیام کی اجازت دیتاہے اور اس میں توسیع بھی مل جاتی ہے۔ یہاں آپ براستہ نیوزی لینڈ ہی پہنچ سکتے ہیں۔نیو ائرپورٹ پرہر ٹورسٹ سے 80 ڈالر بطور ڈیپارچر ٹیکس وصول کئے جاتے ہیں۔

    نمبر9: کوک آئس لینڈ

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر نواں ویزا فری ملک کوک آئس لینڈ ہے جوکہ پندرہ جزائر پر مشتمل نیوزی لینڈ کا خودمختار ایریاہے۔ سیاحت کیلئے آپ ایک ماہ تک یہاں بغیر ویزا سٹے کرسکتے ہیں۔ اس میں مزید تیس روز کی توسیع بھی مل جاتی ہے۔

    ویزا آن ارائیول کنٹریز

    اب ذکرکریں گے ان 23ممالک کا جوکہ پاکستانیوں کواپنے ائیر پورٹس پراینٹری یا ویزا آنا ارائیول دیتے ہیں. ان میں‌ سب سے اہم ملک قطر ہے. جس نے گذشتہ سال ہی پاکستانی پاسپورٹ کے حامل افراد کوویزاآن ارائیول دینے کی سہولت شروع کی ہے. اب پاکستانی شہری قطرکےائیرپورٹ پر ہی ویزہ درخواست دے کر زیادہ سے زیادہ تین ماہ تک قیام کا ویزا حاصل کرسکتے ہیں.

    پاکستانی پاسپورٹ پر آن ارائیول ویزا دینے والے ممالک کی مکمل لسٹ درج ذیل ہے۔

    1. کمبوڈیا
    2. کیپ وردے
    3. کوموروس
    4. گنی بساؤ
    5. ڈی جی بوٹی
    6. قطر
    7. مڈگاسکر
    8. مالدیپ
    9. موریطانیہ
    10. نیپال
    11. موزمبیک
    12. پیلاؤ
    13. روانڈہ
    14. سامووا
    15. سے شالز
    16. سینی گال
    17. تنرانیہ
    18. صومالیہ
    19. ٹوگو
    20. ایسٹ تیمور
    21. ٹووالو
    22. یوگنڈا
  • Best places to visit in Europe During the Whole year

    Best places to visit in Europe During the Whole year

    You are going to Europe and want to know about the best places to visit in Europe. Europe happens to be one of the most eye-catching tourist sites one can come close to and it is not just because of its beauty. Europe as a continent have so many stories to tell.

    Best places to visit in Europe

    Finally, you have decided to visit Europe and started the procedure to get a Schengen visa if it is applicable to you. Now you should be aware of the best places to visit in Europe during your tour. So we are going to help you by giving here comprehensive information about every destination which has an attraction for tourists. Schengen visa requirements

    1. Rome

    Rome happens to be one of the oldest cities in the world as well as one of the best places to visit in Europe. In the past, it was known to be a part of an ancient empire that was powerful and this is absolutely the reason why you should visit this place. Rome, however, isn’t a big city in terms of population and that is the most important thing about it. You will feel to be at peace in Rome while staring at one of the superiorly built monuments.

    While you visit Rome you can also visit Vatican City which happens to be the world’s smallest state. The Vatican City contains some museums which depict one of the finest architects known to man. Additionally, the Pope also holds a mass every Wednesday in St. Peter’s square. If you ever get a chance to visit Rome don’t forget to visit Colosseum which has a backstory to it as well.

    The Colosseum was known to host almost 80,000 people in ancient times and people of all regions would come here to this arena in order to compete or to watch the matches that were held in it. The cuisines of Rome are on point as well. Rome is specifically known for its pasta. Due to its monuments and beautiful architecture, Rome gets a lot of tourist attractions and happens to be one of the finest spots one can visit in Europe.

    Rome pic

    2. Paris

    Who is not familiar with Paris? This city has a specific history with romanticism and it feels like the city supports love. Besides that, they have got the largest cemetery which is estimated to have 300,000 bodies in it. The number goes on above that but that shouldn’t scare you off. The city appears to be elegant with its café culture which is said to have originated from Paris. Apart from this, the Eiffel tower gets tourist attractions and also contains a lot of museums which makes it a good tourism destination.

    Paris photo

    3. Santorini

    Santorini happens to be an ancient site that is included in the best places to visit in Europe. The city is located in the Aegean Sea. What is more surprising about this city is that it is surrounded by volcanic beaches but don’t worry the city is safe to be visited. The sunsets of this place are truly magical and besides that, they have dome-shaped houses and buildings.

    The place also happens to have one of the oldest vineyards. Santorini is known for its vast vineyards. Another amazing thing about Santorini is its food. You’ll be tasting Greek foods like cuttlefish. Known for its beauty this city serves to be a good spot for tourist attraction.

    Santorini pic

    4. Dubrovnik

    Dubrovnik is known for its fine taste in architecture. The city is located in Croatia and holds the Rector’s palace in it. Besides that, there is a summer festival that is held here every year which brings back 17th-century vibes. This festival specifically has operas and theatres which guarantees a fun-filled tour.

    Lokrum is also close to this region and is said to be cursed but still gets visited by many tourists over the year. There are no hotels in Lokrum and there’s a damaged fort on the island. Apart from that Lokrum also has cafés to keep you entertained. There are many more reasons which make Dubrovnik a part of the list of best places to visit in Europe.

    Dubrovnik pics

    5. Barcelona

    As mentioned before that each culture whether located in the same country or not have a different story to tell. The same is the case with Spain. Barcelona is yet another city in Spain that is unique in its own way. The city overall gives vibrant vibes and the life here seems to be busy yet at peace. You can also eat nutritious foods from here and we’re specifically talking about tapas here.

    Other than that you can visit Europe’s longest street the Ramblas and you can see different colors of it. Other than that free Wi-Fi, beautiful sunsets are the reason why you should visit this place. And don’t forget that this place is a beach and a mountain at the same time. There is also a traditional dancing contest that occurs every Sunday in the city so if you want to learn some moves along with your tour this is the right place to be at. Due to all these attractions, Barcelona is kept in the best places to visit in Europe.

    Barcelona photo

    6. Geirangerfjord

    Geirangerfjord is a mystical place, located in Norway and is what you can claim to be closest to nature. There are mountains in the place so you can get up for some trekking, hiking, and even mountaineering. Besides that, the place is known for its abandoned farms and breathtaking waterfalls. Geirangerfjord is really charming especially if you will glide or skydive from a mountain. Also, you can stay on the farms and the historic buildings this place offers and can go fishing as well. The overall impression this place gives is of something that is pure and close to nature and the environment is serene as well.


    7. Istanbul

    Istanbul is a city located in Turkey which is in the seventh position in the list of best places to visit in Europe. The city is known as the city which lies between two continents Asia and Europe. But that is not the only thing that makes this place special. The city has a rich history as well as there are many historical places in it such as Topkapi Palace.

    Istanbul city has a rich ottoman history and besides that, they have deliciously cooked foods. There are food markets in this city as well as museums. Something that will keep you entertained throughout your tour to Istanbul. There are antique stores so that if you are planning to buy something you will know the history behind it as well.

    best places to visit in Europe, Istanbul

    8. Prague

    While most of Prague was damaged during World War 2 its historical buildings weren’t changed much and were slightly renovated. This is the reason for the attention this place gets as the monuments depict a find architect of the 17th and 18th centuries. Our Lady Before Tyn is one fine example of best architects in Europe and Schwarzenberg Palace as well which is an architectural wonder.

    Besides this, the city has one of the oldest bridges of Europe and is decorated with statues. These statues are of the 30 saints that once lived in this city. Additionally, the city is cheap too and therefore the number of tourists that visit this place is in massive amounts as well.  


    9. Amsterdam

    Amsterdam is a city that is old and yet manages to be classy. The history goes back to the 17th to 18th centuries when the city was a trading hub and had its own fleet. The income earned from trading was spent on the building of amazing mansions which were vast and majestic. Besides this, the city also happens to hold a festival named as King’s day. On this day there are parades and boat parties as well.

    Amsterdam city has the largest number of cyclists so we suggest if you are planning to stay in this glorious city you should rent a cycle as it helps in easy commute. The city still has the best architectural designs which are built by keeping in the view of the city’s heritage. You are advised to keep this city in your list of places to visit in Europe while visiting the Schengen area.


    10. London

    Although London is now modernized it still manages to be one of the best tourist sites in the world. London theatre is one of the reasons for it. The performers in the London theatre sometimes are famous artists around the world so don’t be surprised about your visit to London. The view of London from a skyscraper adds more to its significance as a city and thus adds more to its appeal. Additionally, there is expensive accommodation in London but upon searching, you will easily find something that is budgeted. Shopping and sports also add more to its tourist attractions.


    11. Florence

    Florence is another site in Italy that is one of the best places to visit in Europe. The city serves to be one of the classical cities one can visit in Italy. The city as we know it is the birthplace of the Renaissance. There’s plenty of art to be observed in this city and this is the reason that it gets tourist attractions from all over the globe.

    Florence gives a classic small-town vibe so while you are there everything seems at peace. Food is also one of the attractions of this place with the best chefs making you delicious dishes to eat. Florence also hosts brands like Gucci and Prada which results in more shopping. The art and the energy this city has in it is unparalleled.

    Florence, best places to visit in Europe

    12. Neuschwanstein castle

    Neuschwanstein castle isn’t a city but it still serves as a good tour site. It dates back to the 1860s and was ordered to be built by King Ludwig. The castle holds the title of a sleeping beauty castle and is located near Fussen in Germany. The king died under mysterious circumstances in the room of this palace after being declared to have gone mad. Besides that, the palace shows great artwork and really takes one on a journey in the past. It was built when the king was only 18 years old. So head out to Neuschwanstein castle if you plan to visit Europe in order to be in touch with the artwork of the past.

    Neuschwanstein castle

    13. Alhambra

    Alhambra has an important place in the list of best places to visit in Europe. This historic fortress is in Spain and is considered to be a wonder there. It lies in Granda in the southern part of Spain. This was built as a small fort so as to keep the defenses up. The history of this building dates back to the 9th century and was basically reconstructed on the site of a past fortress. Later on, this fortress was occupied by Christian rulers. Also, the place serves to be the site where Columbus was given the permit to find the New World. Alhambra contains great botanical gardens as well as good artwork within the fortress.


    14. Monte Carlo

    Monte Carlo is a little city present in the country of Monaco. Monaco is now known for its glamor and casinos. If you are a car enthusiast this place is for you as fast car races are held here. Besides that, you will also find some finely built yachts on the harbor of this little city. The beach in Monte Carlo will also keep you entertained. Besides that, you can try the European dishes from this place and can watch some cool car races which will be definitely last as a memory.

    Monte Carlo

    15. Venice

    If you are planning to be somewhere peaceful with your loved one Venice is the place to be at. This is the city that enabled Marco Polo to travel to China. There are multiple sites to visit in Venice besides gliding in the Canal like St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace. You can also get a good view of Venice from a tower that explains why this place is so magnificent and unique in its own way.


    16. Moscow

    Moscow is the capital of Russia and lies on the eastern side of Europe. This city served as the capital of Russia for about 800 years which makes it one of the oldest cities of Russia. This is just one of the reasons behind the tourists visiting this place every year in the masses.

    Besides most of the famous sites in this city, the Kremlin is the site that people like the most and this due to the history behind it. This place is an old fortress which is renovated for the need of time and hosts museums in it. Besides that, it is also the home to the Russian president and is a major monument of Russian history. Moscow also has museums in it so you will be updated about Russian culture through them. This city reinforces the authenticity of the list of best places to visit in Europe.


    17. Bay of Kotor

    Covered between mountains and glittering blue water this place Bay of Kotor seems like heaven. Some people even perform pilgrimage here which is what makes this place so special. The place is really an art of nature and is located in Montenegro.

    best places to visit in Europe, Bay of Kotor

    18. Athens

    Who isn’t familiar with Athens? This city is one of the oldest civilizations known to man and is said to have been inhabited around 5th BC. The city serves as the capital of Greece. The old parts of this city are present in its old town which is known as Acropolis. The city hosts the temple of Zeus and some other old sites which will definitely catch your eye once you enter this city. As majestic as this city seems the tourists around the world also increase its value.


    19. Gullfoss

    Gullfoss is another tourist site located in Iceland. It still receives a fair amount of tourism but that is not enough. The place is downright heaven because of its waterfalls. The waterfalls feel like they are directly coming from a glacier but that isn’t the case. If you want to know more about Iceland and these waterfalls we will suggest you head out towards these magical places. This is definitely a serene spot to be at. You can’t afford to miss Gullfoss in the list of best places to visit in Europe.


    20. Lisbon

    The city is the capital of the Portuguese and is present on the side of the Atlantic coast. One of the historic facts about this place is that it allowed people from closer regions to travel around the world back in the 15th century. This voyage through the Atlantic lasted till the 17th century. On the side of the north bank, there is a tower located known as the Belem tower. To have your fun time in Lisbon we will suggest you head out to Sao Jorge castle. It is an important city included in the best places to visit in Europe.


    21. Budapest

    Budapest is one of the oldest known cities in Europe. The city was already established back when Hungarians occupied it during the 9th century. After that, this city was also ruled by the Ottoman empire. Mongols also ruled this place. The city now stands as the capital and is one of the largest cities as well. If you want to observe how Mongolians and Turks ruled a place this is the spot you should choose. The old town also gets tourists from around the world as it contains museums and monuments.


    22. Plitvice lakes

    Plitvice lakes are considered to be a national park and were declared to be preserved by Croatia. There are 16 lakes present in this region and the number of tourists that visit this place is astonishing as well. Almost a million people visit this place annually. The place, however, can’t be accessed through vehicles and the only way to go to these lakes is by walking. Who knows maybe you will see some wildlife along the way? The place is differently elevated so it is basically divided into two parts. Head out to these lakes when you are going to visit Europe.

    Plitvice lakes

    23. Matterhorn

    If you are interested in trekking and hiking this place is where you come to Europe. The Matterhorn is the largest mountain in Europe and stands at 4,478 meters. So if you want to make your own mountaineering club we suggest you head out to these mountains and maybe plant a flag on the summit when you will get there. Approximately more than 100 people attempt to climb this mountain in summers so you will definitely have company.


    24. Stonehenge

    Nobody knows for sure why these mysterious heavyweight stones were planted in what appears to be are burial grounds. However, the construction is known to have started somewhere around 3000BC. Some say that this place was somehow associated with astrology others refer it to some alien work. So why don’t you head out to this mysterious place and debunk this mystery yourself? Stonehenge is included in the places to visit in Europe due to this mystery.


    25. Vienna

    Vienna is located in Austria and is one of the best places to visit in Europe. The place is unique as you will see women dancing to certain rhythms. Apart from the dancing the city also has an Oldtown that has Holberg palace. Besides that Vienna gives off the vibes of an old city that is slightly renovated and feels like a good place to be in.

    best places to visit in Europe

    Friends, we have discussed most of the sites in Europe that you might want to explore so before you head out to Europe be sure of where you are heading and make a list of the best places to visit in Europe. All of the sites and cities discussed above are charming and unique in their own way. Now it is up to you which of these sites are you going to explore.