kafeel name on Iqama

You can check Kafeel name on Iqama with different methods, we are giving here the two simplest ways. These procedures remain functional every time. Our guideline will make iqama transfer status-checking Check Kafeel name on Iqama with Absher Sometimes, ex-pats have to change their job, company, and Kafeel as well.Continue Reading

Saudi Arabia Ramadan 2022

As the holy month of Ramadan has been begun in KSA, the nationals and ex-pats are looking for ”Saudi Arabia Ramadan Calendar 2022. If you are in Saudia, you must know that it is obligatory to take a fast in the kingdom for all healthy Muslims. Rules are very strictContinue Reading

iqama renewal fee

Due to the hike in the Iqama fees under Saudization policy, both the ex-pats and Kafeel prefer to check the iqama renewal fee before thinking of Iqama Renewal. Now the MOI Iqama fees and health insurance is also imposed on iqama holders.   First of all, we will explain here the IqamaContinue Reading